The Great Route, the City of Seven Waters.

At the port, people who had just finished their work were sitting on the steps looking at the sea.

Seagulls flew by in groups, hovering over the port, and suddenly one person noticed something.

“Hey! Look!”

“What a big boat!”

“That is?”

“The government’s judicial ship!”

“Justice ship?”

“It’s a mobile court.”

“I don’t know who I am here to judge.”

“Come on, hurry up and take a look!”

“Go, go, go!”

Not long after, people followed the judicial ship from a distance and arrived at the home of the world’s number one shipbuilder, the fishman Tom.

A tall, fat fishman was escorted out, followed by two teenagers who rushed out and were stopped by soldiers.

“Stop! What do you want to do!”

“Give us back Mr. Tom!!!”

The escorted fishman Tom turned around and laughed:

“It doesn’t matter, don’t worry.”


Young Franky shouted:

“Mr. Tom!!!!”

Tom the fishman was being escorted away…

Justice ship.

Mobile court.

A naval officer read out the verdict:

“For manufacturing the ship of the pirate king Goldo Roger, who was executed some time ago.”

“The fact of the Golden Jackson.”

“For supporting a world-class vicious criminal.”

“Take Tom, the shipbuilding technician, to Judiciary Island.”


Franky, who had just squeezed in to watch the crowd, opened his eyes in disbelief when he heard the result.

People at the door relayed news.

“No! Tom…Tom is going to be sentenced to death!!!”

“The crime is to help the Pirate King build a ship!!!”

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

“This day has finally arrived.”

“After all, I have caused trouble to the world, so there is nothing I can do about it.”

“What a pity.”

Inside the court.

The tall and lanky presiding judge began to summarize the case:

“It turns out that it is not a crime for a shipbuilder to sell a ship to a customer.”

“But One Piece is an exception.”

“If he has anything to do with his piracy, he will be considered a dangerous person.”

“Hence the death penalty.”

He struck the small wooden hammer:

“Take the criminal away.”

Several soldiers came forward and dragged Tom the fishman, but they didn’t move at all.

Fishman Tom stood there and looked directly at the presiding judge:

“I am now…”

“We are contemplating a steam-powered paddle boat that can run on the sea track with a clanging sound.”

“The reason the island is now deserted is because of unsatisfactory business dealings.”

“The frustrated people are even more uneasy about the island that sank at an unknown time.”

“The launch of the Sea Train.”

“One day we will be able to save this city of seven waters.”

The tall and thin presiding judge was silent for a long time:

“The sea train…”

Tom the fishman said:

“That’s right.”

“Just going from one island to another.”

“A ship puffing out smoke and orbiting the sea.”

“Whether it’s carrying passengers or cargo, it’s not affected by the weather.”

“Everyone can freely cross the sea.”

“In addition, I am still thinking about how to make the friction between the car body and the track produce a sound that is annoying to fish.”

“In this way, the Neptune class will not come close to orbit.”

“As long as we can connect the islands through sea trains.”

“The smooth progress of various transactions will make the island develop rapidly.”

“The design drawings will be completed soon.”

The tall and thin presiding judge suddenly asked:

“It can lead to Judiciary Island.”

Tom the fishman replied:


“Once this technology is completed, people will be able to easily cross the ocean.”

“Soon, every island in the world will be able to communicate with each other.”

This grand blueprint made even the well-informed naval officers in the court swallow their saliva, thinking of that scene…

The tall and thin presiding judge stared at him and asked:

“It will take several years to build.”

Fishman Tom replied seriously:

“10 years.”

The tall and thin presiding judge took a deep breath:

“Then let’s build it and see!”

“Tom, the shipbuilder, for building the sea train.”

“Ten years of probation!”


The hammer struck, and the trial was over.

The island is boiling…! ! !


“That’s great!!!”

“Come on Tom!!”

“Save the Seven Waters Capital!!!!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!!”


Fishman Tom took his two apprentices to eat and celebrate:


“Dangdangdang survived!”

The fishman Cocoro serves new dishes:

“Now is not the time to laugh, Mr. Tom.”

“When I think about that moment coming, I get chills down my back.”

“But if it goes well, they might forget about Roger.”

The mayor of Iceberg in his youth, Espagu admired:

“As expected of Mr. Tom!”

“To think of such a great thing!!!”

“Everyone was shocked!”


Franky smashed the empty bowl directly on the table.

He said to a toad that was as tall as a person:

“Let’s go! Yokozuna!”

“I’ll teach you freestyle today!”

Espagu said dissatisfied:

“I’ve been sulking all day today, what on earth do you want to do?”


Frankie turned around and shouted:

“Gordo Roger’s ship circled the Grand Line.”

“It’s a unique ship in the world.”

“Mr. Tom who built such a great ship.”

“Why must we be sentenced to death!!!!”

“The onlookers actually said this was natural!”

“Obviously they are a bunch of bastards who can’t even build a bamboo raft!!!”

“I was ostracized just because I built a boat for Roger.”

“Our company is forced to live under a bridge.”

“Why does the world’s number one shipbuilder have to suffer such a crime!!!”

But Tom the fishman didn’t say anything, he just laughed:

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!”

The angry Franky jumped on the table and shook Tom’s collar. Espagu stood up to stop him, and Tom laughed.

The whole restaurant suddenly became a commotion…


Mobile court, judicial ship.

The tall and thin presiding judge looked in the direction of the Capital of Seven Waters and remained silent for a long time.

The CP members beside me couldn’t help but remind:

“Lord Judge, this mission…”

The tall and thin presiding judge slowly closed his eyes:

“I will personally apologize to Lord Wulaoxing for this mission.”

“But if it’s because of some inexplicable crime.”

“It limits the development of the world and destroys people’s hopes…”

“Then I…will become a sinner for the ages…”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.


The melodious Oaks bells rang a total of eight times, representing the arrival of the new year and expressing gratitude for the past year.

Sakaski listened to the melodious bells coming from the window, put down the newspaper in his hand, and handed it to Carol:

“It’s a new year.”


“There are experts in the government.”

Carol asked curiously:


I took the newspaper and saw the huge headline on it.

“After the fall of the Golden Lion, when will the third King of the Sea be born?”

Carol seemed to understand:


Sakaski stood up and looked out the window at the falling snow:

“Name the pirate the emperor.”

“What pirate can resist this temptation.”

“Those pirates in the New World are probably going to lose their minds.”

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