South China Sea, Batelila Island.

As the slightly shabby ships docked.

There was a look of madness on the faces of the people with scarlet eyes.

They had not slept since the moment they boarded the ship…

Take out the notice issued by the Kingdom Seal.

I looked at the map on the notice and compared the port with the mountains in the distance.

The sound of rapid breathing came from everyone’s mouth.

“That’s it! That’s it!”

“This is it!!!”

“Revenge! Revenge!”

“Damn butcher!!!”

“You never imagined that today would happen!!!”


“Sinful bloodline should not survive in the world!!!”

“kill him!!!”


The crazy residents of Kgexi Island rushed towards the mountain in the distance with their knives in hand.

Viewed from a high altitude, a steady stream of ships converged towards Badelila Island.

The people who set out from the coast plus the people who continued to follow.

A long dragon formed and passed through the town, rushing towards the place where the blood of sin was bred.

The people of Badelila Island looked at these crazy people with great fear.

“Hide now!”

“Are they pirates?”

“what’s the situation.”

“It seems not.”

“They headed toward that mountain.”


Some brave people secretly watched this group of crazy people charging, not knowing why.

Batelira Island, on the mountain, in the villa.

Lu Jiu, who was taking a nap, felt flustered for some unknown reason and suddenly woke up.

The uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He took the handkerchief handed by the maid and wiped the sweat from his forehead:

“what happened…..”

Holding her heart, the throbbing became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, a cry of murder appeared in the distance and came into the house.

The maid ran in in a panic:

“No, madam!”

“There are pirates coming in outside!”

The crazy people with scarlet eyes were holding all kinds of iron utensils in their hands.

Of course the maid thought he was a pirate.

Lu Jiu stood up suddenly and looked outside, knowing the cause of her throbbing.

Take a few deep breaths and calm down.

Picking up some things, he and the maid ran toward the back door.

Not long after.

Crazy people rushed into the courtyard.

After a lot of beating but no one was seen, suddenly someone shouted:


A member of the public found a photo of Roger and Lujiu in a drawer.

Everyone circulated:

“That’s right!”

“right here!”

“Find it for me!!!”

“There they are!!!!”

A member of the public who went out through the back door saw the two women who had just run away.



“Kill them!!!!!”

Unforgettable shouts rang out, and the crowds of people swarmed in and stared at them like hungry wolves.

In just a few moments, the two were caught up.

Lu Jiu looked at the demon-like crowd rushing from behind and was panicking, thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, a sword light soared into the sky.


The sword light cut through the ground, creating a deep ravine.

Thousands of meters of sword marks stood between Lujiu and the people.

Rayleigh, who was dressed in black and had blond hair, gasped softly:

“Those who cross the line – die!!!”

The overlord color burst out with murderous intent, blasting towards the crowd in front, and the sound spread throughout the island.

The crowd in front fell down row by row like wheat.

But the people coming from behind followed them and swarmed up.

But the pressure exuded by Rayleigh’s high-level overlord color was not something they could bear.

You can no longer go beyond the line drawn by the sword mark.

He could only look at the woman and the man blocking the front with hatred.

far away.

Barrett, who was wearing a cloak made of isolating material, looked at Sakaski.

Sakaski, who was also wearing a cloak, said indifferently:

“Go ahead.”

“From the moment he had the intention to kill, his crime was unpardonable.”

Barrett nodded and was about to take off his cloak and rush out.

Suddenly a man wearing a crown walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the crowd.

The two were stunned for a moment and decided to wait for a while.

In front of the crowd.

The king of the Kingdom of Dalons stood in front of everyone:

“Your Excellency, you must be the legendary King of Hades, Rayleigh.”

Reilly finally saw someone who could speak and replied:

“I wonder who you are?”

The king of Dalons Kingdom said:

“I am the king of Dalons Kingdom.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know about the Kingdom of Dalons.”

“I wonder if you still remember Kgesi Island.”

“Do you still remember the five people who were massacred by Roger the Pirate?

More than a thousand soldiers from Gexi Island. ”

Hearing this, Lei Li and Lu Jiu behind him fell silent.

After Leiley was silent for a moment:

“I am so sorry.”

“Roger was wrong in that matter.”

“But, today.”

“I can’t let you pass.”

The king of Dalons Kingdom said:

“The sinful bloodline is indeed not so easy to kill.”

“But now that we’re here.”

“I had no intention of going back alive.”

Taking a deep breath:

“I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in the past few years.”

“Whenever I close my eyes, the ghosts of more than five thousand soldiers seem to surround me.”

“I am ashamed of my people.”

“I often wonder if I’m wrong.”

“If you killed people on the island, I wouldn’t have asked or sent troops.”

“Maybe not so many soldiers will die.”

“It won’t tear so many families apart.”

“But here we are.”

“I found out I was wrong.”

“Apology comes from Your Excellency’s lips.”

“But no remorse.”

“Perhaps in your eyes, the lives of those more than five thousand soldiers are like ants on the roadside.”

“Even if they were trampled to death, it would just be a light apology, and then it would be as if nothing happened.”

The king turned and looked at the people behind him:

“People of the Kingdom of Dalons!”

“After I die, please retreat immediately! Don’t make meaningless sacrifices!”

Countless people looked blankly at the figure in front of them:


Then the king of the Kingdom of Dalons turned to look at Rayleigh:

“I had already guessed that the sinful bloodline would not be so easy to kill.”

“I prepared for the worst before coming here.”

The king’s footsteps kept moving forward…

“If revenge doesn’t succeed.”

“I will commit suicide to apologize.”

“At the same time, the Kingdom of Dalons was declared destroyed by the Roger Pirates.”

“The participating countries of the World Government were destroyed by the pirates.”

“This is going to shake the world.”

“The world government and navy cannot ignore this.”

“Otherwise this would be a laughing matter to the whole world.”

“And if we want to end this matter today.”

“Someone has to die.”

“Just me.”

“This is the realization of being a king, and it is also the guilt for the people.”

“Do it, pirate.”

After saying that, King Dalons stepped over the deep sword marks and looked at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh tightened his grip on the sword, closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly.


The overlord look directly hit everyone.

King Dalons, who bore the brunt of the attack, fainted instantly.

Then came a steady stream of people.


Another burst of overlord color came to counteract it.

Barrett in ghost mode drew a blue afterimage.

Grabbed directly at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh’s pupils shrank and he ducked away.

But Barrett failed to land a single blow and turned around and crashed into Reilly.

He took him and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The people who had not yet fainted were stunned and looked at Lujiu in the distance again.

Carrying iron utensils…he rushed forward crazily.

the other side.

hundreds of meters away.


The two fell to the ground.

Rayleigh burst out with strong murderous intent.

The long sword in his hand was entangled with a domineering color, and he slashed at Barrett with one sword.

Barrett grinned ferociously and struck with his fist.


The explosive air wave swept across the world.

Seeing that the attack failed, Rayleigh felt anxious.

No fighting with Barrett.

The whole person turned into several afterimages and rushed towards Lujiu.

But he was also stopped by several afterimages of Barrett that collided with each other.


Swords and fists collided.

Reilly said sharply:

“Get out of the way, Navy!”

Barrett laughed ferociously:

“Why do you think I am a Marine?”

“He will obey the pirates’ orders.”

The black and purple thunder and lightning inspired by the overlord-colored long sword and fists lit up with crackling sounds.

Rayleigh took a deep breath:

“The child is innocent.”

Barrett chuckled:

“He is innocent and has nothing to do with me.”

“I’m a soldier, not a saint.”

“My orders are to stop you and…”

“Kill you!!!”

After saying that, he stepped on the ground and the ground cracked every inch.

Countless rubble collapsed.

Barrett reached out and grabbed a handful.

The weapon color was directly attached and thrown towards Rayleigh.

Several sounds broke through the air.

The gravel shot towards Rayleigh like a barrage.

Rayleigh’s eyes narrowed.

The long sword in his hand flicked, and a sizzling sound sounded.

The long sword entwined with the overlord’s color slashed out several hundred-meter-long sword auras, heading towards the crowd in the distance.

Reorganize at the same time

The individual rushes in the other direction.

(The next chapter is extremely cruel. Ace and Luju are both dead. They were killed in revenge by those who were harmed by Roger.)

(What a holy mother bitch? You shouldn’t have paid off your father’s debt to your son. You think you have extremely upright views, and then you can’t stand Ace Death scolding the protagonist for having bad views. Now bagpipes can be heard in the distance.)

(Also why don’t you adopt Ace and teach him well and stop making such mentally retarded remarks? Is he worthy?)

(Warning, holy bitch, be careful, don’t accidentally break your fragile glass heart and then come to blackmail me.)

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