Four days later.

Navy Headquarters.

The fiery red figure crossed the sky and appeared above Malinfando.

Sakaski rested for two days to replenish his strength.

He directly activated his ability and flew for two more days before flying back.

View from the air.

At this time, there were engineering structures erected everywhere in Malinfando.

The square and port in front of the headquarters were directly destroyed.

There are several sword marks on the huge fortress in the distance, and countless soldiers are busy repairing them.

Sakaski said coldly:

“Damn pirates.”

“One by one, it’s simply lawless.”

Flying down to the huge fortress of the headquarters.


The crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the ground sounded, and Sakaski regained his power.

He walked towards the marshal’s office.

As soon as they arrived at the door, Marshal Kong’s tired voice came from inside:

“Come in, Sakaski.”

Sakaski opened the door and walked in:

“Marshal Kong.”

Marshal Kong said “hmm” and asked:


“Tell me about it.”

“what happened.”

“What’s the situation like with the people on Kgesi Island?”

“Roger’s orphan.”

“And you and Garp.”

“Two vice admirals actually killed each other.”

“Thankfully it didn’t spread.”

“Otherwise it wouldn’t be embarrassing enough.”

Sakaski nodded and sat on the sofa next to him:

“The reason is that we recently received news that someone saw Roger on Batelila Island in the South China Sea.”

“We didn’t approach him at that time, we just sent people to the island to get information.”

“I learned that Roger has a wife and a bloodline.”

“It happened that Roger surrendered and the news was spread to the people of Kgesi Island.”

“You also know about the Kgesi Island tragedy. I left the decision to them.”

“But I don’t know why it was exposed. The day I came back, I received news that the pirate Rayleigh was heading towards the Upside Down Mountain.”

“I suspected that he was going to the South China Sea, so I hurried to Batelila Island.”

“Fortunately, we arrived one step ahead and stopped the pirate Rayleigh before he took action.”

Marshal Kong frowned slightly:

“I see.”


The corners of Sakaski’s lips curled up:

“left behind.”

“Rayley’s corpse is on my ship now. Barrett killed him.”

“After Roger is executed, the news of Rayleigh’s death and the news of Golden Lion’s imprisonment will be announced together.”

“This will be a huge blow to pirates.”

Sora also showed a smile, thinking of that scene:


“well done.”

“What about you and Garp?”

Sakaski’s face suddenly darkened:

“He really isn’t an undercover pirate, Marshal Kong.”

“I don’t know where Lieutenant General Garp got the news.”

“He actually appeared on Badelila Island, trying to save Roger’s orphan.”

“I have been chasing Roger for more than ten years, but even if I haven’t captured a single member of the Roger Pirates, let’s forget it.”

“When we were about to destroy the sinful bloodline, he appeared to stop us.”

“He even takes action against his colleagues who are also in the navy.”

“What does he want to do!”

“I request a thorough investigation of Lieutenant General Karp.”

Marshal Kong’s expression darkened after hearing this.

But he also knows that Garp’s character…is brainless.

It should be impossible to betray the navy, but this matter must be investigated clearly:

“I see.”

“After Garp returns, we will hold a meeting to deal with it.”

“The most important thing now is Roger’s execution in two days.”

“Warring States has escorted Roger to Rogge Town.”

“You are so injured…”

“Let’s rest for a few days.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“No, I want to lead the troops now and fight back to the new world.”

“Currently there is only one G1 branch in the New World, which is too passive.”

“Now the death of the Pirate King and his right hand, plus the capture of the Golden Lion.”

“It’s the best time to fight back to the new world.”

“The most important thing is to quickly seize the Golden Lion’s territory and occupy a place in the new world.”

Marshal Kong was a little moved:

“I’m sure.”

Sakaski affirmed:

“Absolutely no problem.”

“Although the new world is a paradise for pirates, there are many strong ones.”

“But there is currently no one who can keep me.”

“And there is no need to occupy too many islands. Too long a front line is not conducive to management.”

“As long as the islands close to the Red Continent are occupied, they can become the navy’s sphere of influence.”

Marshal Kong said:

“Now that you are sure, let’s go for it.”

“If you need any support, just ask.”

Sakaski said:

“I took Eniro and Porusalino in

Let’s do a raid. ”

“Just give them some training.”

“Then the other lieutenant generals will lead the fleet to set off now and receive them one by one.”

Marshal Kong nodded:

“Okay, I’ll arrange the manpower right now.”


Headquarters Square, ruins.

Residents, soldiers, and students are all busy.

Enelu led Rosinandi to move the fragments of the Heroic Spirit Monument.

During that battle, the Heroic Spirit Monument erected in the square also broke into countless pieces.

Enelu found a large piece and lifted it hard, and the fragments of the four-meter-high stone tablet were directly lifted up.

Turning around and looking at Rosinandi holding a broken piece, he smiled and said:

“Rosindi, you still need to exercise.”

“I’ll give it to instructor Zefa for some special training later.”


Thinking of Chief Instructor Zefa’s devilish training methods…

Rosindi’s face collapsed:

“please do not!!!!”

Enelu laughed:

“Then let’s compete!”

“It’s better to send the rocks there first!”

After saying that, he carried a stone several times the size of Enel and ran as fast as he could.

Rosinandi quickly followed with the stone in his arms:

“Brother Enelu, you are so cunning!!!”


Enel’s laughter could be heard in the distance.

Porusalino stretched out his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his head and sighed:

“Young people are so energetic~”

He said to Kuzan beside him:

“It’s so hot~”

“Kuzan-san, make some ice cream.”

Kuzan picked up a huge boulder and said helplessly:

“I am a frozen fruit, not an ice cream fruit.”

Porusalino lifted a boulder:


“That’s really a pity~”

Kuzan looked helpless:

“You guy…”

In the distance, Sakaski came over with the latest map of the New World’s sphere of influence.

“Enero! Porusalino!!”

“Come with me!”


Then I saw Sakaski’s fiery red figure rising straight into the sky.

Enel’s clear voice came:



A bolt of lightning flashed across and disappeared instantly.

Porusalino put down the boulder and scratched his face:

“It’s so troublesome~”

Looking at the direction in which the two of them were leaving, their palms faced each other and placed on their abdomen:

“Yata mirror~”

Mirror-like light shines directly into the sky, forming a light track that disappears into light spots.


Two days later.

Donghai, Rogge Town.

At noon.

The road leading to the execution platform was crowded with people on both sides.

Among them are civilians, pirates, bounty hunters, newspaper reporters…

Countless soldiers are maintaining order.

“I’m coming!”




“One Piece!!”

In the distance, the two leading flag bearers walked towards the execution platform holding the government’s flag.

Behind him, several soldiers holding swords high surrounded Roger in the middle and escorted him to the execution platform.

Roger in the middle is wearing shackles and chains, but he is calm and calm.

Like a victorious general… no one knows what he is thinking.

In front of the execution platform.

The surrounding soldiers stood still, and Roger slowly stepped onto the execution platform.

Doflamingo in the corner.

Among the crowd, Shanks, Bucky.

The young great swordsman Hawkeye.

Has become the Shichibukai Crocodile.

Moria, a young pirate in the new world.

And…the future leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long.

All these people, who almost cover the mainstream forces in the future world, have gathered here.

In the distance, Smoker, who had followed his parents to Rogge Town, ran here panting…for fear of being a step too late.

Stare at that figure.

As he stepped into the execution platform, Roger sat down cross-legged and grinned:

“Okay, let’s solve it quickly.”

The long sword held by the execution soldier was raised high after the ceremony.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the crowd:

“Hey! Pirate King!!”

“Where is the treasure you collected!!!”

“You must have obtained that legendary secret treasure!”

“That! A big secret treasure connected in one piece!”


Roger suddenly laughed wildly:


“Do you want my treasure?”

“I can give it all to you if you want.”

Warring States, who was observing from a tall building in the distance, suddenly had a bad feeling… and shouted directly:

“Execution quickly!!!”

The executioner’s sword was pointed at Roger.

Roger’s voice was accompanied by domineering power and resounded throughout the world:

“Go find it!!!”

“I put everything in the world in there!!”


The long knife penetrated Roger’s body instantly, but… the world boiled! ! !

In order to pursue the huge treasure he left behind, the legendary “big secret treasure” that is connected together.

People of all kinds began to hang pirate flags and set sail.

The era of great pirates has begun…

On the night of the execution…the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land of Mary Gioia were brightly lit.

But…this has nothing to do with Sakaski.


In the new world, over an island under the command of the Golden Lion.

Thousands of meters above the ground, three figures and a small ark appeared.

Sakaski took out a pen and drew a red cross on the island on the chart:

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Porusalino sighed:

“This is already the eleventh island, why don’t you take a rest~”

“Lieutenant General Sakaski~”

Although he complained, he still crossed his hands, pinched his orchid fingers, and the golden light lit up.

Sakaski said:

“Okay, stop complaining.”

“Time is tight and the task is heavy.”

“Roger should be executed at this time.”

“The news of Golden Lion’s arrest will be announced soon.”

“Occupying the new world before the pirates react is the most important thing.”

Porusalino sounded helpless:

“Hi hi~”

“Eight-foot beautiful magatama~”

Countless shining light bombs drew an arc, covering the pirate gathering place below, and continuous explosions sounded.

“Enemy attack!”


“Where is the enemy!”


“Get into the cellar quickly!!!”

“Why are you panicking? Someone is coming!!”

“Let me go…”

A steady stream of small proverbs pours out of the thunderclouds behind Enel in the sky.


A thundercloud ball nearly 100 meters in size formed.

Enelu controlled the thunder cloud ball and rushed downward:

“Thundercloud bomb.”

In the frightened eyes of the pirates on the ground, it fell to the ground.

boom–! ! ! ! !

It exploded instantly, roaring lightning raged, coupled with the impact of the explosion.

A huge pit of several hundred meters appeared, and there were almost no living people in the entire pirate base.


Tens of meters of sword energy broke through the ruins on the ground.

A embarrassed figure with a domineering look all over his body rushed out. It was the pirate leader who had just shouted, “Why are you panicking? Someone is coming.”

The pirate leader shook his head that was shaken and covered with dust:


“Damn it! Who is this!”

“I actually came to Lord Golden Lion’s place…”


An infinitely extended shot of the Hades fell, directly crushing the pirate leader who was covered in armaments.

“Next island.”

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