As Sakaski’s inaugural speech was completed.

With the promotion of the government and the publicity of journalists, the news spread all over the sea that day.

Even remote corners of the world have received this newspaper.

Sakaski’s preaching is an effective reassurance for people around the world.

Eliminated the people’s fear of this era.

But the fear of pirates requires the performance of the navy.

The end of the newspaper stated that the navy admiral, Sakaski, would lead the team to carry out an operation called “Four Seas Plowing the Court”.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

At the port, Barrett directed everyone to move supplies.

Since Sakaski was promoted to general, Barrett was directly promoted to lieutenant general and commanded the original Sakaski warship.

Next, Sakaski served as commander-in-chief.

Led ten warships, including the Barrett warship, and marched across the sea to start cleaning up.

The main target is the new generation of pirates who have emerged in the past two years.

Sakaski’s home.

Enel looked at the admiral’s cloak on the hanger in the study.

“Wow, this thickness.”

“And this epaulette!!!”

“So handsome ah ah ah ah.”

This is the first time that Enelu has seen the general’s cloak up close.

After all, there was only one general in the Navy during the Warring States Period, even though Rosinandi was his younger brother.

But he can’t go to someone’s house to see the cloak.

Sakaski smiled and said to Carol:

“Have you found the O’Hara survivor, Nicole Robin?”

Carol nodded:

“Found it, it’s been under surveillance.”

“Last time it was based on the government’s rough intelligence.”

“After discovering the trace, we directly transferred five members from Barrett’s Howling Commandos and sent them there.”

“Searched as quickly as possible.”

“I will never lose you.”

Sakaski pondered for a moment:

“Disguise yourself and become her teacher for a few years.”

Carol looked confused:

“be a teacher?”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right.”

“The main thing is to teach her how to survive and instill some ideas in her.”

As he spoke, he threw a few old books on the table.

Carroll raised his eyebrows and looked at the papers on the table: Theory of the World, Theory of Aristocracy, Freedom and Equality, Theory of Revolution…

Sakaski opened a book at random:

“The dragon’s side is no longer accessible.”

“The general road has been paved for him, and then it depends on his own development.”

“His abilities are pervasive.”

“That kid is not stupid. Someone obviously helped him this time.”

“Next time I will probably be more secretive and cautious.”

“Even if a specially made cloak can block the sight, there is still a risk of exposure.”

“So, no contact will be allowed in the future.”

Carol looked at the table clearly:

“So this is…”

Sakaski closed the book and flicked it:

“O’Hara had to have some connection to the revolution.”

“There is only a rudiment of the dragon.”

“If you just try to figure it out on your own, you don’t know what year or month it will be.”

“And Nicole Robin is his experience bag.”

“One day in the future, when the two come together.”

“The sparks from the collision will burn all over the world in an instant.”

Carol frowned slightly:


“But if this is the case, things will be out of control.”

“If this idea is widely promoted by the revolutionary army.”

“It will definitely make the government very anxious.”

“By then there will be at least dozens of rebel countries.”

“If we can’t control it, I’m afraid we will still send navy soldiers to fight them.”

Sakaski said:

“That’s why I asked you to teach it to Nico Robin.”

“Of course they will collide, but it will never be now.”

“Long wouldn’t have thought that an eight-year-old could master such a thing.”

“Although this world is composed of 99% ordinary people.”

“But after all, the world belongs to the strong.”

“Wait until they collide.”

“It can attract the government, but it can’t escape our hands.”

Sakaski chuckled and tapped his fingers on the table, thinking about something…

“Twenty years later…”


A few days later, Beihai.

Ten huge warships lined up at Upside Down Mountain.

There was a warship transferred from various branch bases in Beihai, adding up to dozens of small warships.

Looking at the chart of the North Sea, I calculated the distance.

Ten huge warships of the headquarters spread out.

Each huge warship of the headquarters is followed by several small warships, lined up in a row.

Each warship is several nautical miles apart, ensuring that it can see each other.

Sakaski took out the phone bug:

Start plowing the garden. ”

The commanders of dozens of warships jointly ordered the launch, and the warships pushed across the North Sea.

As for Sakaski, Barrett, and Eniro, who are sitting on the third, fifth, and seventh warships.

It can ensure that any emergencies on either side can be dealt with directly.

Viewed from a high altitude, although the area spread out by this row of warships is only part of the North Sea.

But if you go back and forth a few more times, you can completely sift through it.


A small island somewhere in the West Sea.

It has been raining continuously for a week.

But Robin, who was hiding in the corner, liked the rainy day very much.

Because of the rain, there were few people on the street, and her pursuers would not come out.

She can boldly search for some food.

There was the sound of rummaging for something.

Suddenly Robin felt that his head was covered by a shadow, and the rain stopped falling.

Looking at the reflection on the ground, I was shocked.

Oops, when…

But Robin didn’t dare to look back or run.

It would be even worse if his identity was discovered later, but there was a dead end ahead.

Robin looked at the shadow and raised his hand, closing his eyes nervously.

The imaginable beating never came.

A warm hand touched the top of her head.

A gentle male voice sounded:

“What a poor child.”

“My name is Lorca, a traveler.”

“what is your name.”

Robin turned his head and froze, his real name almost blurting out.

Then he reacted and said his pseudonym:


“Koni Elida.”

A gentle male voice sounded from above:

“Are you interested in coming with me?”

“I still need one~”



South China Sea, Kingdom of Sobel.

In the palace, the two people who came back through the bear’s ability were reviewing the situation.

It worked though.

But this time alone, too many problems were exposed.

An uprising like a sieve.

The King, the CP organization, doesn’t even know if there is a third force.

Because the dragon discovered that the king’s phone bug had not dialed out, otherwise it would not have succeeded.

But why it wasn’t dialed out is a mystery.


Are there any third-party forces…

From the moment he set foot on this road, Long discovered that everything was not that simple.

Just like this uprising, it was simply a failure among failures.

It’s just luck to be successful.

But there is good news, that is, Xiong was successfully won over.

From the information stolen from the Navy, Long selected many people.

And Bartholomew Bear is what he values ​​the most, not only because of his ability, but also his experience.

Although he is called a tyrant by the world, but just from some experiences, Long Dai can infer that he is also looking for a way…

Find another way to liberation and freedom…


The Grand Line, the Undersea Prison.

As the jailer took the little food that was enough to prevent him from starving to death today, he was sent to the golden lion’s cell and walked away.

The golden lion suddenly opened its eyes, and its ferocious look was clearly visible.

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