New world, unknown sea.

After battling a nasty storm all night.

The Roger Pirates have seriously deviated from their course.

Everyone looked like they were having a headache.

“It’s over.”

“Where did it float to?”

“The response of the record pointer is also particularly weak.”

“It’s too far away.”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Only Roger looked ahead with his mouth wide open:

“Ah Damou!!!”

“get ready!”

“There’s going to be a big guy!!!”


Suddenly everyone on the boat became nervous.


“The enemy is attacking!”

“That’s not right, there’s no one there either.”

“Captain Roger, don’t be scary!”


Roger chuckled:

“I’m not scary.”

“I heard.”

“Right there.”

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he saw that majestic figure.

That ancient creature walking on the sea day after day…


New World, Wano Country, Onigashima.

The headquarters of the Beast Pirates.

At this time, Ghost Island already has a hint of the style of later generations.

But it still looks a little crude.

The main reason is Kaido’s strength and fear of the guy on the Roger Pirates’ ship.

But it will all end today.

Ghost Island, in an underground laboratory.

Compared to the simplicity outside, it can be said to be quite sophisticated.

Various experimental equipment can be seen everywhere, and countless “experimental materials” are held in cages in the corner.

And Kaido was indeed lying on the experimental table, with his abdomen cut open.

Quinn was working on Kaido’s abdomen with gloves on.

Wipe the sweat from your head from time to time.

Finally after half a day.

As the wound was sutured, Quinn breathed a sigh of relief:

“Lord Kaido.”

“Get up and feel it.”

With the implantation of the mechanical lung, Kaido felt a steady stream of power pouring out of his body.

There is even a feeling that I am invincible now.

Take a few deep breaths to calm down.

Kaido knew that this was the reason why he regained his strength after making up for his body’s defects.

Walking towards the door of the laboratory, he transformed into a green dragon several hundred meters high, broke through the door and flew into the sky.

hold head high–

A dragon roar resounded throughout the world.

Kaido, who transformed into a blue dragon, had heat brewing in his mouth.


Endless hot breath shot out from the mouth, and with the flying blue dragon, the entire ghost island turned into a sea of ​​fire.

But these did not affect Kaido’s excitement.

After setting the fire for an unknown amount of time, Kaido brewed a bad wind and blew it away in all directions.

The fire was extinguished in a moment.

Kaido transformed into a human again and fell to the ground:

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!!!”

“Happy! So happy!”

“This feeling!!!!”

“That’s great!!!!”

After being immersed for a moment, he turned around and looked at the excited Jhin and the somewhat frightened Quinn and his men.

Kaido’s smile continued:

“Quinn, you did great.”

“Jin, take that thing out.”

“give him.”

Excited Jhin nodded.

He took out something and threw it to Quinn. Although he usually disliked this guy, it was still somewhat useful after he cured Brother Kaido.

Quinn took the strange devil fruit with a cigarette in his mouth:

“This is?”

Jhin on the side crossed his arms and explained:

“Animal type·Dragon dragon fruit·Ancient species·Brachiosaurus fruit.”

“Since you performed well this time, Brother Kaido will reward you.”

Quinn looked at Kaido in surprise:

“Thank you, Lord Kaido.”

Kaido waved his hand:

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

“Eat it and we will be brothers from now on.”

“Call me Brother Kaido.”

Quinn shouted excitedly:


Kaido clenched his fist and felt the growing power, and his fruit ability also showed a slight improvement.



A few days later, the Grand Line, the Geordie Pirates.

Captain Landon Jody directed the bombardment:

“Hurry up!”


“damn it!”

“Stop that warship!”

“If you’re still some distance away, we’ll get rid of them!”

Landon Jody wiped the sweat from his brow. Bad luck.

But just after finishing the supplies and setting off not far away, I found a warship on the opposite side.

Without waiting for a reaction, the warship came straight towards them.

Still somewhat aware of his own strength, Landon Jodi turned around and ran away.

But this ghost warship is chasing me for 150

What are the pirates doing with a 00,000 bounty on their heads?

Just robbed a few villages, that’s all.

“Empty the supplies!”


“The wind is coming!!!”


Aboard the Sakaski warship.

Looking at the frantically escaping pirate ships, I looked at the chart.

Sakaski said:

“Enilu, please stay alive first.”

Enel’s crisp voice sounded:



With a loud noise, his whole body turned into lightning and rushed to the pole of Randy’s pirate ship.

Looking at the frightened pirates below, Enel pointed his index finger at the deck.

A crackling sound sounded, and condensed thunder and lightning flowed at the fingertips:


The lightning at the fingertips was like a bead falling to the ground.

It exploded the moment it touched the deck.

The curved lightning extends irregularly around, like a big net.

The entire ship was instantly enveloped in it.

They all lost their will and fell to the ground.

Enelu looked at a rather sturdy child:


“Pretending to be faint?”

Enilu raised his eyebrows and ignored it. At this time, the warship was gradually approaching.

Sakaski and Carroll jumped over first.

A quick scan of the situation revealed something was wrong.

Sakaski walked towards the dazed figure.

Turn it over with your feet.

Sakaski motioned to Carol to wake up a pirate next to him.

The pirate who woke up looked at the two of them in horror:


Sakaski exuded a hint of dominance:

“I ask, you answer.”

“If you don’t tell me, you will die.”

The pirate who woke up swallowed his saliva and nodded frantically.

Sakaski looked at his feet:

“What’s this kid’s name?”

The pirate who woke up said tremblingly:


Sakaski nodded, yes.

He casually raised his right index finger and pointed it at the pirate who had woken up.


The head exploded directly and turned into blood mist.

Sakaski said to Enel:

“Enilu, deal with it all.”

Enelu nodded:

“Thirty million volts of coke.”

The index finger in his hand continuously pointed out lightning and shot it towards the unconscious pirate.

The pirate who was shot was instantly turned into coke by 30 million volts of voltage…

Sakaski looked at Teach at his feet:

“Stop pretending to be dead, kid.”


Tiqi kicked him in the abdomen with his toe and flew backwards, coughing continuously.

Tiqi, who was kicked away, stood up tremblingly and said:

“Hai…Navy Lord!”

“I was robbed!”

“Do not kill me!!!”

After saying that, he kept kowtowing on the ground.

Sakaski chuckled, and the person kowtowing to changed from Whitebeard to me…

But he ignored Tikki who begged for mercy.

He reached out and took two animal devil fruits from Carol, and walked towards Teach:

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

“And I’ll give you something good to eat.”

Teach looked up and saw Sakaski holding two Devil Fruits, his pupils shrank, and he was filled with fear.

Damn it, it’s impossible, how could he know…

Suppress the inner panic:


“This is?”

Sakaski ignored it.

He directly grabbed Tikki’s chin and stuffed an animal fruit into it.

Release it easily:

“Let me see if you change.”

Tiqi stretched out his hand tremblingly, as if the feeling he was born with directly turned into a horse’s hoof.

Sakaski nodded.

He grabbed another animal-type Devil Fruit, held down Tikki’s chin, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

He was forced to swallow it.

Carol was startled next to her, but immediately felt something was wrong:

“How can it be!”

“You can actually eat two Devil Fruits.”

Not to mention Carol’s surprise, Teach was forced to eat the second fruit.

Then I discovered that what the mad scientist said was true, he could really eat multiple Devil Fruits…

But he was forced to eat such rubbish fruit.

The anger in Tiqi’s heart continued to burn…

Damn it! Damn it! ! Damn it! ! ! ! !

His breath became violent and uncontrollable.

Sakaski held Teach’s chin down again.

In Teach’s angry eyes.

He reached out and grabbed the third animal-type Devil Fruit…

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