Ten warships, adding up to hundreds of artillery pieces.

The bombardment of O’Hara continued well into the night.

The raging fire ignited the entire island, illuminating the world in the dark night.

Even though we were miles away, we could still feel the heat wave and the red sky.

Robin cried and sat on the boat… and drifted away.


Sakaski and Eniro stood on the top floor of the warship.

No one spoke, just watching the fire burn quietly.

Watching the fire burn out, leaving only a piece of black land and streaks of white smoke.

early morning.

Ta da da da…

There was a sound of footsteps, and Carol walked to the bow:

“Vice Admiral Sakaski, the rest of the fleet is waiting for orders.”

Sakaski spoke slowly:

“Organize a manpower search.”

Carol nodded:


After a few seconds of silence, he said:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski…”

“Last night, the 73rd branch operation in the South China Sea failed…”

“Only one member of the seven-member group who was transferred to Branch 73 survived. Avis died together with the branch chief of Branch 73.”

Sakaski looked at the sea:

“The traces have been cleaned up.”

Carol said:


“The high explosives detonated by Avis destroyed half of the branch base.”

The names and figures of Avis and several people sent to the 73rd branch flashed in Sakaski’s mind:

“What else?”

Carol said a little shyly:

“Avis asked me to tell you.”

“I’m very sorry. He tried his best.”

Sakaski was silent for a moment:

“I see…..”

“Learn lessons and send people to search around the base.”

“Look for the fruit of Avis.”

“Everyone, go down.”

Carol said:


He and Enelu turned and left.

Sakaski was left looking quietly at the sea.

After a long time, he turned around and left…


O’Hara, ruins of the Tree of All Knowledge.

The omniscient tree that covered half of the island was left with only a huge black coal, which fell on the spot.

The soldiers walked on the island that smelled of gunpowder smoke, searching.


“This is the Demon-Slaying Order.”

“Where can there be survivors?”

“There are craters and charcoal everywhere.”

“Stop talking so much.”

“Search well.”

“Hey! Look!!!”

The soldiers who were chatting while searching suddenly discovered something and shouted.

“This lake is filled with books!”


“Let me see!”


The lake is filled with books thrown in by O’Hara scholars.

That huge lake is almost filled with books, just to preserve the history of mankind…


A few days later.

Grand Line, G7 branch.

Spandyne and Warring States gather here.

Conduct review and data compilation of this operation.

There is a photo on Sengoku’s desk.

Kuzan was sitting on the sofa next to him, also holding a photo and looking at it.

Spandaine said:

“That’s the kid.”

“I saw her with the O’Hara scholars.”

“They definitely have something to do with each other.”

Then he looked at his subordinates:

“By the way, where did you find it?”

The subordinates stood at attention and reported:

“It was found on a moving passenger ship northeast of O’Hara.”

“But I lost track immediately…”

Spangdyne made a sound:

“This kid is so lucky.”

“At that time, I saw her sitting on a small wooden boat.”

“Breaking out of O’Hara, which was surrounded by fire.”

“But when I tried to catch up, the rudder of the boat seemed frozen and couldn’t move.”

“It’s really outrageous.”

Warring States glanced at Kuzan, who was sitting on the sofa in a cold sweat.

He said to Spandaine:

“Since it’s related to O’Hara’s scholars.”

“It is not ruled out that she can also interpret historical texts.”

“You can’t let go even if it’s a child.”

“We must do whatever it takes to get him back as soon as possible.”

“Otherwise, everything this time will be in vain.”

Spangdine nodded:


“Then arrange a reason.”

“Start the wanted search.”

“I’ll go and report to Lord Wulaoxing first.”

Warring States nodded and hummed.

After Spangdine left.

There were only two people left in silence in the huge office, and the sound of goats eating documents.

“It won’t happen again, Kuzan…”


O’Hara’s number of deaths

in the future.

Under the coordination of the government and the navy, the two pieces of news that occupied the front page of the newspaper spread across the sea in an instant.

East China Sea, Fengling Island, Navy Branch 65.

A furious Jerram rushed into the branch director’s office with a newspaper.

“Brother! Lieutenant General Sakaski has been promoted to general!!!”

Megan Locke, who had become the branch leader, stood up suddenly.


He took the newspaper and showed a happy smile.

Sakaski is their belief and they are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

“Jerram! Notice!”

“Dinner together today!!!”

Jerram said with a smile:



West Sea, a small island northeast of O’Hara.

On the street, people were holding today’s newspapers in twos and threes.

“Hey, hey, it’s really fake.”

“79 million beli.”

“How can an 8-year-old have such a high bounty?”

“Don’t you know?”

“She is a survivor of the O’Hara demons who plotted to destroy the world.”

“It is said that one man destroyed six warships.”

“That’s why there is such a high reward.”

“It’s so scary…”

“Fortunately, the government and navy discovered it in time.”

“It’s actually so close.”

But at some point, details leaked out on the ocean, making people a little more afraid of Sakaski.

People gathered together holding newspapers. I don’t know who started, whispering:

“do you know.”

“In fact, the government sent asylum boats to innocent people in O’Hara.”

“But the new admiral, Sakaski, personally ordered the destruction of the refuge ship.”

The rest were in disbelief:


“No way, I know Sakaski, he’s not like that kind of person.”

“It’s bad, that’s because I pretended to be too good before.”

“Besides, judging from previous reports, the cruel methods used against pirates.”

“You can imagine who he is.”

“How could this happen? It’s simply inhumane.”


“Keep your voice down! You don’t want your life!”

“If word spreads, be careful and he will kill your whole family.”

“Yes, yes, we can’t talk anymore.”

“Go quickly, go quickly.”

The group of people dispersed in shock.

In the corner of the wall, Robin held his breath until nightfall, then sneaked out…


The new world, the country of Wano.

Dark clouds surged violently over Onigashima at some point, with thunder and flames flying.

The roaring dragon roared over Onigashima for a long time.

Oden, who was in Kuri, stared in the direction of Onigashima and tightened his grip on the handle of the knife at his waist.

“Can’t wait any longer…”

Ghost Island.


With a loud noise, a large crater nearly 100 meters appeared on the ground.

Kaido, who had been dancing like a blue dragon in the sky for a day, turned into a human and lay inside.

Jhin commanded the half-finished Barbarian Tyrant, carried Kaido to the palace, and breathed a sigh of relief:

“It’s finally over.”

Looking at Quinn beside him:

“Next time, don’t let Brother Kaido know about Sakaski.”

“Especially when he’s drunk, Brother Kaido will go crazy.”

Quinn, who was slightly fatter, said:

“It was just a newspaper, and I didn’t expect the response to be so big.”

Jin snorted coldly:


Quinn said angrily:

“You bastard have no right to say that.”

Daily quarrels with each other….


The Grand Line, the Undersea Prison.

The sixth level, infinite hell.

Several guards were chatting while throwing the food they carried into the cell.

“You know there’s a new general in the navy?”


“who is it.”

“It is said to be the former Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

“What! It’s Mr. Sakaski!”

“you know?”

“My hometown was saved by him.”

“That was eight years ago. It was also because of this that I chose to join the army.”

“But I didn’t expect that I would be assigned to prison, alas.”

“Don’t be discouraged. At least the work in prison is stable and safe.”

“Yeah, maybe I don’t have that fate.”


Deep, deep in a single cell.

When the guard walked away, the golden lion suddenly opened his eyes.

“That kid is already an admiral…”


The golden lion’s eyes exuded a dangerous light. He already had a plan on how to escape from here, and there was only one chance left…

“Roger, I’ll show you that I’m the right one.”

“What great era of pirates you started is just a child’s play.”


I’ll just wait, world…”


South China Sea, Kingdom of Sobel.

In the huge palace, Bartholomew Bear is the monarch.

He was in the royal library, flipping through the books, looking for something.

A breeze blew.

Bartholomew Bear suddenly turned around and slapped out a palm.


The dark dragon claw hand clasped the wrist that the big bear was attacking.

The dragon pulled down the hood of his green cloak:

“I mean no harm.”

“I just want to talk to you about the world.”

Slowly loosened the clasp of Big Bear’s wrist.

Bartholomew Big Bear looked at the man in front of him and spoke slowly:


Long took out a newspaper and handed it to him.

The big bear took the newspaper, which was the page that reported O’Hara, and Robin’s huge wanted notice.

“That’s right, world.”

The two chatted until late at night… At some point, the two disappeared.


Grand Line, Rikvai Islands.

The Rikvi Islands, ruled by the Kingdom of Kodaga, are seventy percent rocky.

Therefore, people on the island make a living by mining and selling huge rocks.

However, the new king who came to the throne in recent years has been increasing taxes and suppressing his citizens for several years.

The main purpose of the king is to gain the opportunity to join the world government.

Bartholomew Big Bear stood on the mountain peak and looked at the scrawny working people:

“This is the country you’re talking about.”

Long stood nearby and whispered:

“Yes, this is just the beginning.”

“We want to liberate not just here, but the world.”

Bartholomew Bear looked down:

“When does it begin.”

Long said:


Then it turned into a breeze and disappeared, leaving Bartholomew Bear alone looking at all the living beings.


late at night.

As one of the people stood up, people all over the place walked out of the rocky mountains and rushed towards the palace.

With the help of violent storms, lightning and thunder, they rushed towards the palace.

In the palace, the ambitious king who wanted to achieve great things was dialing the phone frantically:

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

“Why can’t I get through!!!”


“Someone is coming!!!”

“Pack up my treasure and prepare the boat quickly!!!”

The shouts of killing gradually approached, and it was obvious that the palace had been breached. The guards also went down to clean up in a panic. No one wanted to die…

The king of years ago was just about to run to the back door.


The neck was broken instantly.

The dragon and Bartholomew Bear appear.

Long said softly:

“it’s over.”

Suddenly he was attracted by the phone bug held by the king. When he picked it up and looked at it, his pupils shrank sharply.

“This is…..”

“CP organization’s special phone bug.”



“Then this is…”

Long took a deep breath, suppressed his racing thoughts, greeted the big bear, and the two disappeared.

Enel and Carol were wearing special cloaks and stood on the second floor of a house in the distance.

Carol looked at the kingdom that had been breached and asked Enel to put away the magnetic field bomb:

“You are still young after all.”

“But after this time, I should have a better memory.”

“Let’s go, Enel.”

Turn around and leave.

As early as when we were tracking the dragon’s traces, we discovered that the dragon had stayed on this island for too long.

Sakaski sent Carroll to investigate, and the results were like a sieve, and everything was revealed without leaving any trace.

At the same time, I also went to the king to investigate and found out that he had obtained the contact phone number of the CP organization from nowhere.

The king is not stupid either.

The citizens, who have always been filled with public dissatisfaction, have suddenly become more honest in the past two years, and their eyes are still full of hope.

Upon investigation, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, but he also thought of another level.

It is to sell criminals with dangerous ideas to the government in exchange for credit and opportunities to join the country.

So I secretly contacted the king of a friendly government-joined country and got the contact number.

On the appointed date, let the CP organization set up an ambush in the outer sea. As long as they dial the phone number, they will immediately enter the island.

But even without the magnetic field bomb that shielded the signal, the dragon would definitely not be able to be retained.

But in that case, growth would be too slow.

So Sakaski asked Carroll and Eniro to carry magnetic field bombs to block the signal.

late at night.

Sakaski hung up on the phone bug.

He lit a cigar and took a deep breath:


“Grow up quickly…Puppet.”


Turn around and walk towards

First floor.

Prepare for the general inauguration ceremony tomorrow.


The sun rises, early in the morning.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The square of the headquarters was filled with soldiers lined up neatly.

Reporters stood on the edge of the platform, taking photos and recording the heroic appearance of the naval soldiers.

As the morning bell rang.

A group of naval generals entered slowly.

The leader was Marshal Kong standing in the center of the huge podium:

“It is a great pleasure that we gather here today for this general’s inauguration ceremony.”

“Because it will represent justice in the world, stronger.”

“Formal announcement.”

“World Government Order, Navy Headquarters Order.”

“Awarded to Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, Sakaski.”

“The rank of general.”

“Code name—Akainu!!!”

Countless flashlights lit up, and tens of thousands of naval soldiers in the square shouted the word justice for a long time.

Marshal Kong stepped aside and Sakaski slowly walked onto the stage.

Wearing a red suit and a thick general’s cape, he looked extremely solemn.

With a wave of his hand, the deafening shouts stopped instantly, which was extremely shocking.

Sakaski spoke slowly:

“Over the past millennia.”

“Pirates, a cancer on the sea, appear in endlessly.”

“They don’t engage in production and rely on burning, killing, and looting to survive.”

“It is a constant threat to people’s lives and property.”

“The evil pirate Roger started the so-called era of great pirates.”

“The whole world thought it was a pirate carnival.”

“But here’s what I’m telling you today.”

“This is the age of the Navy! This is the age of justice!”

“Our Navy carries the justice of the world!”

“The evil pirates will definitely be wiped out completely!”

“We will fight in the sky!”

“We will fight on the ground!”

“We will fight in the sea!”

“We will eliminate all evil and let people enjoy a peaceful and peaceful world!”

“Justice! Must win!!!”

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