West Sea, Kesk Island.

Lorca took Robin to a cosmetics store.

Next to her, Robin was wearing a small black trench coat and a small ball mask on her face, which she had pestered Lorka to buy a few days ago.

Robin, who followed Lorca into a cosmetics store, was a little confused as to what he was doing here.

However, the owner of the store saw Lorca’s enthusiastic face:

“Mr. Lorca!”

Lorca chuckled and nodded:

“The things I ordered have arrived.”

The shop owner was all smiles:

“It’s here, it’s all ready for you.”

With that said, he quickly took out an exquisite gift box from under the counter and handed it to Lorka.

Lorca took the gift box, opened it and took a few glances:

“That’s right, not a single one is left behind.”

“This is your reward.”

“A pleasure to work with.”

He reached into his bag, took out a large stack of berries, and handed it to the boss.

The boss took it with stars in his eyes:

“A pleasure to work with, a pleasure to work with.”


Lorca handed the gift box in his hand to Robin:

“Get it, little lady.”

“This is a gift for you.”

Robin was stunned:


The boss next to him was counting the money and echoed:

“So it’s for you.”

“Mr. Lorca spent two hundred thousand berries on these cosmetics.”

“Your brother really loves you.”

Lorca chuckled and said:

“You’re too talkative, boss.”


Dragging the stunned Robin out.

The boss quickly patted his mouth:

“Hey, look at my mouth.”

“Sorry! Sorry!”

“Come again next time!!!”

Seeing that the door had been pushed open, the two men quickly made amends.

I feel a little regretful. I wanted to put the icing on the cake, but I didn’t expect to make someone unhappy and offend a big customer.

Looking at the 200,000 Beli in my hand, the joy of earning 100,000 Beli also dissipated a lot…


On the street, Robin hugged the box tightly for fear of losing his grip.

After all, everything inside is so expensive, and…

This was also the first time someone gave her a gift, and her arms holding the box tightened again.

Lorca smiled when he saw it:

“Don’t hug me so tightly.”

“Don’t fall and break it, but get broken by yourself.”

Listening to Lorca’s teasing, Robin felt a little embarrassed and relaxed.

Lorca said:

“Let’s go and buy you two more clothes.”

“Then go back to the hotel.”

Robin nodded:



In the evening, in the hotel room.

Throwing the new clothes he bought on the bed, Robin watched curiously as Lorca took out the small bottles in the gift box.

Looking at the seven small bottles placed on the table, Robin couldn’t help but say:

“Just this little thing is worth two hundred thousand berries.”

“It’s too expensive.”

Lorca placed all the small bottles of cosmetics on the table and suddenly laughed strangely:

“Is it expensive?”


“In comparison, the rewards are much greater.”

“Am I right.”

“The son of the devil with a bounty of 79 million.”

“Nicole Robin.”

Lorca’s deep voice sounded in Robin’s ears.

Looking at Lorca’s weird smile, Robin felt his mind go blank.

His whole body was cold and he couldn’t stop shaking.

Why…why Mr. Rolca…is all fake…

Sure enough…I shouldn’t live in this world…

Tears of despair flowed down, watching Lorca’s big hand reach out.

Robin wanted to move, but his body was out of control.

I closed my eyes in despair, and the big hand kept getting closer…


Lorca put his hand on her head.


A strange sound came, but the pain he imagined did not come.

And Lorca’s hands were trembling, and she couldn’t help but open her eyes a little.

What I saw was Lorca holding the camera and pressing the shutter button repeatedly, with a trembling and suppressed expression:

“I lied to you.”


“What an interesting expression.”

“Dark history~Robin.”

Robin’s face instantly turned red and he shouted angrily:

“Mr. Rolca!!!”

Cross your hands and run your abilities.

While Lorca was laughing, several hands suddenly sprouted from his shoulders and reached towards his face.

Lorca struggled:


“Stop talking nonsense!”

“I was wrong, I was wrong!”

“Just kidding!”

“That’s the nose!!!”


After a while, Luo

Bin’s face was still a little red and he snorted.

“You already knew that.”

Lorca smiled helplessly:

“I knew it the first time I saw it.”

“After all, he is such a stupid wanted criminal.”

“You’re the first one I’ve ever met.”

Robin crossed his arms as he thought about the fake name he had come up with and thought it was a success…

Lorca waved his hand quickly:

“Hey! Stop, stop, stop!”

“Let’s get down to business!”

Seeing Robin put down his hands, Lorca breathed a sigh of relief:

“Let’s get down to business.”

“These cosmetics are for you to use in disguise.”

“What’s strange to me is that you haven’t thought about putting on makeup or changing clothes.”

“A wanted criminal who cannot disguise himself is not a wanted criminal, Robin.”

Robin was a little confused:

“make up?”

Searching for the meaning of these two words in my mind, I suddenly thought of that rude aunt.

Every time before going out, I take various things and put them on my face. It’s just makeup…but it looks even worse after makeup…

Looking at Robin’s puzzled face, Lorca raised his forehead:

“It seems you don’t know anymore.”

“Children at this age shouldn’t be pretty stinky.”

“Sit here and I’ll teach you.”

Robin was a little stiff and was pushed down on the stool by Lorka.

It was done in less than half an hour.

Lorca took out a mirror and placed it in front of Robin.

Robin looked at himself in the mirror and was stunned.

The skin is whiter, the eyes are bigger, and the eyebrows are thinner, but the facial features have obviously not changed.

But after Lorca’s makeup, she became a completely different person.

If she changed her clothes, no one would associate her with the dirty kid on the wanted poster.



Lorca smiled and said:

“That’s the first lesson taught to you.”


“That’s the magic of makeup.”

“After the transformation, you will become a different person.”

“No one will recognize you as the demon child.”

“And one step further.”

“If you want to change your body shape.”

“I think your ability should make it easy.”

“For example, filling the face and legs with abilities.”

Robin looked at the mirror blankly, Lorca’s words echoing in his mind.

As long as he has inspiration, Robin has already thought of several disguises, such a simple method.

She was really too stupid to think of it…

Lorca looked at Robin’s doubtful expression and knew what she was thinking.

Gently rubbed Robin’s head:

“Don’t think too much, it’s not that you are too stupid.”

Robin regained consciousness and calmed down, yes, it must not have been me too…

“I’m too smart.”

Before he finished affirming himself, Lorca’s proud voice came to his ears.

Black lines flashed across Robin’s head and he crossed his arms!


After a while, Lorca, who looked messy, felt helpless:

“Children these days, why can’t they help teasing?”

“Not cute at all.”

Seeing Robin raising his hand again, Lorca quickly raised his hand in surrender.

Robin snorted and looked away.

After a moment of silence, he said:

“Why don’t you catch me.”

Lorca leaned on the chair and stretched his waist:


“Why should I arrest you? It’s only 79 million.”

“I don’t lack money.”

Robin turned to look at Lorca, momentarily speechless.

Indeed, if she was not short of money and she was not from the government, there would be no reason to arrest her.

But…I always feel like something is wrong.

Lorca continued:

“As for the reason you carry to destroy the world.”

“Just fooling the world.”

“I don’t approve of O’Hara’s bunch of stupid historians.”

“What tricks can be researched?”

Robin couldn’t help but said:

“Doctor, they are not stupid.”

“Everything they do is to understand the truth about the world!”

“Let the people no longer be deceived by the government!”

The corners of Lorca’s mouth raised and she said leisurely:

“Even if the so-called truth is spread throughout the world tomorrow.”

“so what.”

“It’s just empty talk.”

“History represents the past.”

“And the past cannot be undone.”

“The life of an island was ruined because of something irreparable.”

“Isn’t this stupid?”

Robin opened his mouth, his mind was in a state of confusion, he wanted to say something but didn’t know how to refute it.

Lorca looked up at the ceiling:

“So what if I know the truth.”


“Know why the World Government has been able to rule the world for eight hundred years

Long time. ”

“Then if you want to overthrow them, it’s easiest to overthrow a country first.”

“What do you think you need?”

“It’s the truth.”

“No, no, no, what is that?”

Robin thought for a while:


Lorca touched his chin:


“How should I put it? It’s too general.”

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