In the small town, Garp, who was sitting on top of the church, stood up and put down the donuts.

With his arms flowing with domineering energy, he looked at the rushing sword energy and the flying boulders and said with a grin:

“It’s so intense.”

As soon as he stepped on it, the roof of the church instantly became round, cracked and sank.

Garp appeared in mid-air, stepped on the moon steps, and directly smashed the flying sword energy and boulders.

Boom boom boom boom——


At the mountain peak.


Redfield’s sword collided with Sora’s fist again.

He leaned back slightly, ready to dodge at any time, and suppressed the long sword in his hand with an explosion of sword energy.

Kong resisted the long sword and turned his front elbow, turning his fist into a palm and hitting the sword body.

At the same time, he raised his sword finger in his right hand, like a sharp sword, piercing Redfield’s heart.

Under the uncontrollable force, Redfield’s long sword slashed to the right.

The fierce horse racing passed by.

The mountain peak the two of them were on was cut off instantly.

Under the huge impact, the severed upper half of the mountain peak flew up slightly.

He looked at the sword finger that was coming.

Redfield retreated backwards in the prepared posture, took several steps with his bare feet, and followed closely.


Half of the mountain peaks that were flying slightly fell down, shaking the mountains for a while.

Redfield was startled, his body shook slightly, and he had no time to steady himself.

Kong’s sword finger had already seized the opportunity to kill in front of him.

Regardless of his image, he fell backwards, rolled to the side, and then stood up from his knees.

He thrust the long sword in his hand into the ground and exploded with sword energy.

The ground instantly surged, sweeping towards the sky.

At close range, hundreds of meters of rock and soil waves carried Kong towards the ground in the distance.

boom–! ! !

The ground shook.

Redfield stood up, held the sword in both hands, and stepped on it.

The whole person was flying towards the sky as if flying close to the ground, and the hands holding the sword moved behind him to accumulate power.

A flash of sword light flashed past.

The layer of rock and soil covering the void was instantly split in two.


A huge black shadow rose into the sky from the rock and soil.

Kong appeared in mid-air holding a rock dozens of meters in size with one hand.


The jet-black armed color instantly covered the boulder, which was dozens of meters in diameter.

He grasped the boulder with five fingers and threw it down hard.

The dark boulders hit Redfield like meteors.

Redfield looked at the swooping boulder and made a domineering stroke with his left hand.

The boulder split into two halves instantly, and the right hand holding the sword stabbed forward.


The sound of gold and iron coming together.

Kong followed behind the boulder, and his punch towards Redfield was blocked by his long sword.

Redfield only held on for a moment before being pressed back by the huge force.

A series of explosions sounded.

The backward footprints were like bombs, and several potholes appeared.

Redfield took off most of his strength and stood still for a moment, then raised his left knee.

It hit Sora’s chin directly.

Sora’s head and body flew upward uncontrollably.

Redfield’s long sword slashed at Sora’s neck.

Sora’s body flew upwards and kicked out his right foot very quickly, directly hitting Redfield’s chest.

boom! ! !

The two separated.

Kong was covered in cold sweat, breathing heavily, and half of his spiky hair was shaved off.

Redfield’s chest was slightly dented, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was kicked by a kick from behind.

Uncontrollably, he slashed further up, and ended up cutting off Sora’s hair.

It didn’t cause any effective damage, but he broke three ribs.

Lightly patting the dust on his body, Redfield said indifferently:

“As expected of the Admiral of the Navy, Cyborg Kong.”

The armed color of Marshal Kong’s arms flows:

“I’m going to capture him without mercy.”

Redfield raised his sword and pointed it at Sora.


The whole person is like the tip of a huge sword, carrying the sword energy, stabbing directly into the air.

Redfield’s extremely fast speed, even the top physical expert Sora, had no time to completely dodge.

The dazzling huge sword light broke through the mountain peaks, split the islands, and cut open the sea, stretching endlessly.


In the small town, Garp and He stood together, observing their battle with the color of their eyes.

Looking at the sword light that split the sky and the sea, Garp couldn’t help but said:

“It’s a bit too big, this kind of swordsmanship.”

“It’s much stronger than the Golden Lion.”

Lieutenant General He frowned slightly:

“be prepared.”

“We must not let Redfield escape.”

“Alone, there is nothing to fear.”

“It would be quite troublesome if I ran away.”

Karp laughed and said:

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him run away.”

Keep looking into the distance



At the mountain peak.

The two got separated.

Sora looked at the bone-deep sword marks on his arms, and was instantly covered with domineering energy.

“How many times can you perform such an attack?”

Redfield raised his sword again and pointed it at Sora:

“How many times can you escape?”

Suddenly, Redfield chuckled:

“I see.”

“Eight times.”

Kong frowned slightly, reading his heart, trouble…

But what Sora didn’t know was that while Redfield was smiling lightly, his heart actually sank.

He has mastered the power needed to kill Kong.

But if it breaks out like this eight times… it’s simply impossible.

If he uses it five more times, he may not have the strength anymore.

At that time, we can only be at the mercy of others.

With a twist of the long sword in his hand, Redfield turned his stab into a slash.

A scarlet sword energy hundreds of meters long rushed out, and a deep circular ravine appeared on the ground.

Like a long red line, it spins and rolls and shoots into the air.

Seeing the scarlet sword energy rushing towards him, Kong raised his fist and smashed it.


The sword energy collided with the fist, sparking wisps of thunder and lightning.

Sora’s arm suddenly expanded three times in size and pressed down.

The scarlet sword energy turned around instantly and shot at Redfield several times faster than before.

Redfield snorted coldly, and the sword in his hand rushed out.

boom–! ! !

A mushroom cloud nearly a thousand meters high rose.

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