Rayleigh looked at Barre, whose aura and malice were soaring, and his eyes became even more solemn.

Holding the sword in front of the body, the sword is fully open, and the sword is filled with domineering energy.

Barrett’s arm that swelled three times in size was raised and he made a fist.

The sound of the air exploding sounded. He smiled evilly and looked at Rayleigh.


A loud bang sounded in front of Barrett.

Lei Li’s pupils in the distance shrank sharply, and he raised his sword and slashed diagonally upward.

An air bomb rushed in front of Rayleigh instantly, hit the sword and exploded.


Rayleigh was directly carried backwards by the strong air wave.

After landing, he took a few steps back to regain his strength, then stabilized his body and looked at Barrett:

“It’s really scary.”

“The arms that have tripled in size have also increased in speed and strength several times.”

That air bomb just now seemed like Barrett was standing still.

But in fact, it was the skyrocketing arms that punched out air bombs with speed and power that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Then it returns to its original position. It cannot be caught by the naked eye, but one can detect it by sight.

That’s why Rayleigh was able to resist.

Barrett’s ghost-like voice sounded:

“It actually blocked it.”

“As expected of Rayleigh, the King of Hades.”

“Then I’ll just ask you to die.”

Barrett retracted his thick arms, took a breath and threw several punches.

Afterimages of fist marks appeared in front of Barrett.

The air around the fist mark seemed to solidify, spreading and being pushed around.

A white burst of air formed behind the afterimage of the fist mark, with more and more fist marks appearing.

The fist prints left in the air seemed to finally come to their senses.

Disappeared in an instant and rushed forward.

The air cut by the fist mark directly rioted, and an invisible force exploded.

Rayleigh was unable to dodge due to his extremely fast speed, so he could only use his strength to fight off the attack with his sword.



The air bomb that was launched exploded behind him.

A mushroom cloud tens of meters high rose into the sky, and the explosion not only produced a powerful shock wave, but also shook the surrounding ground.

The slightly shaking ground slightly affected Rayleigh’s movements.

Barrett threw punch after punch.

As if he was tireless, he fired hundreds of punches in a row.

The sound of explosions was heard endlessly, and the entire land was turbulent, with mountains collapsing and the ground cracking.

Wait until the explosions stop.

A large pit nearly a kilometer in diameter emerged.

Only the ground on which Rayleigh stood in the center remained intact.


The dust and mist in the sky were torn apart by the sword energy.

Rayleigh’s figure rushed out along with several huge sword energy that were hundreds of meters long.


Barrett instantly appeared in front of Jianqi and Rayleigh.

The afterimages of his arms passed by, and the sword energy shattered.

Rayleigh stepped forward and rushed into the air. He opened his arms wide and slapped Rayleigh’s head with both palms together.

Reilly looked at Barrett who was rushing towards him, his alarm bells blaring, and his hairs stood on end.

He kicked Barrett in the chest as he rushed forward.


He kicked hard, and at the same time he retreated a little.

He hesitated to avoid Barrett’s palm hitting his head.

But the sense of crisis in my heart did not diminish at all.

Rayleigh suddenly thought of something and his pupils shrank sharply. Oh no…

The huge palm swiped across Rayleigh’s eyelashes.

Snapped–! ! ! !

It was like thunder exploding in my ears, a huge sound and vibration.

Rayleigh’s eardrum burst and bled, and his brain went blank for a moment, causing him to feel dizzy.


The swollen fingers were as thick as fists, and he stabbed Rayleigh’s abdomen with the finger gun.

Instantly, a blood hole as big as a fist appeared, and Rayleigh, who woke up from the severe pain, immediately burst out with a domineering impact and retreated.

The two fell to the ground.

Rayleigh covered his abdomen with his left hand and held the sword in his right hand, breathing heavily with cold sweat on his head.

Barrett crossed his arms and looked at him:

“It’s not working anymore, old guy.”

Rayleigh chuckled:

“You’re not even close yet, kid.”

After saying that, he put his left hand into his arms.


A dagger with sharp sword energy was thrown out of Rayleigh’s arms.

Shot to Barrett’s right eye.

Barrett raised his right arm and swung it to the right, and the dagger was knocked away.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded from in front of me.

Rayleigh held the sword in both hands and was in front of him.

He leaned over, raised his sword, and slashed towards Barrett’s chest.


The right palm that had knocked the dagger away quickly fell down and slapped the sword, sparks flying everywhere.

Barrett suppressed his hideous smile, and with a bang, the air in the wrestling area exploded.

Rayleigh flew backwards, landed on the ground with a spin, and rushed forward again before he could regain his footing.

White light and blue light intersect in this tragic land.

Separated again, Barrett took a deep breath and punched out with a forward punch.

Compressed air bombs tens of meters in size rushed out, surging on the ground and rushing toward Rayleigh.

Leili raised his sword, wrapping the Overlord’s color from top to bottom.


Huge air bombs were sliced ​​open from the middle and rushed to both sides behind Rayleigh.

Exploded with a bang.

Barrett crossed his hands into claws, with a hint of domineering color wrapped around them.

The whole person turned into a blue afterimage, stabbing towards Rayleigh.

Rayleigh took a deep breath, his determination clearly revealed.

Holding the sword in both hands, he moved behind his back and rushed towards Barrett. The long sword in his hand was filled with a rich armament color.

It left a long trail in the sky.


The two of them intertwined and stood still…

The huge roar continued for a long time.

In the forest in front of Barrett, ten ravines tens of meters deep appeared, stretching to no end.

The mountain in the distance in front of Leili was cut in half by a huge sword energy and collapsed suddenly.

Barrett simply exited ghost mode.

Huge sword marks appeared on the chest and arms and collapsed.

Exhausted, he half-knelt on the ground and vomited a large mouthful of blood:

“What a domineering attack…”

“But unfortunately, I still won.”

Rayleigh on the other side stood holding a sword.

The slash that used all the domineering power and power did not kill Barrett.

He sighed deep in his heart and looked at the sky, his consciousness already a little blurry:


Ten scratches suddenly appeared on his neck.


A head rolled to the ground….

All that was left was a headless corpse holding a sword.

“Pluto” Silbaz Rayleigh was defeated and died…


South China Sea, outside Batellia Island, thousands of meters high in the sky.

As the two men with the highest combat power in the navy, they displayed their mania unbridledly.

Sakaski used the red lotus mode to attach his weapon color, and punched Garp in the abdomen.

Crazy airflow penetrated the body and shattered the large white clouds behind.

Garp flew out, but rushed back within two seconds.

The dark weapon color flowed from the fist, and he punched Sakaski on the head.

Sakaski caught Garp’s fist as he was flying backwards, and punched back with the same punch.

Bang – Bang –

The battle between the two disturbed the clouds in the sky, and countless people looked at the sky in horror, not knowing what was happening.


The fist with a jet-black weapon color punched Sakaski in the abdomen:


Instantly he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Sakaski grabbed the fist that hit his abdomen with his left hand.

With a flick of his right hand, a lava meteor hammer held in one hand appeared, with domineering aura attached to it.

Hit Garp’s head directly.


The lava exploded directly, Garp’s mind went blank for an instant, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, the powerful impact brought him back to his senses, and the caught right fist grabbed Sakaski’s left hand.

The other fist was armed and hit Sakaski’s chest directly.


There was a sound of bones breaking.

Sakaski looked ferocious and gritted his teeth.

With a flick of his right arm, the entire arm was immediately attached to the weapon color, erupting with a huge volcanic impact.

It also hit Garp’s chest.


A shattering sound sounded.

They all showed real fire.

The two of them had scarlet eyes, and at the same time, they had armed and domineering auras on their heads.


There was a sound of skull cracking.

Head against head, staring at each other.

Sakaski’s body surged with manic energy.

“Lava blasting jade.”

boom–! ! !

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