Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The sturdy Five Old Stars angrily held the newspaper in their hands:

“You bastard, you won’t stop even if you die.”

“Damn D”

“This is trouble.”

The five old stars holding the knife wiped the knife:

“It’s useless to be angry. Let’s think about how to solve it.”

“Otherwise Lord Im will blame you…”

Wulaoxing, holding a cane in both hands, said:

“Start purging the Roger Pirates immediately.”

“At the same time, the news of Rayleigh’s death and Golden Lion’s imprisonment will be released.”

“Diversion of public attention.”

“Minimize the impact of this incident.”

“As for what happens next…”

“Let’s take a step and see.”




They could not predict the impact of the “big secret treasure”, which would be irreversible when discovered in the future…


Grand Line, Alabasta.

In the palace, the young king Neferutari Kobra held the newspaper in his hand and shed a cold sweat:

“A terrifying era is about to be born.”

With his foresight, he could already foresee the turbulent sea and bloody cruelty in the future.


Grand Line, Isle of Justice.

In front of the gate, two generals were reading newspapers loudly.

The two giants who were tricked into guarding the gate because they were looking for the leader squatted and looked at the naval officer below.

“There are going to be more pirates, Oyimo.”

The fat giant Oyimo smiled and said:

“We won’t attack here anyway.”



The Grand Line, the Little Garden.

The volcanoes on the island suddenly erupted into billowing smoke….

Then the ground began to shake crazily!

Two giants more than twenty meters tall, carrying weapons, ran towards each other.


The two shields held each other’s weapons.

A huge wave of air erupted from the center of the two people and spread, even causing ripples on the sea surface…

“For glory!!!” x2

boom–! ! !


Gaya Island, Ape Mountain Exploration Alliance.

Years passed, and Kulik, who had grown up, formed his own Exploration Alliance.

Exploring the treasures of the sea, while working hard to clear up the reputation of his ancestors.

“Brother Kulik! Roger left the treasure and died!!”

“The legendary great secret treasure!”

“This is so awesome!!!”

The adventure enthusiasts in the alliance rushed over with newspapers.

Kulik put down the chart in his hand, took the newspaper and said with a smile:

“It’s quite romantic, isn’t it?”

“Treasure and Adventure.”



The Grand Line, a secret government training base somewhere.



The members of CP9 in later generations were still young children at this time, and they trained here since childhood…

As they shook their fists, the instructor also said sternly:

“Want to enforce justice!”

“You have to become stronger!”

Young Rob Lucci punched harder, the little dove on his hat swaying.




Somewhere, in an unknown mountain village.

A stout middle-aged woman looked at the son she had just given birth to.

The rough face and curly eyebrows did not suit the baby, so the woman burst out crying:

“how so!”

“A cursed baby is born!”

“This is the curse of the pirate era!!!”

This baby is the sketch of Sanji’s wanted poster… Dibaru.


The Great Line, the Windless Zone, and the Island of Nine Snakes.

The three young Boya sisters gathered together.

The green-haired Poya Sundarsonia asked:

“The Age of Great Pirates?”

“Can everyone become a pirate?”

Young Boya Hancock said seriously:

“It is said that if you don’t become a powerful warrior, you can’t join the pirates!”

The two sisters looked surprised:

“Hey!” x2


The Grand Line, the Undersea Prison.

The sixth level, infinite hell.

When all kinds of news about Roger came, the prison was completely boiling.

“The Pirate King died leaving the great secret treasure behind!”

“The era of pirates has begun!”

“I really want to go back outside right now! Damn it!!!”

“A new era!!!”

“Belongs!!! to the era of pirates!!!”

“I’m going to the Sea of ​​Departure!”

“Let me go quickly!”

In a single cell.

The golden lion was lying on the ground with its arms and legs spread out.

His feet were locked by strong sea-floor stone chains.

Ignoring the noisy sounds outside, I went out

God looked at the ceiling:

“Roger…why did you die?”

“What a new era.”

“Extremely boring…”

“Pirates are the rulers of the sea.”

“One day I will let you understand…”


East China Sea, a branch of the Navy.

Late at night, in a dormitory.

Several soldiers with fiery eyes looked at the boss who hung up the phone.

The strong soldier holding the phone took a few deep breaths, and an uncontrollable smile spread across his face.

“Finally it’s our turn, time to clear out this swarm of borers.”

Several soldiers became excited, it finally started…

This kind of thing is progressing in an orderly manner in branches all over the world…


New world, steam pirates.

Everyone in the Steam Pirates gathered together, with a newspaper placed in front of everyone.

The title above is “The Roger Pirates were destroyed, the golden lion was captured and sent to the underwater prison.”

The picture is divided into three parts, a photo of Roger’s impaled body, Rayleigh’s separated body, and a golden lion being held by navy soldiers…

The men were talking a lot.



“When did the navy have such strength?”


“But… the golden lion is in jail.”

“Then his territory…”

“Don’t worry, wait for the boss to say something.”

Hale Nock smoked a cigar and read the newspaper with narrowed eyes.

He didn’t believe it, but Rayleigh’s body and the photo of the golden lion were definitely there.

Once bitten, twice shy……

Within a moment, a panicked younger brother ran in:


“The golden lion has indeed been arrested!”

“In the past few days, the Golden Lion’s territory has been quickly taken over by the navy.”

Hale Nock took a drag on his cigar:

“Do you know who is leading the team?”

The younger brother said with some trembling:

“Based on the traces left at the scene… it’s… it’s Sakaski.”

He was a little timid, the name was a taboo.

Hale Nock’s overlord color suddenly broke out:

“That bastard…”

The angry gasps of huffing and puffing kept ringing out.

After a while, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath:

“Abandon the plan for the Golden Lion’s territory.”

“Attack Fishman Island.”

“The Navy won’t care about that mess on Fishman Island.”

“As long as we control it, we can slowly recover the losses over the years.”

Many cadres were shocked:



New world, unknown desert island.

The two parties gathered here.

Charlotte Lingling’s unique laughter sounded:


“Sakaski, your navy’s hand is stretched too far!”

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