North Sea, Fastow Island.

In the port, a group of young people are carrying large harpoons.

While sorting out my clothes, I boarded a medium-sized fishing boat.

The gathered young people looked excitedly at the pirate flags spread out on the deck.

“Everything is ready!”

“Ready boss!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“very good!”

“Today, our Black Tiger Pirates were established!”

“Hurry up and raise the pirate flag!”

“The big secret treasure must be ours!!!”

Looking at the slowly rising pirate flag, these little gangsters who usually only run rampant in the village.

There was so much pride in my heart, and something began to sprout.


The excitement has yet to calm down.

A bolt of lightning struck the half-raised pirate flag.

Enel appeared on the top of the boat pole and squatted down:

“Just about to go to sea.”

“You are committing crimes against the wind.”

“Do you know what Operation Plow Court is?”

The electric light in his hand flickered and was aimed at the people below.

The gangsters below swallowed their saliva. What Operation Liting was? They were a group of illiterate people who really didn’t know. They had only heard it mentioned a few times by others.

But they knew their lives might be at risk.

Immediately, he fell to his knees crying and begging for forgiveness.

Enelu frowned slightly, he was indeed a little unsure about this, mainly because they hadn’t gone to sea yet.

After thinking for a while, the electric light in his hand shot downwards.


The voltage, which was neither high nor low, stunned everyone.

Take out the phone bug:

“Hey, Uncle Sakaski…”


Beihai, Operation Liting, on the third huge warship.

Sakaski hung up the phone and chuckled:

“Still young…”

It’s approaching dusk.

The medium-sized fishing boat arrived slowly.

After a day of driving, we finally approached the warship where Sakaski was located.

Enelu sat on top of the boat pole and waved to Sakaski.


As the medium-sized fishing boat slowly encountered the warship.

Sakaski walked to the guardrail and looked down:

“It’s them.”

Enelu nodded:

“That’s right.”

“how to say……”

“These guys were a bunch of gangsters before.”

“I heard about the great secret treasure.”

“They just gathered together and wanted to go to sea.”

“Go to the nearest island to resupply in the morning.”

“I found them. The pirate flag was just halfway raised when I chopped it down.”

“Everyone is here.”

“I haven’t done anything bad yet.”

“The situation at home is also quite pitiful.”

Sakaski glanced at the medium-sized fishing boat and made a judgment.


The sound of leather shoes stepping on the deck was heard.

Sakaski jumped off and landed on the fishing boat.

He walked up to a young man who was slumped on the ground.

Stretching out his right hand, he grabbed his head and lifted it up.

Lifting it in front of him, the young man’s body was already a long way off the ground.

Sakaski said indifferently:



Exploding like a watermelon.

Feel free to kick it aside.

He walked towards the next one without looking back, and said to Enelu at the same time:

“Most people with normal views will behave badly when they meet a weak person.”

“They will all have feelings of pity, sympathy and other emotions because of their tragic experiences or past.”

“Thus letting them go.”

“This is normal.”

“It shows that you are a young man with normal views.”

“I’m very relieved.”

“But it’s a pity.”

“I don’t feel that way.”

Walked to the next pirate.

A random kick.


Half of his body exploded and turned into blood mist, with fragments scattered all over the ground.

“Human desires are like rolling stones on mountains.”

“Once you start, you can’t stop.”

Walked to the next pirate.

Cruel methods and a slight overlord look.

These pirates who had just formed a pirate group were stunned and speechless.


His head was crushed into pieces amidst a sputtering sound.

“They may have some tragic life experiences.”

“A touching and pitiful reason.”


“You guys tell me.”

“Where did this ship come from?”


Another pirate’s head turned into blood mist.

Enelu finally noticed the problem with this ship.

That’s right, a bunch of gangsters, where did the fishing boat come from?

This kind of medium-sized fishing boat is not something that a group of gangsters can afford.

Sakaski walked to the next pirate and squatted down:

“Say it.”

The pirate trembled violently, reacted, and kept kowtowing:


“Let me go please!”

“It’s all…all that kid’s idea!”

“This fishing boat was stolen!”

“It’s none of my business!!!”

Sakaski raised his hand, patted the pirate’s face, and made a snap:

“Where did you steal it?”

The pirate said tremblingly:

“It’s…it’s Ian Bird’s house in the village.”

“Snatched it from that old man.”

“Yes! That’s right!!!”

“I’ll report it!”

“Lord Marine!!!”

“That old man Ian has a daughter!”

“Everyone was ruined by them!!!”

“I was not involved!!!”

The surrounding pirates also reacted and yelled:


“You’re doing that because it’s not okay!!!”

“You didn’t touch me too much!”

“Sir! Don’t believe him!!!”

“Damn bastard!”

“I really didn’t participate!!!”

“Let me go, my lord!”

The pirate in front of Sakaski turned around and was about to fight back.


The sound of roasting meat sounded, and the lava pouring out of Sakaski’s hand locked the mouth of the pirate in front of him.

It continued to flow downwards, covering its entire body.

In the desperate, painful and unable to cry out struggle, he slowly lost his movement.

The look in his eyes before he died revealed a look of extreme fear and despair.

Sakaski stood up slowly:

“I understand.”

Aini road looks so gloomy that water drips from it:


Sakaski nodded:

“Clean it up.”

“Send the ship back.”

Enelu hummed softly.

He looked expressionlessly at the group of pirates who were crying and begging for curses.

An indifferent and harsh voice sounded:

“Twenty million volts of coke!!!”

In the extremely high-voltage current, dry humanoid charcoal appeared one after another… The world was clean.


A new world, a towering secret realm.

After experiencing the fighting, only 10 biologists were brought back.

And Dr. Indigo also got his wish and became the Minister of Scientific Research.

Scholars who used to be arrogant and even laughed at his clown appearance are now working under him tremblingly.

I was afraid that he would be unhappy in some way.

Although there were fewer people, Dr. Indigo still got his wish.

Looking at the breeding tank in front of him, the golden lion held a cigar in his mouth:

“how long will it take.”

Dr. Indigo waved his fingers and said:


“It will take about 5…10…13…”

The golden lion suddenly spoke:

“I only give you 5 years.”

“If you can’t do it, you will all die…”

Ignore Dr. Indigo who looked embarrassed next to him.

The golden lion narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the monster in the breeding tank.

He has a feeling….his time is running out.

It is different from the original work where he was hit in the head by the rudder of the ship, resulting in unconsciousness.

The golden lion is now unusually sober, but also more seriously injured, but it is precisely because of this that it is unbearable.

That gradually declining strength.

Broken arms, broken legs, and two years of starvation caused irreversible damage to the body.

Golden Lions can feel the flow of power every moment.

He was scared, even extremely frightened, and couldn’t believe the scene…

Five years was the maximum amount of patience he could endure. He was afraid that if he delayed it any longer, he would not even be able to lift the sword…

“I’ll prove I’m right, Roger…”

“Pirates are the rulers of the sea.”

“The great pirate era is just a play house for a group of star chasers.”

“I will let the world know what a real pirate looks like.”

“Wait for me…”

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