Baloric Redfield is born with a strong sense of knowledge and color.

He always endures the torture caused by seeing, hearing and seeing.

But that’s exactly what it is, seeing, hearing, and color combined with the powerful swordsmanship and physical skills.

Just one person can be as famous as the previous great pirates such as Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger.

The moment the warship on which Kong and Garp were riding docked, Redfield noticed those two extremely powerful auras.

But he just frowned slightly and did not leave.

Instead, he picked up the cup and tasted the coffee carefully again.

Without him, it’s just the arrogance and confidence of being a top strong man.

Looking faintly towards the port, waiting for the arrival of the navy.



Sora and Garp stood on the deck, looking at the mountain.

Behind them, rows of soldiers were disembarking and entering the town to disperse the crowds.

Marshal Kong looked at the mountain:

“There’s no action.”

“It saves trouble.”

Garp laughed while eating donuts:

“Hahahahaha, I was underestimated.”

Marshal Kong looked serious:

“Garp, you and Xiaohe guard the town below.”

“I’ll deal with him.”

Karp laughed:

“Do not worry.”

Lieutenant General He nodded slightly:


The three of them walked down the deck.

Marshal Kong and Lieutenant General He both looked serious, but Garp didn’t care and followed Marshal Kong casually.


in a small town.

Navy soldiers lined up in the streets, guarding with guns.

Countless residents carefully looked at the navy soldiers from windows and door cracks.

General Hezhong stood in the center of the town square:

“Don’t worry, everyone.”

“This is a Navy arrest operation.”

“This time the target is the great pirate, Baloric Redfield.”

“Please feel free to stay indoors.”

“Don’t panic.”

Residents breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it was an arrest.

The next thing I heard was the arrest of Redfield, and I became nervous again.


“It’s the Red Earl who is as famous as Golden Roger!”


“Is there any danger?”

“Don’t worry, the navy said so.”

“As long as you stay in the house you’ll be fine.”

“I hope…”

Countless residents were communicating quietly with family and friends at home.

Garp sat on the roof of the tallest church in town and looked at the mountains.

While stuffing donuts into his mouth, he said inarticulately:

“It’s begun.”


High on the mountain.

Redfield put down the cup in his hand and looked at Marshal Kong who appeared not far away.

“I see, it’s time to establish your authority.”

“I’m so underestimated.”

He stood up, picked up the bat-handled umbrella sword next to him, and flicked the sword into a flower.

Marshal Kong looked at Redfield, who was wearing a plum red shirt, blood red trousers, and a large blood red cloak.

“You already know why I’m here.”

“As expected, he is as domineering as he is able to see through people’s hearts.”

“What a terrifying sight.”

“It’s so dangerous, it’s really hard to let it go.”

Redfield swung the umbrella sword in his hand toward the distant mountain peak.


One after another streaked across the sky.

The huge mountain peak was directly chopped into pieces and slid down, and the rumbling sound of rolling boulders continued.

“You could have done it directly, but you still found such a high-sounding reason.”

“Ugly human nature.”

The dark domineering energy in Marshal Kong’s arms flowed like air currents:



“Just giving you a reason to plead guilty.”


Both Redfield and Marshal Kong stared at each other.

“Heh…” x2

The ground beneath their feet suddenly erupted into violent air waves.

It spread in all directions like a whirlwind, and the distance between the two was only a hundred meters away.

The hurricane of collision was offset by friction, and within two seconds, Sora and Redfield disappeared instantly.

boom–! ! ! !

A huge impact sounded, and the ground cracked and spread endlessly, raising smoke hundreds of meters high.

Smoke rising into the sky like a mushroom cloud formed circles of air waves spreading outward.

The center of the explosion.

The umbrella sword thrust out by Redfield’s right hand was held by Sora’s left arm.

Sora’s right arm was filled with domineering energy, forming a cone and stabbing at Redfield.

Redfield leaned backwards and retracted the umbrella sword in his hand.


There was a sound like torn rags.

Sora’s right arm pierced Redfield, but there was no real feeling. Sora’s eyes narrowed slightly. This speed…

Sora’s arm was still stabbing forward, and Redfield’s shadow didn’t wait to completely dissipate.

Another Redfield suddenly appeared behind Sora.

The umbrella sword in his hand was slashed at an extremely fast speed.

Sora was turning around slightly, his whole arm filled with domineering energy.

The umbrella sword collided with the shoulder.

A harsh sound sounded, like rust grinding iron.


The two separated.

Sora’s shoulder was penetrated half an inch into the skin by the sword energy, and a trace of blood flowed out. He looked at Redfield in the distance and said.

“With such swordsmanship, he can be called the world’s greatest swordsman.”

As for why Kong said this, it is because Redfield, like the Golden Lion, typically has high offense and low defense.

But unlike the golden lion, there is no comprehensive development in all aspects, ability, swordsmanship, overlord color, power, etc.

Redfield could be on par with them.

It relies solely on the extremely strong swordsmanship and the speed to seize the opportunity by sensing the inner feelings.

As far as swordsmanship is concerned, there is currently no one in the sea that can compete with him.

Redfield said indifferently:

“It’s really scary.”

“We really can’t let this go any longer.”

Redfield read Sora’s heart and said what Sora wanted to say.

Marshal Kong’s eyes narrowed.

Redfield said indifferently:

“Read people’s hearts.”

“It’s really…”

“I can’t let you continue.”

It completely expressed Sora’s inner thoughts.

The ground beneath Sora’s feet exploded, and he disappeared instantly.

Redfield read his thoughts at that moment and stabbed the sword behind him.

The position where the sword stabbed was Sora’s eye.

But Kong directly made a slight hint of the position, adjusted the stabbing position to the center of the eyebrow, and then attached the domineering force to the head.

Holding the umbrella sword that was stabbing between his eyebrows, he smashed his arms at Redfield.

Redfield was a little stunned and frowned.

Sora’s arms directly hit Redfield’s temple.

He retracted his umbrella sword and rushed forward.

boom–! ! !

Sora’s fists smashed through the afterimage and collided together.

A violent wave of air erupted from the center, blowing away the dust and mist all around.

“Even if we seize the opportunity, so what?”

“You have no chance of making a mistake.”

“Otherwise, what you will lose is your life.”

Redfield’s physical skills are only relatively strong, but compared with Blood Bull, they are still a bit behind.

When the Golden Lion got close to Garp, he lost an arm before running away.

Kong’s muscles…are several times thicker than Garp’s.

The trouble is his speed and inner perception.

Redfield’s face turned gloomy. Although he didn’t want to admit it, what Kong said was the truth.

He raised his right hand holding the sword, slowly stretched out his left hand, pulled out the umbrella of the umbrella sword, and threw it on the ground.

He casually flicked the sword flower, and his aura became much sharper, and his domineering energy continued to flow into the tip of the sword.

The afterimage flickered, and the dazzling sword light shot out. Kong turned his head slightly, grazing his ear.

The sword energy cut a scar on Kong’s ear and shot into the mountain behind.


From halfway up the mountain, the mountain was directly blown apart.

Countless boulders flew towards various parts of the island under the impact.

The two figures disappeared.

Sword energy and mushroom clouds rushed out and exploded continuously.

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