Donghai, Xiluobu Village, late at night.

Jesus packed his luggage lightly.


Suddenly there was the sound of a fire, and then candles lit up the room.

Jesus Bu’s wife watched silently as her husband packed his bags.

Looking at his wife’s sad face, Jesus said with some difficulty:

“Sorry, I…..”

Jesus Bu’s wife whispered:

“This day has finally arrived.”

“I know you don’t belong here.”

“I won’t stop you.”

“But Usopp is still young…”

There was a long silence… neither of them spoke.

Jesus revealed that his wife already knew her husband’s choice:

“Take another look at Usopp.”

The wife turned and left.

Jesus slumped to the ground, sitting motionless on the ground.

After a while, he stood up and walked into the house, glancing at Usopp who was still sleeping.

Cruelly close your eyes and leave.

Open the door to the house.

The stars in the sky illuminated the earth, and my wife handed over a package.

Inside were the Jesus cloth clothes and some of the family’s remaining money…

The hand that took the package tightened unconsciously.

I couldn’t come back to my senses for a long time, until a ray of sunshine came from the horizon.


Jesus said tremblingly with guilt.

Heading towards the direction of the rising sun.

inside the house.

The wife lying on the bed looked at the sleeping Usopp.

Two lines of tears were shed…


A new world, a towering secret realm.

This is the last territory of the Golden Lion, and it is also a location he has never revealed.

No one would have imagined what the scenery would look like on this island, which is like a column and stretches straight into the sky.

The scientists in the secret realm thought about escaping after Golden Lion was imprisoned.

After all, they are all kidnapped, and they have their own families, friends, and careers.

Being kidnapped here by the Golden Lion, he had no choice but to serve the Golden Lion’s research.

But when the golden lion was imprisoned, everyone except Dr. Indigo couldn’t hold back.

No one wants to stay in this secluded hellish place.

A group of people gathered together, although they were not scientists who specialized in machinery.

But as excellent biologists and scientists, their brains are obviously smarter than most people.

After two years of stumbling assembly.

A giant biodynamic glider is assembled.

The gliding boat was pulled to the edge of the cliff through a mechanical device. Everyone landed and looked at the floating clouds, extremely excited.

“Finally we have to leave this hellish place!”


“Great! Lisa! Wait for me!!!”

“I’ll be home soon!”

“woo woo woo woo!!!”

“I haven’t seen my son in four years!”

“At that time, he was just born!”

“You should be able to speak now.”

“Okay! Get ready!”

“go home!!!!”


The leading biological scientist pressed the button in his hand, and the huge mechanical device pushed the glider to the edge of the cliff.


As the ship glided out, the sound of the glider making contact with the air could be heard.

At an altitude of several thousand meters, the gliding boat swooped down rapidly.

Dr. Indigo slowly walked out after the huge gliding boat crashed down.

He held a newspaper in his hand.

The headline of the newspaper was the news about the golden lion shattering the myth of the underwater prison.

“Humph, these idiots…”

Turn around and leave.

The newspapers had been received for several days, but Dr. Indigo did not tell them.

He even secretly collected all the newspapers and hid them.

Who doesn’t want to be the boss…in the future scientific research department…

“Click, click, click, click…”

Weird laughter echoed on the cliff.


A swooping glider.

“Everyone! Get ready!”

“About to enter the water!”

“pay close attention!!!”





The impact the gliding ship had imagined as it rushed down from an altitude of several thousand meters did not appear.

Instead, it fell into the water very smoothly, even those who had just calculated and shouted were stunned.

Suddenly, everyone seemed to have thought of something.

One after another, covered in cold sweat, they collapsed on the ground, looking around for something.


Thick white smoke was exhaled.

The golden lion sits on the edge of the cabin roof:

“Jie hahahaha.”

“You really gave me a surprise.”

“A group of biologists were able to build a boat.

“What do so many people want to do?”

“You’re going to save me.”


“Run away…”

The voice of Zhang Zheng gradually became colder, his words fell silent, and the strong murderous intention pressed on everyone.

Everyone collapsed on the ground.

The leading biologist swallowed his saliva and said forcefully:

“We…are just preparing to rescue you.”

“We all have some connections…so let’s see if we can rescue you.”

“That’s why we built this big ship.”

The people around him echoed:



“I know the Vice Admiral!”

“My family also has some connections with government officials!”

“Very good!”

“You actually came out!”

Looking at this group of biologists, the golden lion said with a ferocious smile:

“Then I really want to thank you.”

Use your hands to support yourself and jump off the roof of the cabin.


The two swords fell on the deck, making a clash of gold and iron.

Step by step towards the leading biologist.

Walked up to him, leaned over and grabbed his neck, and lifted him up directly:



“Golden Lion!!!”

“When have I fallen to the point where I need to be saved by a bunch of you losers!!!”

Bang! ! !

Endless power burst out from the palm of the golden lion.

The neck of the leading scholar instantly turned into blood mist, and his head rolled to the edge of the deck.

“Ha ha ha ha ha….”

“Give you a chance.”

“I only need 10 people.”

Then he threw a knife and threw it on the deck.

Dozens of scholars on the ship looked at the knife and swallowed.


“Get away!”

“The knife is mine!!!”

“Don’t grab it from me!”




“Don’t push me!!!”

The golden lion stood on the deck and looked at the fighting scholars.


“So funny…..”

“Jie hahahahaha!!!”


Donghai, a certain branch.

A group of naval officers discuss the news of Golden Lion’s escape from prison.

“How terrible.”

“The so-called iron-walled underwater prison has been breached.”

“He is truly a legendary pirate.”

“When will the damn pirates stop?”

Beside, Bellemeier, with long red hair and a cigarette in his mouth, loaded the gun in his hand:

“What are you afraid of?”

“As long as he dares to come to the East China Sea, I will give him a severe lesson.”

The school officer on the sofa smiled and said:

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“As expected of Bellemere, he is so reliable!”

“That’s right, that’s right.”


West Sea, Kesk Island.

“Hey, I heard about it.”

“The son of the devil must have come to this area.”

“real or fake.”

“Didn’t I say we were on Corian Island last time?”

“Yes, but then the government said that there were no arrests in the entire island.”

“Based on the supply ship route in those days, it is estimated that it is near our island.”

In the distance, Robin, who was following Lorca, became nervous unconsciously.

Lorca turned to look at the stunned Robin:

“What’s wrong, Elida?”

Robin, whose pseudonym is Kony Elida, came to his senses:

“No…it’s okay.”

“Mr. Lorca.”


New World, Libery Island.

Baloric Redfield, known as the Red Earl and the Solitary Red, settled here.

The highest mountain on the island.

Because of the ability to read people’s hearts through sight, hearing, and color, in crowded places, Redfield would unconsciously have murderous intentions due to the noisy and sinister human nature.

So I usually take the beautiful mountains or valleys alone.

Redfield, who was drinking coffee, suddenly put down his cup and looked towards the port:


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