O’Hara, Coast.

Sauro protected behind Robin and ran wildly.

With half of his head cut off, he was already a little confused.

Suddenly Kuzan’s voice sounded behind him:

“Ice cube·Two-thorn spear.”

Then two spears made of ice struck with a sound of breaking through the air.

Savulo relied on his knowledge and knowledge to forcefully twist his body and avoid the ice spear.

But he couldn’t control his balance and fell to the ground.


A bolt of lightning struck in front of Sauro, and Anilu’s figure condensed, locking his retreat.

Enelu glanced at the young Robin and looked at Sauro indifferently.

Kuzan, wearing a black windbreaker, braved the cold and fell behind Sauro.

Sauro was a little unbelievable:


Kuzan’s face was expressionless:


“It would be a joke if the demon-slaying order was stopped by former navy members.”

Sauro propped up his body and said in a low voice:

“Kuzan, are you proud of this attack?”

“It’s the other way around!!!”

“You should know that too!”

“What happened this time is just to make a warning to others!!!”

“For this reason, the government is willing to wipe out all of O’Hara!”

“O’Hara is the scapegoat!”

Kuzan’s expression could not be clearly seen under his sunglasses:

“If this is for the whole world, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Besides, these scholars did break the law.”

“Justice will change its form depending on the position.”

“I don’t intend to accuse you of justice either.”


“If you’re going to get in our way.”

“I can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

boom–! ! ! !

The refuge ship on the sea in the distance instantly turned into a huge fireball and exploded.

The four people on the coast suddenly turned their heads and looked at the refuge boat.

Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of Eniro, Sauro, and Kuzan.

Robin looked horrified, this would probably be a nightmare scene that would follow her throughout her life…

Including the warships on the sea, all the soldiers looked at the warship that fired the gun in shock.



“How…how is it possible?”

“It’s Vice Admiral Sakaski’s warship…”



Time goes back to one minute ago…

Aboard the Sakaski warship.

“Report! Lieutenant General Sakaski!”

“The evacuation ship was spotted on the island ahead!”

Sakaski turned to look there.

A few seconds later, an indifferent voice sounded…



Look at that giant fireball and the sinking ship.

The whole sea fell silent.

On several warships in the distance, a lieutenant general’s adjutant murmured in shock:

“This…is a bit much.”

On the ship, the older Lieutenant General Pulu Kang turned around and the afterimage of his arm flashed.


The adjutant fell to the ground covering his face and looked at Lieutenant General Plukan with some panic.

Lieutenant General Plu Kang looked at him coldly:

“Who gave you the courage but the Speaker?”

The adjutant put down the hand covering his face and stood up quickly:

“I am so sorry.”

“It’s my subordinate who failed in his duty.”

Lieutenant General Pulu Kang stared at him for a few seconds and sighed softly:

“You know the meaning of the Demon-Slaying Order.”

The adjutant recalled the information in his mind:

“The Demon Slaying Order was authorized by the government and established by the headquarters.”

“Carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the area where the signal is sent.”

“Used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that pose a threat to government rule.”

Lieutenant General Plukan looked at the gradually silent refuge ship:


“Completely clear…”

“Then why do you think the government arranges evacuation boats for people to evacuate?”

The adjutant suddenly thought of something, a little unbelievable, this…

Lieutenant General Plukan murmured:

“No one will trust a government that kills innocent people.”

“And the meaning of the demon-slaying order is to completely eliminate…”

“They were dead from the moment the golden phone bug started.”

“But the government cannot bear this crime.”

“You can’t bear it, and neither can I.”

“No one dares to stand up and bear this sin and infamy.”

“But if we let them go, no one can bear the responsibility…”

Lieutenant General Pulu Kang closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at the sea:

“after tomorrow.”

“Maybe people all over the world will blame Sakaski.”

“But only the soldiers who are performing tasks on this sea today are not qualified.”


Key took all the guilt and infamy upon himself. ”

“No one is qualified to slander him…”


O’Hara, on the coast.

Sauro looked at Kuzan angrily:

“This is what justice does!”

“How can you still feel at ease after seeing this!!!”

He raised his huge arm and hit Kuzan.


Kuzan dodged and gritted his teeth and said:

“I don’t want to be as awesome as him.”

The huge arm hit the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky.

But Sauro turned around, held Robin in his arms, and ran out.

Haven’t run a few steps yet.


A bolt of lightning struck Sauro’s right calf.

The entire right leg was directly blown into pieces by high-voltage lightning.

The Robin in the palm of his hand was protected by Sauro with a hint of domineering energy, but his body was instantly paralyzed.

Enelu’s figure walked slowly over and said expressionlessly:

“About the shelling just now.”

“I’ll ask Uncle Sakaski later.”


“Justice? Peace of mind?”

“When you raised the warship and countless soldiers fell, did you think about justice?”

“When you smashed a warship into another warship, did you ever think about the innocence of the soldiers?”

“You feel at ease.”

“What qualifications do you have to talk nonsense here!!!”


A shrill chirp sounded.

Eniru condensed a lightning spear in his hand and compressed it into a substantial form, aiming it at Sauro.

Sauro was stunned with a look of astonishment on his face, and Eniro’s words kept echoing in his mind…

Kuzan’s voice suddenly sounded from a distance:

“Frozen time capsule!”

A shock wave of cold air shot out from Kuzan’s hand, and the ground along the way was frozen.

He hit Sauro’s leg, and the freeze spread to most of his body.

Enelu looked at Kuzan coldly.

Kuzan’s cold voice sounded:

“Stop it, Enel.”

“I will deal with him myself.”

Enelu looked at Kuzan deeply:

“You better hurry up, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

“Uncle Sakaski was very unhappy with your behavior before.”

“Now…I’m unhappy too.”

Then the thunder gun in his hand was thrown towards the sea.


A huge mushroom cloud rose, and strong winds and heat waves combined into a hurricane, sweeping across the sky and earth.

Kuzan took a deep breath and did not reply to Eniro. Instead, he walked next to Sauro and slowly stretched out his hand.

Savulo saw Kuzan’s hand on his body, and before he had time to think about it, he shouted to Robin:

“Run! Robin!”

“Do not look back!”

“Go and run to the sea!”

“In life, you will never be alone all the time!”

“If you are sad, just use what I taught you.”

“Smile like this!”

“Hey, hehehehe!”

“In the future, there will definitely be your partner on a certain sea!”

“Go find them!”


Kuzan’s voice sounded indifferently:

“The frozen moment…”

A giant ice sculpture was formed in an instant…

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