Robin covered his mouth and looked at Sauro’s ice sculpture in disbelief.

Thinking of Sauro’s words, she covered her mouth and ran away into the distance, not daring to cry.

Enelu and Kuzan did not stop him.

To kill a little girl who is no taller than their knees…there’s just no way around it.

Enelu looked at Sauro’s ice sculpture and raised his hand.

Kuzan said coldly:

“Sauro is dead.”

“What do you want to do, Enelu?”

Enelu glanced sideways at Kuzan, and the electric light in his hand flashed:

“500 million volts refining.”

The lightning that rushed out of his arm instantly turned into an electric pillar several meters thick, directly covering Sauro’s body.

Under the extreme voltage, Sauro’s ice sculpture body gradually melted into a black charred mass of unknown substance.

“Ice cube·exploding pheasant!”

A huge ice bird swooped towards Enelu.

A cold light flashed in Enilu’s eyes:

“Thirty million volts Thunderbird!”

A phoenix-shaped thunderbird of the same size instantly penetrated the ice pheasant, and its power was not reduced, and it rushed towards Kuzan.

When Kuzan looked at the charging electric bird, he instantly condensed an ice blade in his hand, attached it with domineering energy, and chopped it into pieces.

The ice pheasant that rushed towards Enelu seemed to be melting after being penetrated by the electric bird.

The gold jewelry on Enelu’s wrist was instantly smelted into a long stick, and he smashed the ice pheasant with a casual smash.

With a flick of the golden stick in his hand, Enelu looked towards the opposite side:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan attacked his colleagues because he also wanted to defect from the navy.”

Kuzan looked cold:

“Sauro is already dead, there is no need to be so humiliated.”

Enel said indifferently:

“This is just a warning to you, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

“Don’t meddle in some things.”

“You have to understand your position more.”

“Just now this navy rebelled and raised its warships.”

“Why did you go to save him first instead of a navy soldier?”

“Next time, it will be Uncle Sakaski.”

“You don’t want to face him either.”

Kuzan’s face was expressionless, but the ice gradually spread from his feet and invaded all around, showing his inner unrest.

Enelu snorted coldly when he saw this.

Enelu didn’t care at all about Kuzan’s unrest.

As for why Enelu dared to speak so disdainfully.

That’s because two more Kuzans won’t be enough for Enelu.

In terms of background, Enelu relied on Sakaski, Morris, Vegapunk, and Kuzan to pull in a Kapp.

In terms of ability, the thunder fruit can defeat the frozen fruit. Coupled with Enel’s training since childhood, it can directly defeat Kuzan.

Enelu is a major general because of his age and the protection of Morris. Otherwise, he would have been a lieutenant general long ago.

So Enelu really couldn’t get angry to speak to such a stupid guy.

“Think it over for yourself, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

After the words fell silent, they turned into thunder and lightning and disappeared, returning to Sakaski’s warship.


Aboard the Sakaski warship.

Enelu gathered his figure and stood next to Sakaski.

Follow Sakaski and look at the island that is dyed red in the sky under the cannon fire.

After a long time, Enelu slowly spoke:

“That refuge ship…”

Sakaski glanced at him:

“I finally couldn’t bear it anymore.”

“Why do you think that is?”

Enelu thought for a moment:

“Because you broke the law?”

Sakaski nodded:

“There’s some reason for that.”

“No one in this sea can question the legitimacy of the government.”

“They do it knowing they can’t do it.”

“Breaking the government’s laws and violating the government’s taboos, just to pursue that empty ideal.”

“Live in your own world.”

“In the end, people and things on the entire island were involved.”

“But that’s not the main thing.”

“Do you know what the Demon-Slaying Order is?”

Enel said:

“Authorized by the government and established by the headquarters.”

“Carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the area where the signal is sent.”

“Used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that pose a threat to government rule.”

Sakaski said:

“It seems that you listened well to the lectures at the academy.”

“Yes, carry out indiscriminate destruction attacks to eliminate people and objects that pose a threat to the government.”

“But for the Demon-Slaying Order attack we saw today.”

“What do you think of the power?”

Enelu frowned:

“For a strong person, it only takes a moment to destroy the Demon Slayer Order fleet.”

Sakaski said:

“Yes, for the strong, it only takes a moment.”

“But how many strong people are there in the world?”

“This world, after all, is

Made up of ninety-nine percent of ordinary people. ”

“Admiral of the Navy, King of Pirates, such a name may not be effective if thrown into the four seas.”

“The most vicious people they have seen throughout their lives may be the butchers selling meat in the town.”

“They cannot imagine the power of the strong.”

“But if you bring ten warships to his door.”

“What do you think he will do? Twenty ships? Forty ships?”

Enelu understood something:

“They will be afraid, and because they are afraid, they can rule better.”

Sakaski said:

“Yes, that’s it.”

“The purpose of the Demon Slaying Order has never been to destroy.”

“It exists for only one purpose.”

“That’s the shock.”

“Because of the inhumane nature of the Demon Slaying Order.”

“Only in this way can the ninety-nine percent of ordinary people in the sea be frightened.”

“Although there are many newspapers and newsletters in this world.”

“But based on these alone, they can’t imagine the terror of the strong.”

“But they know what happens when shells fall around them.”

“If you let them out.”

“You know what’s going to happen.”

Enel took a deep breath:

“The means of frightening the sea are destroyed in one day.”

“No matter how I explain it, no one will believe it.”

“People only want to believe what they believe.”

Sakaski said:

“Yes, when they escaped.”

“On that day, countless unscrupulous newspapers will start hyping up the news that the myth of the Demon-Slaying Order has been shattered.”

“Don’t expect them to have a conscience, that’s impossible in any era.”

“When the world is frightened, the weapons used to frighten the country lose their effectiveness.”

“The consequences of that are immeasurable.”


“If the navy doesn’t do this, the government will send someone to do it.”

“But that would be a remiss of the Navy.”

“Someone must take the blame.”

At this time, Kuzan slowly walked up.

He arrived just when Eniro asked Sakaski, wanting to see what Sakaski had to say.

But after listening to Sakaski’s words, he was confused again.

He walked out and was silent for a moment, then said:

“Is there no other way?”

Sakaski chuckled without looking back:

“Any other way?”

“The world doesn’t work the way you want it to.”

“The only outcome for them is life or death.”

“Death may be the best ending for them.”

“Life is endless torture.”

“If we choose to live, releasing it into the sea is impossible, and the government will not allow it.”

“It’s not even allowed to be thrown into a deep-sea prison.”

“There is only one way, escort him to a labor camp.”

“In the ice and snow, wearing thin clothes, they were allowed to build day and night.”

“The huge project in the East China Sea has been underway for seven hundred years.”

“Where do you think people come from?”

“They are prisoners from all over the world and their descendants from generation to generation.”

“Do you think this kind of thing is kind to them?”

“Your kindness brings them nothing but endless torture and darkness.”

“As for the sin of bombarding asylum ships.”

“I don’t need you to carry the burden. Everyone is complaining and doubting something.”

“Staying with that idiot Garp for so long has damaged your brain.”

Kuzan clenched his fists and turned to leave. He knew that Sakaski was right…

But it was hard to accept it. Sakaski’s words were like a knife piercing his heart.

Not only could he not do anything, he could not even bear the sin…

Sakaski sensed that Kuzan turned and left without saying anything.

Having said this, if you still become that lazy guy, there is no cure.

Sakaski looked at the fiery red island in the distance:

“The idealistic ideas that pop up randomly when you open your mouth or shut up are simply ridiculous.”


What can I do to save myself? I can use my words or my ideals.

Enelu looked at the island and was speechless. He understood Sakaski’s difficulty.

Everyone wants to be a good person, but who will bear the responsibility, sin, and infamy…

Stupid idealism…

Artillery fire continued to fall all over the sky, and O’Hara felt like a hell on earth under the raging fire…


Within the tree of omniscience.

As the fire became more intense, the scholars who were imprisoned could no longer throw books into the lake outside the window.

The feeling of suffocation kept coming, and he collapsed on the ground.


Dr. Loba looked at the books burned by the fire and shed tears:

“This… is the history of human choice.”

“Shallow humans…”

Olbia closed her eyes tightly, and at the last moment of her life, she finally thought of her daughter.

“I’m sorry, Robin.”

“I haven’t even said a word to you about being a mother…”



The tree of omniscience planted five thousand years ago… fell down.


Evening, O’Hara.

At the corner of the back mountain bank.

Robin, who was running here, suddenly stopped and looked at Kuzan in front of him in horror.

Kuzan sat on the rock with a canoe in front of him and said without looking back:

“Justice sometimes turns people into weapons.”

“I don’t know if this is right or wrong.”

“But I decided to let you leave the island.”

“I want to see what will happen to the seeds that Sauro guarded with his life.”

“You are free to blame anyone.”

“But I’m glad I saved my life.”

“I try to live as low-key as possible. I formed an ice road on the sea.”

“Follow the ice road to the next island.”

Kuzan stood up and walked behind Robin:

“But remember, I am not your accomplice.”

“On the contrary, if you commit a crime.”

“I will come out and arrest you immediately.”

Robin turned back suddenly:

“My mother is still on the island and can be saved…”

Kuzan’s emotionless voice sounded:

“There are no more living people on this island.”

“But if you want to die, that’s your freedom.”


Two figures, one large and one small, left in opposite directions….

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