Barrett’s expression darkened, but he remained unmoved.

He stopped directly in front of Rayleigh and punched him back:

“Why don’t you say innocent at this time?”

“They are not innocent.”

“You must die today.”

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Rayleigh.

The sword in Rayleigh’s hand sizzled and slashed directly at Barrett.

Barrett did not dodge or dodge, and resisted the slashing blow.

A long wound appeared on his chest, with bones visible deep inside.

He sneered and didn’t care, directly grabbing Rayleigh’s sword-holding wrist.


The ground was instantly stepped upon with a huge force and tens of meters of cracks were created.

The whole person rushed towards the barren mountain with Rayleigh.

A series of explosions sounded, and mushroom clouds exploded in several locations on the barren mountain.


Suddenly the entire mountain was cut in half and slid down…

On the other side, just when the sword energy was about to hit the people.

Sakaski appears on the side:


A burst of magma with domineering energy rushed out.

Several slashes penetrated directly from the side, shattering them.

When the aftermath hit the people, only the strong wind was left.

Then he flashed and rushed towards the outside of the island.

He sensed Garp’s aura…

At this time, the people finally caught Lujiu, and the hatred in their hearts continued to grow.

Cut it down with a knife…


“I took revenge on you…”

“Kill, kill, kill!”


“Trea, did you see it!!!”

“Dad took revenge on you!!!”

“woo woo woo woo….”

Countless old people, children, women, swarmed…

While crying, he waved the implement in his hand.

The consequences of Roger’s massacre of more than 5,000 people a few years ago finally emerged.

The death of more than five thousand young and strong soldiers of the kingdom.

The equivalent of the backbone of more than 5,000 families being directly interrupted.

This is why there are so many old people, children, and women here today…

The crowds of people who came after that were still biting at the stall of minced meat…

Portcas D. Luju died with reluctance and regret…

The bloodline of the Pirate King is cut off…

outside the island.

Garp rushed towards the island that was getting closer and closer, his uneasiness growing in his heart.

On the sea below, all kinds of ships are gathering towards Badelila Island.

Sakaski’s aura suddenly erupted from the front.

Sakaski transformed into red lotus mode and rushed towards Garp.

The right fist is attached with the weapon color:

“The Great Spitfire.”


Two fists collided in mid-air.

Like thunder on the ground.

Endless gusts of wind erupted from their fists and rushed to the sky and earth.

Garp, who was in a stalemate with Sakaski in mid-air, his expression darkened:

“Sakaski, what do you want to do?”

Sakaski looked at Garp and said indifferently:

“I should be the one to ask you this, Lieutenant General Garp.”

Garp gritted his teeth:

“He’s still a baby.”

Sakaski looked at Garp indifferently:

“You should tell the family of the deceased about this.”

“See the densely packed ships below.”

“The people on board are all family members of the Kgesi Island tragedy.”

“I just broke the news to them.”

“They came here from the Grand Line, regardless of their own safety.”

“I don’t even know how many people have been killed in the sea in the storm.”

“But so many people still come here.”

“You can go down there now.”

“As long as you can persuade a person to let go of hatred.”

“I’ll get out of the way immediately.”


A huge volcanic impact exploded into Sakaski’s fist.

Directly smashed Garp into the sea.

Like a bomb, it exploded into a cloud of water mist.

Garp rushed up again in an instant, somewhat unwilling to face it:

“But babies are innocent.”

Sakaski said indifferently:

“I didn’t say the baby was guilty.”

“I just gave them a map and information.”

“Whether or not to take revenge is the choice made by the people of Kgesi Island themselves.”

“But from what angle are you standing to say such a thing?”

“You shouldn’t be qualified to forgive anyone for them.”


“Aren’t they innocent of the death of the pillars of more than 5,000 families?”

Garp closed his eyes:

“Roger has turned himself in.”

Sakaski said indifferently:

“That’s easy to say.”

“Since Long has judged the navy, I will find him later and kill him directly, throwing his head in front of you.”

“You can accept

Well. ”

“He is a traitor, and it is natural for me to kill him.”

“Am I right.”

Garp suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his fists:

“Sakaski, I don’t want to argue with you.”

“Step aside.”

Sakaski’s face also turned cold:

“I said.”

“As long as you can make anyone below let go of their hatred.”

“I will give way immediately.”

“Otherwise, there is no need to discuss it.”

Garp’s mind was extremely confused and he gritted his teeth.

He rushed directly towards Sakaski.


The two fists collided, causing large cracks in the atmosphere.

Both of them possess massive domineering energy and powerful physiques.

They are evenly matched.

The two men, whose veins were rioting, were in a stalemate for a moment.

A hint of gloom flashed in Garp’s eyes, and the massive amount of armed colors was instantly compressed to one point.

Just like the cone used to crush green peppers.

Sakaski’s face froze, damn…


The entire body exploded directly.

Garp’s whole body and half of his body passed over Sakaski and rushed towards the island.

Sakaski’s exploded half instantly condensed.

His right fist reattached its weapon color and hit Garp hard on the abdomen:

“Power Rock.”

Afterimages passed by, and several fist marks were left on Garp’s body.

There was still lava left on the fist seal, which exploded directly.

He rushed backward with Garp’s whole body.

After falling back several hundred meters, Garp tossed his suit, and the lava and suit were thrown into the air.


A huge lava bomb exploded in mid-air.

Garp stepped down, and a white sonic boom several meters in size exploded under his feet.

Rushing to Sakaski as if teleporting.

He punched Sakaski in the head.

Sakaski raised his right arm and stepped to the right.


At the same time, his left hand blocked the iron fist that struck his abdomen.

Sakaski turned his hands and directly grabbed Garp’s arms.

“Lava Booster.”

Thick black smoke and huge heat waves instantly erupted from the body.

He took Garp and rushed towards the sky behind him.

Garp’s head instantly became armed and he hit Sakaski directly.

Sakaski’s expression darkened, and he hit his head with a domineering aura.

The crisp sound of gold and iron sounded.

Both of them felt dizzy and couldn’t control their bodies and fell downwards.

Sakaski shook his head and took a few deep breaths.

Looking at the sea below, anger kept rising:

“court death!!!”

“Lava blasting jade!!!”

Sakaski’s body emitted scorching light and heat and exploded suddenly.


A magma mushroom cloud nearly a kilometer in size formed.

Endless impact exploded and attacked Garp.

Garp groaned and threw his arms.

An open space was instantly exploded in the mushroom cloud.

With one step, the mushroom cloud instantly broke through.

He rushed out in embarrassment.

Without waiting to breathe, Sakaski gathered directly in front of Garp and punched Garp in the abdomen.

Endless red light lights up, and hot energy penetrates the body instantly.

A pillar of fire rushed out from behind Garp, with no end in sight…

Garp directly grabbed Sakaski’s fist, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

A punch hit Sakaski’s chest.


There was a sound of bone cracking, and Sakaski groaned and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The left hand instantly turned into compressed lava:


It hit Garp directly in the chest.


Then the rapidly expanding magma erupted, instantly forming a thousand-meter mushroom cloud…

boom! ! ! !


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The continuous rainy weather seemed to indicate that something bad was about to happen.

Marshal Kong was not at his headquarters either, and went to the Holy Land for a meeting.

Sakaski and Karp were missing again.

Boom boom boom——

As a series of explosions sounded.

A shrill alarm sounded.

“There is an intruder!”

“In the harbor on the enemy’s coast of Marinefando!”

“Hurry up!”

“What’s the number of enemies?”

“One… one person!!!”

“Golden Lion! Shiki!!!”

“one person!”

The corpses of countless soldiers piled up at the port of Marinefando.

The soldiers in the entire port were slaughtered.

The golden lion stands on top of the stacked corpses with a sword in one hand.

“How could Roger be caught by a loser like you…”

“He is a man I approve of!!!”

I don’t know when Warring States’ figure appeared at the port:

“Roger is the Pirate King.”

“He has won his battle with you and escaped.”

The golden lion suddenly said crazily:

“One Piece?”

“So what!

! ! ”

“As long as he was willing to help me, we would have ruled the world long ago!”

“Although we don’t quite get along with each other, we have gone through an era with him.”

“If he’s here, bring it to me!!!”

“If you want to kill him, I will do it myself!!!”

Strong murderous intent and overbearing lust erupted, and Warring States snorted coldly:

“Execution will be in a week.”

“Execution in his hometown, Rogge Town, the initial city of the East China Sea.”

“Roger’s death will definitely dampen the spirit of all pirates.”

The golden lion said crazily and weirdly:

“Will the legend of Roger the Pirate King end in that weakest sea area?”

“What a joke!!!”

“That was the final insult to that bastard!!!”

The whole person shot straight into the sky, and the long knife in his hand kept slashing.

The hundreds of meters long golden sword energy kept slashing towards Malinfando.

With a flick of the Warring States cloak, his whole body glowed with golden light, transforming into a hundred-meter-tall golden giant Buddha.

Raising his hand to meet the huge golden slash…

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