As Lei Ying fell, the extreme threat stimulated his nerves.

Katakuri and Perospero’s pupils shrank sharply, and they used their abilities at the same time, possessing domineering power.

“Wall of Candy!”


Layers of candies and glutinous rice are superimposed with domineering energy.

A huge semicircle was formed to cover the younger brothers and sisters.

Porusalino turned into a point of light and disappeared without a trace…


The thunder fell, the earth shook crazily, and the thunder echoed violently.

The ground, sea water, or the armor-colored wall that comes into contact with Lei Ying.

They all began to melt, emitting thick white smoke.

Soon, half of the island was covered in thick smoke. Together with the thunderclouds in the sky and the gray fog on the ground, it looked like the end of the world.

Countless fish and sea king corpses appeared on the sea, all cooked by electricity, and the sea boiled.

A fierce look flashed in Anilu’s eyes, and he mobilized his abilities to suppress it with all his strength.

Lei Ying, who had submerged a quarter of the island, sped up again.


A bolt of sword light shot straight into the sky from the center of the island.


The island shook crazily and the earth cracked.

A bottomless abyss divides the entire island in half.

Countless rocks rolled down below.

At the bottom of the abyss, a red light lit up, getting bigger and bigger.

Charlotte Lingling’s figure rushed out first.

The boundless magma dragon, hundreds of meters thick, followed closely behind, biting Charlotte Lingling.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Lei Ying falling on the edge of the island. Charlotte Lingling turned around at high altitude:

“Powerful country!!!”

A huge cylindrical sword energy shock wave rushed out with the overlord color.

Crush it toward the magma faucet below. After destroying the faucet, continue to press toward the ground.


The huge magma dragon body suddenly exploded, exploding the sword energy, turning into lava spears that filled the sky, and stabbed Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the charging magma spear, flicked her left arm, and directly blocked the large area.

The Napoleon in his hand was aimed at Lei Ying.

“Light cannon!!!”

Thunder and lightning flames wrapped around the sword body, forming a closed energy loop.

A high-density laser rushed out and shot towards Lei Ying on the shore of the island.

At this time, within the underground abyss.

A similarly extremely compressed magma ray shot out and cut through the sky.

White air waves formed on the periphery.

Laser and hot wire collide!

boom–! ! ! !

A mushroom cloud comparable to the size of a thunderstorm formed.

The shock wave caused by the explosion shook Lei Ying, and there was a faint tendency to collapse.

Port office.

Layers of rice cakes and candies, like turtle shells, suddenly erupted.

Countless spikes rushed into the thundercloud.

Constantly formed, destroyed, repaired, and exploded.

The huge Lei Ying was blown to pieces in half in the blink of an eye.

Enel snorted coldly:

“The response was pretty quick.”

It was originally planned to detonate after the thunder hit half of the island, maximizing its power.

But the battlefield is unpredictable and can be destroyed in an instant.

In this case……

The long golden stick in Enelu’s hand was raised high, and lightning emitted, directly connecting to the clouds above.

“Twenty million volts, Thunder God!”

Rich thunder and lightning condensed all over the body, forming the posture of a hundred-meter-high thunder god.

In his hand, he waved the thunder and lightning demon-subduing pestle that was dozens of meters long!

Only half of the thunder below stretched and condensed, and the rolling thunder clouds rotated and formed.

An endless black dragon dozens of meters thick, flashing with lightning, appeared, hovering in the sky.

Enelu’s thunder god posture, a hundred-meter-sized body, landed steadily on the huge dragon head.

Suddenly I felt something and looked towards the center of the island:


Katakuri, a member of the Charlotte Pirates on the ground, suddenly shouted:

“Evacuate the island quickly!!!”

Perospero looked towards the sea:

“Sugar Manatee!!!”

A manatee made of sugar suddenly formed and fell into the water.

It is constantly being melted by the hot sea water, but new sugar is constantly being added.

Everyone quickly jumped on and got away from the island.

Island center.

A red light lit up.

Then a red halo exploded and swept across the island.

A huge roar sounded.

The ground shook crazily, and extremely hot temperatures spread.

Everything on the island was evaporated in an instant.

The entire island suddenly burst into flames and turned into a lava hell.

The two people in the center of the island slowly put away their abilities and weapons.

Turn around and face the opposite direction, walking into the sea of ​​fire…

In the sea of ​​fire.

Eniro and Polusalino appeared directly behind Sakaski and followed him outside.

The long golden stick in Enelu’s hand turned.

As the lightning flashed, it was melted into a gold bracelet and worn on the hand:


Is it done? ”

Sakaski said:

“Send a message to Lieutenant General Kwell.”

“All islands north of Balisi have been evacuated.”

“Transfer personnel to the entrance to the new world and accept the island controlled by the BIGMOM pirates.”

This is the previously divided area.

Enel took out the phone bug:


Porusalino breathed a sigh of relief:

“It’s finally over~”

After moving his shoulders and neck, Sakaski chuckled:

“Let’s go.”


The three of them shot straight into the sky…

On Candy Manatee.

The loss of a ship did not hurt the Charlotte family.

Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes and looked at the island behind her:

“Katakuri, let me know.”

“Within three days, all personnel will evacuate from the islands at the entrance to the New World.”

“Send troops to occupy the historical territory north of Balisi Island.”

There was a hint of joy in his tone, and he was obviously in a good mood to make up for the gap in his territory.

When the benefits obtained are greater than something, then win-win cooperation is the best solution.

Otherwise, with the strength of the two of them, they may not be able to determine the winner even if they fight for ten days, and it would be meaningless.

You will also miss good opportunities and lose the benefits you have obtained…it is not cost-effective.


A few days later.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

All the soldiers in the headquarters were beaming with joy.

The impact of the navy’s return to the new world is still great.

The first is that people’s trust has increased.

It gave people all over the world a reassurance.

There is also the destruction of the Roger Pirates, the Golden Lion being imprisoned, and the navy returning to the new world.

A huge blow to the arrogance of the New World Pirates.

Although it can’t stop the pirates who go to sea all over the world.

But the new world is much more settled.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction…

The huge conference room of the headquarters.

Watching the last person take his seat, this small-scale high-level meeting began.

Marshal Kong looked at Garp who had just returned to his headquarters:

“Garp, tell me.”

“What happened to Roger’s orphan?”

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