Garp sat down and closed his eyes:

“Roger entrusted it to me.”

Sakaski sat far away, leaning on his chair with his arms folded, without speaking.

Marshal Kong sighed inwardly:

“Why do you want to protect Roger’s orphan?”

Garp opened his eyes and spoke slowly:

“The child is innocent.”

Looking at the unrepentant Garp, Sakaski snorted:

“His sinful bloodline is original sin.”

Karp turned and stared at Sakaski:

“But he wasn’t even born yet.”

“His life has not yet begun. He has not committed any crime.”

“Sentenced to death simply because of a bloodline he couldn’t choose.”

“Such absolute justice.”

“I will never approve of it.”

Sakaski took a few deep breaths:

“I can’t imagine that coming from a vice admiral.”

“What position do you stand in to be able to say such things openly?”

“Navy! People! Or pirates!”

“Not guilty?”

“Do you know how many people would have died if Barrett had not stopped Raleigh because he was not born?”

Garp clenched his fist:

“If it weren’t for the surveillance.”

“Roger would never call Reilly.”

Sakaski was so angry that he laughed:

“You mean I was wrong?”


The table in front of Sakaski was instantly hammered to pieces.

Marshal Kong said angrily:

“Calm down, everyone!”

The surrounding Warring States, Zefa and others also stood up and prepared to stop them.

Sakaski took a deep breath:


Turn around and walk back:


Carol lined up in the back:


Sakaski walked back and spoke:

“We found traces of the dragon.”

Carol nodded:

“Found it.”

No one in the conference room knew what Sakaski was going to do.

Sakaski raised his hand and said:

“Marshal Kong, I’m going to capture a naval traitor.”

“Send his head to you.”

Everyone was stunned, and Garp suddenly stood up:


Angry murderous intent erupted.

Sakaski turned around suddenly, and rushed out with a more domineering look accompanied by murderous intent:

“What are you angry about!!!”

“You’ll be angry when it’s your turn too!”

“Then tell me! Shouldn’t the families of the more than 5,000 grams of Gexi Island soldiers who were massacred by Roger be angry?”

“Don’t they have a life?!”

“Their lives have been cut short, and the futures of more than 5,000 families have been completely destroyed!”

“Have you ever thought that they are all innocent!”

“Why should they forgive the son of the culprit!”


“What beautiful words can you say from the moral high ground!!!”


Sakaski directly entered the red lotus mode.

Strong red light and billowing black smoke erupted from his body, making him unable to suppress his desire to kill Garp.

Garp also burst out with murderous intent, staring at Sakaski and clenching his fists.

Chief Instructor Zefa and Lieutenant General Morris stopped in front of Sakaski:

“Calm down, Sakaski.”

Warring States dodged and stopped in front of Garp:

“Don’t be impulsive, Garp.”

Marshal Kong looked at the explosive situation and slapped the table:


“Stop it all!”

A strong explosion of overlord color impacted all around.

“Garp is temporarily dismissed!”

“Sengoku! Pull Cap down.”

“Sakaski takes back his abilities.”

“Zefa, Maurice, take him away.”

“Disband now, please calm down!”

“Take them away immediately!!!”

Marshal Kong, who was usually cheerful, was rarely angry, and the others did not dare to stay.

They split into two groups and pulled the two of them away.

After a while, the entire conference room became silent.

Marshal Kong calmed down his angry expression and sat down.

He pressed his temples, thinking of Garp, and couldn’t help but pat the table again:


Then he got up and walked out.


Late Night, Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing threw a piece of paper on the table:

“The inheritor of Pluto’s design has been locked.”

Wulaoxing, who was holding the cane, picked it up and looked at it:

“The best shipwright in the world.”

“It’s dark under the lamp.”

“And built a boat for Roger.”

“It was only exposed because of the purge.”

“Catch him.”

He threw the information on the table casually, not really caring.

Knowing the truth, they knew that the only thing that could threaten them was the finished product.

But whether a design drawing can be produced is not mentioned.

No one but the government can create the waste of time and materials.

The arrest was more chatty than boring.

The sturdy Wulaoxing said:

“What do you think of what Sora reported?”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing said:

“Take away Garp’s title of hero.”

“You actually want to protect Roger’s heirs. It turns out that D is a virtuous person.”

The five old stars holding swords said:

“Let’s only announce it to the top management for the time being.”

“The impact of Roger is still unknown, and it is not appropriate to make a big move now.”

“Let’s wait a year or two and see.”

“Sakaski did a good job this time.”

“Find an opportunity to promote him to general, and then we will announce the deprivation of Garp’s title.”

Several Five Old Stars nodded:





One order after another was conveyed to all parties…


Late at night, the headquarters port.

Garp sat quietly on the stone steps and looked at the sea.

Sengoku and He came over with three packages of donuts, sat down next to Garp, and handed one of the packages to Garp.

Garp took it silently and tore open the package.

He picked up a donut and took a bite, chewed a few times and paused:

“Warring States, Xiaohe.”

“I was really wrong…”

Warring States was silent for a few seconds and said:

“Although I don’t want to hurt you, Sakaski did nothing wrong in this matter.”

“Roger’s sinful bloodline will never survive in this world.”

Lieutenant General He consoled him:

“You were also bewitched by Roger.”

“It’s not your fault.”

Karp suddenly laughed:

“You are so gentle, Xiaohe.”

After saying that, he looked at the sea blankly.


There was only the sound of three people eating quietly in the port.

When the sound stopped and the sun gradually rose, Warring States stood up:

“Maybe… you can go to Kgesi Island and see the people whose lives were ruined by Roger.”

Garp looked at the rising sun:

“Kegesi Island…”


Vertical sun.

A small high-level meeting was again held.

Punishment for Karp was announced.

He will be stripped of his title of hero and will not be announced to the public for the time being.

Karp himself was suspended for half a year to observe the effects.

Marshal Kong looked at Garp:

“Do you have any objections?”

Garp shook his head:


Marshal Kong nodded:

“Let’s adjourn.”

When the game was about to end, Marshal Kong stopped Sakaski.

After everyone left, Marshal Kong said:

“Sakaski, sit down, you’ve done a good job on this.”

“The senior management has also noticed your achievements over the years, but they have been shelved due to age.”

“It’s almost done now.”

“I’ll find an opportunity to promote you to general in the next two years.”

Sakaski chuckled:


“That’s really something to look forward to.”

Sora smiled:


Then he hesitated for a while and said:

“By the way, there’s also the matter of dragons.”

“Well…how should I put it?”

“This kid Long has grown up in our headquarters.”

“more or less…….”

Sakaski smiled:

“Don’t worry, Marshal Kong.”

“I was angry at the time and didn’t really plan to do anything to him.”

After all…he still has great uses…

Kong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief:

“That’s good.”

“This time, I have wronged you.”

Sakas shook his head:


“All for justice.”


The island that never sleeps, the Island of Justice.

The tall and thin presiding judge looked at the secret report issued by Wulaoxing:

“Tom the shipbuilder…”

“Somebody come!”

“Prepare to move the court!”

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