Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

As Roger became king, the impact was immeasurable.

The port was densely packed with warships.

Some warships even couldn’t find their place and stopped one after another.

Sakaski’s warship returned late.

Apparently there is no room left.

But it didn’t affect everyone, they just stepped off the ship and ran towards the port.

After Sakaski gave the order, he walked straight towards the huge fortress of the headquarters.

Headquarters Fortress, in the conference room.

Meetings have been held for four consecutive days, and all departments are constantly rotating and replenishing.

Sakaski walked into the meeting and found a corner.

After listening for a long time, I learned that the general policy has been basically determined.

The current general direction is.

An all-out search is underway to hunt down the Pirate King “Golden” Roger.

Screen and interrogate the people Roger passed on the islands he passed on his way, making sure not to let anyone go.

At this time, a soldier ran up to Sakaski and whispered a few words.

Sakaski nodded and stood up and walked to the marshal’s office.

Push the door open and enter.

What came into view was a group of senior navy officials, most of whom were inside the house.

Warring States General, Chief Instructor Zefa, Lieutenant General Garp, Lieutenant General Morris, Lieutenant General He, etc.

Sora saw Sakaski coming in and said:

“Sit down, Sakaski.”

Immediately, two soldiers moved a single sofa next to him.

Kong looked up at everyone and continued:

“Then it’s about the impact of this.”

“According to intelligence.”

“During this period, people kept going to sea to become pirates.”

“The number of pirates in the entire world has increased more than tenfold.”

“I can’t control it anymore.”

“The damn newspapers keep promoting Roger.”

“The government has sent people to negotiate.”

“But it didn’t work, a bunch of lunatics.”

“Only looking out for your own interests.”

After speaking, he hammered the table angrily.

There was a huge sound, and the pent-up anger could already be felt.

After taking a few deep breaths, Marshal Kong continued:

“The pirates are already rioting.”

“The pirates in the New World are frantically looking for Roger.”

“The excited pirates have completely lost their bottom line.”

“Next, Sengoku, Garp, Sakaski, all three of you will be stationed in the New World.”

“Prevent the riot from spreading further.”

Warring States, Garp, and Sakaski nodded without any objection.

Kong thought for a while and said:

“At the same time, this year’s recruitment starts early.”

“Regardless of good or bad and background, first recruit a large number of soldiers.”

“Cope with what’s coming next.”


The meeting lasted until late at night.

There was no stopping after the end, and everyone headed to the new world overnight…


New world, unknown sea.


Aboard the Golden Jackson.

Everyone gathered together.

After Roger announced the completion of the disbandment of the pirate group during the day.

This may be the last gathering.

After chatting for an unknown amount of time, Roger suddenly spoke:

“That voice.”

“It must be the truth.”

“Someone is going to be born.”

“And will surpass us”

The corners of everyone’s mouths were slightly raised, obviously very confident that no one would surpass them.

Roger’s voice sounded:

“We came too early.”

Rayleigh’s sighing voice sounded:


“Who will find out?”

Roger touched his chin and grinned:

“That must be my son.”

A black line flashed across Rayleigh’s head, snap!

He slapped Roger’s hand that was touching his chin:

“You don’t have a son at all.”

Roger chuckled:

“It will happen later.”


As Roger laughed, everyone laughed too.

“Let’s have a big drink!”

“Towards seas where there are no navies!!!”

“I want to get off the boat first!”



A year and a half later…

South China Sea, Batelila Island.

Roger was working at home in the mountains when he suddenly coughed.


Blood continued to flow from his mouth and fell to the ground along his palms.

Roger’s wife, Portcas D. Luju, ran over quickly and caressed Roger’s back.

At the same time, a paper towel was handed over to wipe.

Roger took the tissue and showed a smile:

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I just don’t have much time…”

Lujiu looked worried.

Late at night, don’t

The lights in the villa stayed on for a long time, and the two of them were discussing for a long time.

After Lujiu was put to sleep, Roger got up and walked outside.

Let go of all your strength to use the color of seeing and hearing that listens to all things.

I don’t know how long it took, but I was finally sweating profusely and was interrupted by a cough.

Roger frowned slightly:


“How can this be.”

The manpower that was withdrawn after just one investigation was actually traced back to Roger.

Roger wanted to move but it was too late. His body could not support it.

If you delay any longer, your body will not be able to hold on to the moment when you execute the plan…

After thinking for a while, he walked back into the house.

I dialed the phone number that hadn’t been touched for a long time:

“Hey, Rayleigh…”


A few days later.

“Pirate King” Gol D. Roger was arrested.

shock the world……

The world that had been silent just now became restless again.

Golden Lion listened to his men’s report and was in disbelief:

“What a joke!”

“A man like Roger!”

“How could you be caught by this bunch of trash in the Navy!”


The person who reported the news was directly killed.

But looking at everyone’s expressions, I knew… this was true.

Anger broke through his reason, and his whole body rose into the sky.

Flying to the distant naval headquarters.

“How is it possible…Roger!!!”


And Rayleigh, who had just found a place to stay in the Shampoo Islands, went to the South China Sea…


Kgesi Island, Dalons Kingdom, inside the palace.

King Dalons holds a secret letter in his hand.

I looked at the detailed address and content above in disbelief:

“The bloodline of that bloody butcher Gol D. Roger…”

Many ministers were invited to discuss, and everyone had different opinions on taking action against a woman and a baby.

Some people can’t pass the moral test, and some people want to eat their flesh raw.

Until late at night…

Notice after notice started from the palace to inform people all over the country…

The whole kingdom was boiling.

The unforgettable hatred and bloody massacre seemed to be vivid in my mind.

Countless people with scarlet eyes wanted to cut off the bloodline of that butcher.

The afternoon after the notice was posted.

Countless people got on boats and sailed to the South China Sea…

There were also many people who had no boats and even went crazy and robbed the boats parked in the port.

Whether it was a merchant ship, a pirate ship, or a navy warship… they were all robbed and sailed to the South China Sea with a boatload of people.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sakaski, who had just disembarked with everyone, suddenly received a message from Carol.

The right hand of the Pirate King, “Pluto” Rayleigh, suddenly appeared on the Grand Line, heading towards the Upside Down Mountain.

Sakaski frowned, thought for a few seconds, and called to Barrett who had just gotten off the boat.

Turn around and walk towards the port again:


“Let’s go to Nanhai.”

Sakaski, who had just stepped into the Navy Headquarters, hurried away again.

Late at night, in the cell of the headquarters.

Garp and Roger briefly talked about old times.

Suddenly Roger became serious:


“Can I trust you?”

Ignoring Karp’s reaction, Roger said to himself:

“My baby is about to be born.”

“Sadly I was no longer in this world by then.”

Karp looked solemn:

“Why are you telling me this as a navy man?”


“His mother, and the woman you have a relationship with.”

“They will all be executed.”

Roger’s eyes were slightly lowered, he stood up and walked over:

“That’s why I’m telling you.”

“The government will definitely investigate my whereabouts over the past year.”

“Find her and kill her.”


“The child is innocent.”

Roger grabbed the railing with both hands and said:


“Our friendship is built on countless fights.”

“You are just as trustworthy as my companions.”

Garp stared and turned his head away.

Roger grinned widely and said:

“It’s up to you to protect her.”

Garp looked at him angrily:

“Don’t make arbitrary decisions!!!”

Roger endured the pain and said with a positive smile:

“No, you’re going to help me.”

“My child, I leave it to you!”

After speaking, Roger, who was suffering from cold sweat and was suffering from illness, said the name of the island and his wife’s name.

There is also the news that he is suspected to have been targeted by the Navy…

He was so weak that he fell down directly.

Karp called the doctor and walked out with his fists clenched.

As soon as I left the house, I was called to the Marshal’s Office.

Office meeting.

Garp, who sat down, couldn’t calm down for a long time.

At this time, the Space Marshal seemed to have discovered something:

“Where’s Sakaski?”

“Didn’t he come back together in the afternoon?”

Everyone shook their heads and wondered where Sakaski was.

He gestured to the adjutant next to him.

The adjutant came back from the inquiry after a while and said:

“Marshal, Lieutenant General Sakaski will come back in the afternoon.”

“As soon as we landed, we set off again and headed towards the four seas.”

Garp’s eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly thought of what Roger said about being stared at…

“not good!”


Crash directly through the gate and rush to the port.

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