
Several cylindrical golden shock waves shot out from the huge palm of the Golden Buddha.

Like laser shock waves colliding with golden slashes,

A series of explosions sounded.

The sky full of white fog obscured the sky of Marinefando Port.


A huge lion roar sounded, and the white mist in the sky instantly condensed into five lion heads.

At the same time, the ground at Marinefando Port continued to surge and combine.

The golden lion’s fierce voice sounded:

“Shishiwei·Gosho Discroll!!!”

The white lion’s head was smashed in all directions.

A huge lion’s head made of rock follows closely behind.

Warring States snorted coldly, and the 100-meter-tall golden Buddha clasped his hands together, and the golden light lit up.

Open your palms and push forward.

The boundless golden light rushed out from his hand like a big sword.

He aimed his hands at the huge rock lion head behind him and made a half circle.

Everyone saw golden light passing by.

The huge rock lion head in mid-air was instantly cut in half and exploded.

the other side.

Countless light points condensed in front of one of the smoke lion heads that was about to hit the residential area.

Porusalino’s figure condensed.

Looking at the smoky lion head with a hint of dominance and a sense of oppression.

Cross your hands and form orchid fingers.

Cross-shaped golden light circulated, and strange screams continued:

“The mouth is wow~ inside~”

“This is the domineering power of pirate giant ‘Golden Lion’ Shiji.”

“It’s really troublesome~”

He waved his hands forward, and the shining light bullets covered him like a rain curtain.

“Eight-foot beautiful magatama~”

Continuous laser explosions exploded, killing the hundred-meter smoke lion head in just two seconds.

Kuzan also appears in front of a giant smoky lion head:

“Ah la la, that’s it.”

“Ice Cube·Storm Pheasant Mouth”

Using all his strength, the cold air from his entire body was concentrated on his right arm, and an ice bird that was also a hundred meters in size rushed towards him.


Chief Instructor Zefa and Lieutenant General Morris smashed the two lion heads with force.

The last place.

The thunder and lightning on Enelu crackled.

The ornaments on the limbs and wrists were condensed into a baton by lightning, aimed at the lion head of the approaching smoke.

“Fifty million volts Thunder Dragon.”

hold head high–

A dragon roar accompanied the thunder, and hundreds of meters long thunder dragons gathered together.

He rushed out of the golden baton and rushed towards the lion’s head.

The extremely powerful destructive power of lightning directly exploded the smoke lion head with a trace of armed color attached.

The Brontosaurus, which broke through the smoke with its lion’s head, turned around instantly under Eniro’s command.

He rushed towards the golden lion in a perfect arc.


The Golden Lion, which had just collided with Warring States and separated, saw the charging Thunder Dragon and his eyes narrowed:


The thunder dragon’s lightning speed instantly collided with the golden lion’s sword.

Endless electric current passed down the arm into the body, and there was a moment of paralysis.

The golden lion snorted coldly:

“It’s just thunder and lightning, but you dare to show off.”

Strong domineering energy erupts directly from the body and adheres to the whole body.

The paralysis was instantly driven away and the incoming thunder and lightning was isolated.

At the same time, with a stroke of his hand, a sword energy hundreds of meters long slashed along the thunder dragon.

Split the Brontosaurus into two halves and rush towards Enelu.

Enelu looked at the rushing sword energy and instantly detonated the Thunder Dragon.

The violent explosion directly shattered the sword energy.

A mushroom cloud hundreds of meters in size formed in mid-air.

Enelu looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said to Lieutenant General Morris:

“Grandpa, I’m going to help the Warring States general!”

Morris said angrily:

“Stop! This level of fighting is not something you can participate in.”

Enelu chuckled:

“Don’t worry! I’m sure!”

After saying that, the whole person turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the clouds in the sky.

Lieutenant General Morris was left angry and worried…

Port office.

The mobility of the golden lion far exceeds that of the Warring States period, and it uses its ability to condense the lion’s head and entangle the sword energy.

The destructive power of the Sengoku is far greater than that of the Golden Lion, ignoring the lion head whose abilities are constantly condensed.

One can’t be caught, the other can’t break the defense.

Amidst the explosions that filled the sky, the two figures flickered and collided.

Sword energy and shock waves were fired randomly.

The naval generals and ability users at the rear continued to resist the aftermath of the two.

On the cloudy sky.

Enelu mobilized the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds and rolled towards his body.

“Twenty million volts, Thunder God!!!”

Thunder and lightning extracted from the dark clouds surround the whole body.

It transformed into a 100-meter-sized thunder god, which looked comparable to the golden statue of the Giant Buddha in the Warring States Period.

He reached out and tugged at Lei Yun beside him.

A demon-subduing pestle that was tens of meters long and condensed with thunder and lightning appeared.

Looking down at the battlefield below.

in hand

Continuously extracting and condensing, several huge thunder and lightning demon-subduing pestles hit the ground, condensing but not dispersing.

The golden lion was disturbed by the thunder and lightning demon pestle, and was almost caught by the Warring States Period several times.

Suddenly a strong white light lit up in the sky:

“The God of Thunder is coming to the world and ruling!!!”

The indifferent voice sounded like a god from the sky.

The golden lion’s high mobility lost its advantage in the face of thunder and lightning.

A hundred-meter-sized thunder giant came from the sky and stabbed the golden lion with a magic pestle in his hand.

The lightning was too fast to avoid.

The long sword in the golden lion’s hand was wrapped around the Overlord’s color, and he raised his hand to slash at the Demon-Conquering Pestle.

The demon-subduing pestle was instantly chopped into pieces.

But there are several lightning bolts connecting the sky behind Enelu’s thunder god body.

A steady stream of thunder and lightning condensed to resist the golden lion’s attack.

The golden lion fell to the ground.

The moment it touched the ground, the thunder and lightning demon pestle that condensed on the ground gathered through the rain towards Anilu.

“Thunder God comes to the world, Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Prison.”

The thunder and lightning subduing demon pestle turned into lightning chains and locked the golden lion’s body.

At the same time, thunder and lightning formed a large semicircular net to catch the golden lion.

The golden lion burst out with domineering force and broke into half.

The huge golden body of Warring States fell on the opposite side of Aini Road, and the huge shock wave in his hand also caught the golden lion.

Two hundred-meter giants shining with different lights sounded at the same time:

“Buddha’s Shock Wave!”

“Thor’s Judgment!”

Endless golden light and thunder light illuminated, covering the golden lion.

A violent surge of energy erupted.

The golden lion’s crazy voice sounded:

“What a joke!”


“Earth roll!!!!!!”




In the South China Sea, in a barren mountain on Batelila Island.

Riley and Barrett collided, and the two flew backwards again.

It hit the ground and stirred up dust.

A sword energy and an arm simultaneously tore through the dust and rushed out.

A clear voice sounded.

Barrett smashed the hundred-meter-long sword with one punch and rushed towards Rayleigh.

Reilly looked at Barrett who was charging towards him, raised his sword and struck down.

Barrett’s domineering arm blocked him, and then he punched Rayleigh in the heart.

Reilly’s feet flashed and an afterimage appeared. He was a few minutes faster than Barrett’s fist and kicked Barrett’s chest first.

Whoosh – boom! ! !

Barrett flew backwards and smashed into the mountain.

Then he rushed out to confront Rayleigh:

“It’s not strong enough.”

“That’s not going to work, old guy.”

At this time, Barrett had many sword marks all over his body, and the huge sword mark on his chest was no longer bleeding.

Lei Li also gave up the idea of ​​​​looking for Lujiu at this time because he knew it was too late…

Riley, who had been fighting fiercely with Barrett for a long time, was breathing heavily.

The long sword in his hand flicked a sword flower and he said indifferently:

“You’re not even close yet, kid.”

After he finished speaking, a strong murderous intention accompanied by a domineering look pressed towards Barrett.

Barrett laughed ferociously:



He grabbed the tattered top with one hand and pulled it off directly.

He manipulated the ghost energy movement method he had figured out to condense into his body.

Bang bang——

His body shape skyrocketed, the shoulder bones and arms of his arms more than tripled in size, and huge fangs sprouted directly from his mouth.

A voice as loud as an evil spirit and as loud as thunder rang out:

“Ghost energy·Six Paths·Asura.”

“King Luo Qian Tuo King Asura!!!”

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