Sakaski said “hmm”.

His eyes continued to stare at the kid on the edge of the wanted poster.

Sakaski looked a little strange.

Carol stepped forward and looked at the wanted poster. There was nothing surprising about it.

But the date looks like it was newly released yesterday.

After a while Sakaski looked up:

“Carol, are there any useless Devil Fruits?”

Carol thought for a while:

“Well… I collected it from pirate ships over the years.”

“There are five in the animal department, two in the superhuman department, and none in the natural department.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Just take three animals and put them on the boat.”

“Get ready to go to sea.”

Carol said:


Sakaski stood up, stretched, and twisted his neck:

“Let’s go and see Enel Road.”

“This kid has been mysterious lately.”

“Look what’s going on.”

Carol smiled and said:

“I know this. It is said that they are working on some secret weapon.”

“Abducted the adopted son of the Warring States General, Rosinandi.”

“Staying in the lab all day.”

“The Warring States general was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.”

“I finally came back to stay for a while, but in the end I couldn’t even see Rocinante.”

Sakaski smiled:

“That would be so much fun.”

“Let’s go.”

Open the window of the study room on the second floor.


Two sounds broke through the air.

The people in the study disappeared without a trace…


Naval Headquarters Academy, the room next to the principal’s office.

At this time, the place was completely transformed into a laboratory full of high-tech equipment.

The all-metal style is neat and orderly, and various sophisticated experimental equipment can be seen everywhere.

In addition, Lieutenant General Morris was in the room next to him.

This is also the safest place. Even if there is any accident, Lieutenant General Morris can arrive as soon as possible.

In the laboratory.

Electric light condensed in Enel’s hand, and he wore a mechanical high-power magnifying glass on his right eye.

What looked like a small missile was adjusting something in front of him.

Next to him, Rosinandi pressed his hands on a small mechanical ball, pouring power into it continuously.

There are many mechanical balls that have been filled next to it.

When Sakaski and Carroll walked to the laboratory door, the mechanical door opened automatically.

What caught their eyes was this laboratory full of technology.

Enel put down the missile in his hand, turned around and said with a smile:

“Hey, uncle.”

“Brother Carol.”

Sakaski smiled at Rocinante, who was looking at him a little cautiously, and looked at Eniro:

“What secret weapon are you researching?”

Then he walked in.

Carol followed, smiling and raising her hand to say hello to Rosinandy.

Enelu smiled and reached out to pick up the mini missile next to him.

Then he took out a phone bug and handed it to Sakaski.

Then he took out another phone bug and walked to the corner of the laboratory, holding the phone bug in his hand to dial.

Sakaski’s phone started ringing loudly.

At this time, Anilu said:

“Uncle, watch carefully!”


The mini missile in his hand was crushed instantly.

It seemed like something rushed out, but it didn’t seem to be there.

The phone bug in Sakaski’s hand stopped moving for an instant, and then his eyes turned in circles, and he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue as if he was exhausted.

The same goes for the phone bug in Enel’s hand.

Sakaski raised his eyebrows:


Enelu chuckled:

“I came up with it based on Rosinandy’s abilities.”

“Magnetic field bomb.”

“Using electromagnetic high-power microwaves to radiate in a directional manner.”

“Depending on the amount of power, it can instantly paralyze communications within a certain range.”

“It’s another kind of barrier to the fruit of silence.”

“After all, if the news doesn’t get out, a lot can be done.”

Sakaski pondered for a few seconds:

“How many people know this thing?”

Enel said:

“It’s just us and Grandpa Morris.”

“I wonder if Rosinandi told him about the Warring States General.”

Rosindi quickly shook his head after hearing himself:

“No no.”

Sakaski nodded:

“After studying it, put it away first.”

“This is already a strategic-level weapon.”

“Can’t be exposed.”

Enelu was stunned. He hadn’t thought about it that much before, but he still nodded.

Sakaski said:

“After I go to sea next, I’m going to go to Punk Hassad.”

“Are you going?

go. ”

Anilu said excitedly:


“It just so happens that I have a few other ideas that I can discuss with the teacher.”

“Rosinandi, let’s go together!”

Looking at Rosinandi who was hesitating next to him, Anilu decided directly:

“Okay, no need to hesitate.”

“Let Grandpa Morris speak to the Warring States General.”

“That’s it.”

“Let’s go out and have some fun.”

After saying that, he took Rosinandi and ran out:

“We’re going to prepare things! Remember to close the door!”

Sakaski shook his head and walked out:

“Carol, go and talk to Lieutenant General Morris and General Sengoku later.”

“I’ll get on the boat first.”

Carol’s face collapsed:


“Why should I tell you?”

Sakaski’s voice came slowly:

“I don’t want to face the anger of two old people…”

Carol covered her forehead:

“That’s too much, Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

“I don’t want to either!!!”

Sakaski’s chuckle came from a distance:

“Young people need to exercise…”


The Warring States general who had not seen Rosinandi come home for a long time came to the door.

Lieutenant General Morris was also confused. He searched the entire academy but could not find the two children.

At this time, the guard came and said that it was Lieutenant General Sakaski who asked him to hand over a letter to the two of them after dinner.

The two opened the envelope.

There are just a few words written on the paper.

“I’ll take the child away to play for a few days, don’t think about it. – Sakaski”

The angry Warring States unconsciously crushed the paper in his hand:



On Sakaski’s warship.

Sakaski, who was eating in the restaurant, suddenly saw Carol coming over with a phone bug with a weird look on his face.

I had a bad feeling in my heart.

After answering the phone bug, Sengoku’s angry voice came from over there…

After a long time, Sakaski smiled bitterly and hung up the phone.

He glanced at Carol and sighed:

“It’s okay, keep eating.”

He handed the phone bug to Carol who looked weird.

The moment Carol answered the phone.

Sakaski suddenly spoke:

“Carol, you’re slacking off.”

“The bug answered the phone 0.1 second later than usual.”

“It’s a step back in response.”

“I’ll practice with you for a while.”

“eat quickly.”

Ignoring the frozen Carol, Sakaski finished his meal in three strokes.

Headed to the training room……….

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