The third day of the war…

The residents of the town gradually walked out boldly and looked towards the disappearing mountains in the south.

“Si Guoyi…”

“It actually leveled those mountains.”

“I didn’t expect such a strong pirate to exist on the island.”

“That’s the Red Earl.”

“The great pirate who is as famous as the Golden Roger and the Golden Lion.”

“It’s so dangerous.”

“Yeah yeah.”

The inhabitants of the islands of the New World are a little more knowledgeable than those in Sihai.

Just lamenting the power and danger of pirates.

Garp stood in the center of the square, sensing the status of the two people in the distance.

“It’s about to end.”

Lieutenant General He nodded:

“Let’s go.”

The two of them rushed towards the mountains in the distance, while the naval soldiers who maintained order lined up back to the ship.

On the mountain peak that was cut off in the middle.

The smooth and flat ground is dotted with large and small potholes.

There were large and small sword marks on Sora’s arms, thighs, neck, and even in front of his heart.

It can be seen that the battle was fierce and life and death was fought.

Sora was covered in blood, panting heavily and looking at Redfield opposite:

“That’s it.”

“Baroric Redfield.”

Opposite, Redfield was no better.

The chest in front of him was completely sunken, and the left arm was drooped.

His scarlet clothes were stained with blood. He propped himself on the ground with his sword and half-knelt on the ground.

After taking a few deep breaths, Redfield slowly stood up:


“You can still catch a sword.”

He raised his sword with his right hand and pointed it at Sora.

Kong chuckled softly:

“Then just give it a try.”

Sora didn’t think about whether he could catch the sword, but asked instead.

After Redfield couldn’t sense the result, he gave up the idea of ​​seeing, hearing, and concentrating all his strength.

Sora stepped on his foot and boom!

A large crater instantly appeared on the ground, and Sora’s whole body was like a boulder, with domineering energy all over his body.

With a posture similar to an iron mountain, it crashed into Redfield.

The white detonation exploded behind the air, forming circles of white air waves.

Redfield’s eyes flashed red, and the muscles in his thighs and arms suddenly tripled in size as he stepped on them.

Holding the long sword, a huge shadow of sword energy covered the whole body and stabbed towards the opposite side.

Viewed from a distance.

Like the sharpest spear, piercing the hardest shield.

With a loud noise, sparks exploded from the collision.

The two were tens of meters apart and stopped.

boom–! ! !

The mountain in front of Kong Kong was rushed into by an invisible wave of air, exploded into pieces, and turned into a rain of gravel all over the sky.

Stab-! ! !

Everything in front of Redfield was torn apart, and a blow with all his strength seemed to cut the world in half.


The sound of falling to the ground came from behind.

There were deep sword marks on Sora’s shoulders, all the way to his back, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Redfield slowly sheathed his sword and took two staggering steps:

“I won…”

His eyelids drooped and he couldn’t help but want to close them.

After three days of concentrated fighting, Kong Mo was defeated by swordsmanship and speed.

But he’s running out of gas, and there’s so many navy out there…dammit.

Shen Wense has already sensed two figures running towards her quickly.

After sensing Sora’s unconsciousness, the two people who rushed towards them burst out even faster.

Garp’s whole body exploded, and the violent air waves behind him rumbled.

The air waves around him tore apart all the trees and gravel in front of him.

On the battlefield.


Garp appeared in mid-air, raised his fist and dived:

“Suffer death!!!”


Redfield raised his head with difficulty, his pupils shrinking sharply.

He watched helplessly as Garp’s fist, which was showing the color of his weapon, struck over:


In Redfield’s angry eyes, there was no time to curse.

Karp’s iron fist hit Redfield’s skull directly.


The sound of skull cracking sounded.

Redfield’s mind instantly fell into darkness…



It is 1500 years in the Haiyuan calendar.

He is as famous as Whitebeard-Edward Newgate, Golden Lion-Ski, and Pirate King-Roger.

Aloof Red – Baloric Redfield.

In the new world, fight against the current navy marshal Sora.

The two fought for three days and three nights, and finally ended with Marshal Kong falling into a coma from exhaustion.

The exhausted Baloric Redfield was also arrested by Vice Admiral Garp who arrived.

Gu Gaozhihong’s imprisonment shocked the world.

At the same time, it also represents, with white beard and golden lion

Son, the old era represented by Roger has completely disappeared.


A few days later.

Beihai, Operation Liting.

Sakaski on the third huge warship was holding a phone bug and saying something.



“I see.”


After hanging up the phone, Sakaski summoned a messenger:

“Notice it, starting today, there is no need to collect heads.”

“Solve it directly on the spot.”

The ordering soldier gave a military salute:


Run away and notify.

Sakaski walked up to the highest level of the deck, looked at the rear of the warship, and chuckled.

Walk into the room slowly.

It’s almost late at night.

The sentries on duty woke up the soldiers who were taking over.

“Wake up!”

“Take over!”

“Get up, there’s a surprise outside.”

The soldiers who took over opened their eyes drowsily, a little confused.


“There are no surprises in this sea.”


“So mysterious.”

But it also inspired the soldiers to get better, dress neatly, and go out to take over.

The moment I walked out, I was stunned.


“This is!!!!”

“It wasn’t much yesterday!”

“Why are there so many today!!”

“So beautiful!”

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“Come quickly and take over.”

“I’m coming.”

After the handover was completed, the soldiers from the previous shift did not leave, but stood with them.

He stared blankly at the stars-like lights in the distance.

“I can’t get enough of it…”

Sakaski’s voice suddenly sounded:

“It’s spectacular, isn’t it?”

The surrounding soldiers were stunned and turned around quickly:

“General Sakaski.”

“General Sakaski.”


Sakaski waved his hand and told them to stop:

“No need to be polite.”

He walked to the guardrail and looked at the ships gathered behind the warship.

Because of Operation Liting, they can travel on the sea unscrupulously, and their numbers are increasing several times every day.

There are merchant ships, private ships, national fleets, and travel boats, many, many.

The lights that lighted up were as dense as fireflies.

I watched the starlight on the sea quietly for a while.

Looking at the soldier who had just changed the guard:

“What do you think?”

The soldier who had just changed the guard looked at Sakaski with some reverence and replied:

“So proud.”

“And pride.”

“That’s everything we’re fighting for.”

Sakaski raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said softly:


“That’s everything we’re fighting for.”

“It’s just a small part of the world.”

“Everyone lives only once.”

“Some people choose to live in peace, while others choose to move forward with heavy burdens.”

“The moment you choose to bear the burden and move forward.”

“It is doomed that the future will be full of tests of life and death.”

“Behind us are thousands of lights.”

“We have no way out.”

“I’m happy with the choice you made.”

The soldier changing the guard was stunned and said with some excitement and trembling:

“You…you still remember me.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Not many brats are that brave.”

“About 14 years ago.”

“When you were cleaning up pirates in the West Sea, it was because you killed the pirates you admired.”

“While resupplying on an island, the Timu Sword came towards me.”

“I think it was Sicily, with a little wooden sword and a fake beard.”

The soldier changing the guard smiled sheepishly.

The soldiers around him also booed and made him blush:

“You remember it so clearly.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Why didn’t you choose to go to sea?”

Some of the soldiers changing the guard looked a little downcast and clenched their fists:


Apparently something cruel happened to him…

The soldiers around him obviously understood and were somewhat silent.

Sakaski patted him on the shoulder:

“Try Harder.”

“There will be a day, on this sea.”

“There will no longer be any pirates, and the people of the world can sail the seas openly.”

“By then, such tragedies will no longer happen.”

The soldier changing the guard raised his head and took a deep breath:


His eyes were full of hope.

It seems that I have already thought of that scene…

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