Carol nodded:

“Even if you see through it, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Who can refuse to become the emperor?”

“Especially those lawless pirates.”

Sakaski stretched his hand out the window to catch the snowflakes:

“The territory of the New World is not small.”

“How can three emperors be enough?”

Carol’s eyes suddenly widened:

“How can it still be like this?”


“You have a dark heart when it comes to playing politics.”

Sakaski let out a chuckle and retracted his palm outside the window. It was indeed quite dark…

Watching four snowflakes melt and evaporate quickly in the palm of your hand.

Sakaski threw a booklet at Carroll:

“Give the dragon some help.”

“Don’t be exposed.”

Carol looked at the words on the booklet and smiled:



The new world, the country of Wano.

Port Ida, beach.

The Moonlight Pirates’ ship was broken into two pieces.

Several pirates with strong auras were fishing for something in the sea.

“found it!”

“Pull up quickly!!!”

“Two more people!!!”

“Where’s the doctor!!!”

Not long after.

The unconscious Moonlight Moria who was pulled to the beach opened her eyes:


“This is?”

The younger brothers around rushed forward:

“Brother Moria!”

“Very good!”

“You’re fine.”


Moria shook his head:


“I remember we climbed a waterfall in the mist.”

“here it is??”

His subordinates were all talking:

“I do not know.”

“Follow the waterfall and you’ll find it here.”

“And the islands and the sea.”

“It’s amazing.”

“This is the charm of the sea.”


“By the way, it looks like there are people on this island.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the several huge chimneys visible to the naked eye.

Moria looked at it, got up and moved:

“In this case.”

“Let’s have a party!”

“Then explore the island.”


The younger brothers cheered directly:



Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido held the newspaper with the Emperor’s title in his hand.

He picked up the wine gourd and started drinking.


The wine gourd fell to the ground:

“Your Majesty, hehehehe.”

“It’s a good plan.”

Da da da….

The sound of leather boots sounded.

Jhin put one hand on his sword and walked over:

“Brother Kaido.”

Kaido threw away the newspaper in his hand and stood up:

“What’s wrong, Jhin.”

Jhin opened his mouth and said:

“Some of my subordinates reported that they saw a group of pirates at Port Ida.”

“It’s the Moonlight Pirates.”

Kaido suddenly became interested:

“That guy Moria.”


“Then let’s operate on him.”

After saying that, he looked at the newspaper on the ground. No one would not be moved by the title of Emperor.


Port Ida, beach.

Suddenly a small red dot appeared in the sky.

One of his subordinates raised his head and rubbed his eyes inadvertently:



“Isn’t that thing getting closer?”

Everyone picked up their weapons:



“There are enemies!”


“It’s heaven!!!”

“That is!!!”

Jhin was flying high in the sky, looking at the Moonlight Pirates below and throwing the fireball in his hand:

“The Flame Emperor.”

The scorching fireball grew rapidly, and the heat wave stimulated everyone’s nerves, causing them to sober up instantly.

Moria picked up the long knife, and countless black colors on the ground poured onto the blade:

“Shadow Slash!!!”

A crescent-shaped black shadow slashed out.


Directly shredded the huge fireball.

The embers fell slowly.

Moriah narrowed his eyes slightly:

“You… you are the younger brother of that idiot Kaido.”

Hearing Moria’s disrespect, Jin snorted coldly:

“This is the territory of the Beast Pirates, so please be polite.”

“Did you see the island to the east?”

“Brother Kaido will be waiting for you there in three days.”

“Don’t be too scared to come.”

“Moonlight Moria.”

Moria suddenly laughed:


“It turns out this is the territory of that idiot Kaido.”

“No wonder no one can find them.”

“In this case, I will accept it without mercy.”


laugh! ! ! ”

Jhin’s eyes exuded dangerous killing intent:


But thinking of Kaido’s explanation, he restrained his murderous intent, looked at them deeply, and rose into the sky.

Moria put the big knife on his shoulder:


“Let’s continue the party, boys!!!”


Cheers rang out….


Wano Country, Onigashima.

After hearing Jhin’s report, Kaido snorted and smiled disdainfully.


Three days later.

The country of Wan, Suzuo Township.

This is the cemetery of Wano Country, and there are few people there.

The howling north wind and falling snowflakes make it look solemn and solemn.

Along the way, you can see numerous tombs with swords as tombstones.

Kaido and his group were wearing thin shirts and looked at Moria and his group who were walking in the distance.

Looking from a distance, both of them smiled evilly.

Kaido and Moria took the lead and charged towards the opposite side.

The respective younger brothers behind them followed closely with swords raised.



“Crush them!!!”

“Destroy this bunch of trash!!!”


As the distance gets closer.

Kaido’s mace has a trace of domineering attached to it:


He waved towards Moria.

Moria held the knife in both hands with a trace of ability:

“go to hell!!!”


The long knife collided with the mace, causing a violent wind.

The erupting wind blades swept around, and the two men wrestling in the wind and snow looked at each other.

“You still haven’t made any progress after all these years, Moria.”

“I don’t want to be said like that by a reckless idiot, Kaido.”


A violent explosion exploded on the spot, and the two were separated.

Kaido swung the mace in his hand, and lightning exploded, and he smiled ferociously:

“Then you can die here! Moria!!!”

“Thunder! Ming! Ba! Gua!”

Moria mobilized his shadow to cover the long knife, and taunted sharply:

“Then give it a try!!!”

“Shadow Slash!!!”


The two weapons collided, killing intent and air currents raging.

But there was a stalemate for a moment.

Moria’s eyes widened:

“How can it be!”

“This power…”

Kaido’s huge power directly overwhelmed Moria, and the mace roared towards Moria’s head.

boom–! ! ! !

Kaido’s mace made a huge hole in the ground.

The moment before the attack arrived, Moria and his shadow changed places.

He looked at Kaido with lingering fear, but without hesitation:

“Flying bat!”

Reappearing, Moria used a move with both hands to split his shadow.

It turned into a bat-shaped shadow that filled the sky and rushed towards Kaido.

But he underestimated Kaido’s talent and strength… In the sea of ​​​​no information, the impression of Kaido still stayed a few years ago.

This bat shadow, which can bite Jinjue Iron, has no effect at all when it pounces on Kaido and bites him.

Kaido turned his right hand holding the mace:


The whole person spun on the spot, a huge tornado formed, and countless wind blades rotated around the airflow.

In an instant, the overwhelming bat shadows were swept away.

As soon as Kaido stopped, several sounds broke through the air.


boom! ! ! !

A shadow spear tens of meters long shot out from under Kaido’s feet and hit Kaido’s chest, causing a white spot to appear immediately.

The infinitely extending shadow spear took Kaido flying backwards.

Then sharp shadow spears kept coming out.

Either stab Kaido’s body, or pin Kaido’s joints.

It was so fast that people couldn’t react and knocked Kaido to the ground.

A shadow stood up in front of Kaido and condensed into the figure of Moria.

The long knife in Moria’s hand continued to wrap around the shadow, and the size of the long knife increased several times.

From a distance, it looks like a baby holding a black machete several times the size:


Without hesitation, he slashed at Kaido’s neck.


The huge shadow knife broke, Moria couldn’t believe it:

“How can it be…..”

Kaido, whose joints were pinned on the ground, looked gloomy and stretched out his arms.

He directly forcibly broke the shadow horn gun attached to his body.

The overwhelming murderous intent and domineering power erupted directly:

“It really reminded me of very bad things.”


“How do you want to die?”

Kaido looked at Moriah coldly and turned into a beast.

Ferocious dragon horns and scales appeared all over the body, and he held a mace in both hands.

And Moria

The moment I saw Kaido’s beast mode, I knew it was unbeatable:


Before he could use Kagemusha and Shadow to switch places to dodge, Kaido’s figure appeared directly in front of him:

“Roar! Thunder! Ba! Gua!”

The mace held by Kaido in both hands was filled with domineering energy and hit Moriah directly on the head.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and Moria’s eyes bulged.

With violent airflow, the whole person hit the battlefield of the younger brothers.


A pothole dozens of meters in size appeared, and Moriah struggled to get up. It was impossible…absolutely impossible…

“how come…..”

The entire battlefield was silent.

Kaido in human-animal form in the distance walked slowly with a mace in his hand and stood at the edge of the pit:

“It’s time to finish, Moria.”

Moriah was covered in blood and stared at Kaido with wide eyes.

At this time, I don’t know who started to move.

Moriah’s younger brothers all jumped into the bottom of the pit and stood in front of Moriah.

“If you want to touch the boss, have you asked us?”

“That’s right!”

“Hahahahaha, boss, don’t worry!”

“I won’t let him come here!”

Kaido looked at the scene in the pit with a cruel smile on his face:

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

“It’s so boring, one by one.”

“Bad wind.”

A large number of wind blades protrude from the dragon head mouth of Kaido’s human-animal form, slashing like a sickle and weasel.

He directly tore most of the little brother who was standing in front of Moriah, and countless stumps and broken arms were flying.

“As weak as you, Moria.”

“Trash should have the awareness of trash.”

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

Kaido’s cruel voice impacted Moria’s mind, and also shocked the other pirates.

Moria couldn’t believe what just happened. Just for a moment, everyone…

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

“Shadow gathering place!!!”

Use your ability to snatch shadows from people around you, whether it’s Kaido’s little brother or his little brother.

Everyone’s shadows were stuffed into their bodies by Moriah.

Moria’s body swelled five times, and his muscles swelled several times in size. His whole body exuded a dangerous aura.

A long knife made of shadows appeared in his hand:


He struck Kaido hard.

The dragon claw on Kaido’s left hand was filled with domineering energy and he directly grabbed the shadow sword.


The huge impact caused cracks in the earth to spread outward.

The cracks on the ground within a few hundred meters were as dense as a spider web.

The violent air flow made everyone unable to open their eyes, and Kaido, who was holding the shadow sword, laughed ferociously:

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

“The best way to destroy a person is to crush him directly!!!”

After saying that, he directly crushed the shadow knife with his left hand, stepped on it, and rushed into the sky, avoiding Moria’s huge right hand.

Jumping to the height of Moria’s head, holding the mace in both hands, lightning flowed:

“Roar! Thunder! Ba! Gua!”

There was a crackling sound of bones, and Moria’s huge figure, which was several meters high, was directly crushed into the ground.

Kaido twisted his body in mid-air and turned into a blue dragon hundreds of meters tall.

The hot energy flows in the mouth:

“Hot breath!”

A huge mushroom cloud formed, and a pit hundreds of meters in size was flowing with magma.

There is no breath of any living thing anymore, everything has evaporated.


I do not know how long it has been…..

The comatose Moria woke up in a huge tomb, and overwhelming hatred broke out:



The Grand Line, on a huge warship.

“Lieutenant General Sauro, a ship belonging to the illegal expedition team was discovered on the island ahead.”

Giant Lieutenant General Sauro was silent for a few seconds:

“Carry out an arrest.”

“Remember, this is an arrest.”


The messenger saluted and left. Savullo looked at the islands in the distance. The repeated arrests made him gradually confused and confused.

They are just a group of unarmed scholars, why do they have to go to this point…must die…

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