Spandaine made a “cut” sound:

“It’s so boring.”

“Hey! Give it to him!”

“Let him speak.”

Dr. Cloba whispered to Robin beside him:

“Robin, get out of here.”

“When you hear my words, you too will become sinners.”

Robin looked at Dr. Cloba blankly:


Under the doctor’s eager eyes, he gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.


He handed the phone bug to Dr. Cloba. On the other end of the phone bug, the voice of a five-old star came:

“You are an authority on archaeology, Dr. Cloba of O’Hara.”

“You have made an outstanding contribution to the world’s culture.”

“But I don’t want to embark on the path of crime.”

“What a shame.”

Dr. Kloba said:

“History is something that belongs to all mankind.”

“No one has the right to stop people’s curiosity from wanting to explore it.”

“Stop being so pretentious, Five Old Stars.”

The five old stars on the other end of the phone said:

“If you interpret the historical text, you may be able to awaken ancient weapons.”

“If it is exploited by someone with malicious intentions, it will bring crisis to the world.”

Dr. Kloba said in a deep voice:

“No matter what the history is.”

“As long as it is created by humans, we should accept it all.”

“If you can understand everything without fear.”

“Then no matter what happens, there will be countermeasures.”

The five old stars on the other end of the phone said:

“Your idea is too idealistic.”

Dr. Kloba said:


“I think it’s because there are secrets in history that you don’t know.”

“We want to know more about the reason for its existence than what is recorded in the historical text.”

“Why did our ancestors use indestructible stone tablets to record them, scattered them all over the world, and passed them on to future generations.”

“That’s probably because there is a risk of being destroyed.”

“In other words, there are forces in the world that are hostile to them.”

“Suppose they were destroyed by something.”

“Then their enemies should still exist in subsequent history.”

“And coincidentally.”

“At that time, the world government was established.”

“So can it be seen as the world government erasing the dark history that is not conducive to the facts?”

“By interpreting long-ago documents and several historical texts.”

“We discovered a huge kingdom that once existed.”

“It seems to have been very powerful.”

“But now it’s been wiped out.”

“I’m afraid they were in front of the coalition forces in the name of the World Government.”

“Already aware that it will fail.”

“In order to let my thoughts pass on.”

“All the truths are engraved on the indestructible stone tablet. This is the current historical text.”

“The existence and thoughts of that kingdom are your real threats.”

“As for the threat, we haven’t found it yet.”


“Its name is….”

Suddenly the voice of Wulaoxing came from the other end of the phone:

“kill him.”


The gun went off…..

Wulaoxing’s indifferent voice came:

“They know too much…”

“Initiate the demon-slaying order.”

“Target all of O’Hara.”

“Knowledge will be passed down and cannot be allowed to be passed away from this island.”

“You must not let anyone go.”

“Leave no one behind.”


On the sea surface, the demon-slaying order fleet.

Suddenly the alarms of all ten warships sounded.

“The demon-slaying order has been activated!”

“The whole ship is in position!!!”

“Prepare for bombardment!”

Boom boom boom boom——

Dozens of guns on each warship were unleashed on the island as if for free.


Aboard the Sakaski warship.

Enelu watched silently and couldn’t help but sigh:

“It’s so cruel…”

Sakaski said softly:

“It’s cruel…”


Onboard the Kuzan warship.

The sentry held up his telescope:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan!”

Kuzan said angrily:

“What’s wrong.”

The sentry swallowed and said:

“no doubt….”

“That is!!!!”

The veins on Kuzan’s head are rioting:

“what is it!”

“Speak clearly to me, bastard!”

The sentry shouted:

“It’s Lieutenant General Sauro who escaped!”

Kuzan took the telescope:




A shell hit Sauro directly on the head.

On the warship, the soldiers firing the cannon looked in disbelief.


bingo! ! ! ”


The soldier next to him slapped him:

“What are you apologizing for?”

“He is already an accomplice of sinners!”


But he looked at Sauro nervously like everyone else.

Sauro shook his head, looked at Robin in his hand, and put her down:

“Sorry for scaring you, Robin.”

“Wait me a moment.”

Then rushed to the warship on the shore.

“That’s the one, just hit it right here.”

“What if Robin gets hurt?”

Sauro directly hugged the bow of the warship.

The soldiers on the ship looked horrified:


“No! Lieutenant General Sauro!”

Sauro did not care:

“I don’t know what true justice is anymore.”

“I just want to protect my friends.”

“Prepare to die!!!”

“There’s no good end to being an enemy of me!”

Then he used the giant’s strange strength to directly lift the huge warship.

Countless soldiers fell from above.

When Sakaski saw this scene on the shore in the distance, his arm instantly turned into lava:


“What does he want to do!!!”


An infinitely extending lava dog head was sent out, rushing towards Sauro’s head at an extremely fast speed.

Savulo, who raised the warship, felt an infinite sense of crisis stimulating his nerves.

“Frozen time capsule!”

Suddenly, Kuzan’s voice sounded in Sauro’s ears.

A blast of cold air hit Sauro’s head, and ice froze on his left cheek.

It directly hit Sauro’s head and moved it more than half to the right.


The hot Hades struck, cutting off half of Sauro’s left cheek and the ice, and passed through.

Sauro staggered and took a deep breath.

Enduring the severe pain, he forcibly threw the warship, smashed it into another warship, and then ran back.


Thunder and lightning broke out.

Enel’s figure instantly appeared above the warship flying upside down in the air.

He fell down and stepped hard on the side of the warship that rolled over.

boom! ! ! !

The huge warship was kicked straight back and fell into the sea.

It caused waves of water several meters high.

Then they returned to Sakaski’s warship.

Several people on the ship looked unhappy.

Even the good-tempered Carol looked gloomy:

“What on earth was he thinking?”

“The life of a naval soldier is not life.”

“If two warships were smashed in half, not just one or two would die.”

“A complete disregard for the consequences.”

“How dare you clamor about following your own justice.”

“How different is this from a pirate?”

Sakaski could not restrain his murderous intention:

“Enilu, you go supervise Kuzan.”

“Watch him kill Sauro with his own hands.”

“Then, electrocute Sauro’s body into ashes in front of Kuzan.”

“Barrett, you lead the team to rescue people.”

Enelu nodded and said in a deep voice:



It turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

Barrett also responded and organized people to go to sea.

Sakaski stared at the coast expressionlessly:

“Damn D…”

Even if it is stupid, there is still evil that is hidden to the extreme.

While shouting for his own justice, he brutally killed naval soldiers without restraint.

Unilaterally determines what is right and wrong in the world.

The key is that he still has pig-like teammates running to help him.

At this time, Sakaski finally understood what the owner of Sky Island’s blood-stained diary had written.

“Why does that huge heartless smile look so disgusting?”

How infuriating.

One after another… cancer.

“Report! Lieutenant General Sakaski!”

“The island ahead was discovered and the evacuation ship sailed out!”

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