“How far do you think the strongest power can be?”

When Robin heard Lorca’s question, he couldn’t help but recall the fire that destroyed O’Hara.

And the continuous bombardment was the force that wiped the entire O’Hara off the map.

Lorca looked at Robin who was trembling in fear as he was lost in memories and sighed.

Touched her head:

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all over.”

“So you think it’s the Demon-Slaying Order.”

Robin’s trembling body slowly calmed down and he nodded heavily.

Lorca sighed:

“What kind of power is that?”

“That’s just a weapon to scare ordinary people.”

“You can’t imagine the power of the strong, just like most people in the world.”

“In fact, sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness.”

Lorca was silent for a few seconds:

“Do you think Kosk Island is big?”

“Better than O’Hara.”

Robin made some calculations based on his rough memory and said hoarsely:

“Probably about twice as big as O’Hara.”

Lorca looked at her and said:

“If I say, someone could sink this island with one punch.”

“Wipe it off the charts, do you believe it?”

Robin’s eyes widened instantly:

“How could…”

He stopped talking, in disbelief.

She knew that Lorca would not lie to her, that is to say…

Lorca sighed:

“You see, you have more brains and more knowledge than most people.”

“But even you can’t believe it.”

“Then how can most people in the world believe it?”

“Just treat those as stories, myths, or even jokes.”

“People only want to live in the world they know.”

“This is how the Demon Slaying Order was derived.”

“The people may not understand the power of the strong, but they know the consequences of being bombarded by the shells of huge warships.”

“The Demon-Slaying Order is just a way for the government to frighten the world.”

“As for those strong men who have the power to sink an island with one punch, there are navy and pirates.”

“The government that stands above both.”

“What kind of power will it have?”

Robin’s mind went blank and she shook her head in despair. She couldn’t think of anything.

Lorca said softly:

“Hmm…how can I describe it to you?”

“If there is a chance to go to the Grand Line or even the New World in the future.”

“You can check it out, Sgri Sea Area.”

Robin murmured and repeated:

“Sgri Sea Area?”

Lorca said:

“That’s right, Sgri Sea Area.”

“It was in the New World and is still on the charts, but the islands above it have been wiped off.”

“It takes us five days to sail from one island to the next.”

“And there are more than a dozen islands scattered in the Sgri Sea, including countless small desert islands and huge reefs.”

“You can imagine how widespread it is.”

“Just because of a battle between strong men.”

“Completely clear the islands in that huge sea area and sink them all to the bottom of the sea.”

“This is just a battle between pirates and navy.”

“By raising this level a little higher, is it possible to infer what kind of power the government has.”

“Like destroying an ocean?”

“If it can destroy a sea, then is it equivalent to destroying the world?”

“What can you do to resist it?”

“Where do you get the power to destroy and overthrow it?”

“History as interpreted by O’Hara scholars?”

“If history could save the world, it wouldn’t be history.”

Robin nodded, then shook his head:


She didn’t know how to answer, and she couldn’t think of an answer. This was in serious conflict with the world she knew.

Lorca continued:

“I can’t think of it.”

“Let me show you something more.”

With that said, he turned around and picked up the backpack on the table.

After a brief search, he found a newspaper from some time ago and handed it to Robin.

“Look at these two news items at the bottom of page three.”

Robin took it and looked at it carefully. The page didn’t take up much space.

I wrote about two things. One is that a kingdom called Kodaga on the Grand Line was overthrown by tens of thousands of workers, and a new king was elected, as well as a series of excellent policies.

As for the initiator of the plan to overthrow a kingdom this time, after government investigation, it was only known that he called himself Long and was the leader of a force called the Revolutionary Army.

The ideas it promotes are liberation and freedom.

A bounty on the dragon is written on the tail, as well as the back of a cloak, indicating its degree of danger.

Because the Kingdom of Kodaga is not a government member country, there is no

Looking deeper, I just wanted to offer a reward for criminals with such dangerous ideas.

After reading it, Robin handed it to Lorca, who smiled and said:

“What do you think?”

Robin thought for a while:

“To overthrow a kingdom easily shows that his thoughts are dangerous, but…”

“That’s all, if you want to overturn the world.”

“For a government with so much power…”

“It seems like a joke.”

Lorca snapped his fingers:

“That’s right, that’s all.”

“What he calls liberation is only ideological.”

“The real underlying problem has not been solved.”

Robin suddenly thought:


Lorca smiled and said:

“Yes, it’s the king.”

“Although he used this idea to overthrow a kingdom.”

“But for this country, and the people of this country.”

“It’s just that there is a new king, and the country’s policies are a little better.”

“The real problem is not solved.”

“They are still living day after day.”

“Maybe life would be easier if I changed to another king, but nothing has changed.”

“In a few decades, what if the next king becomes stupid.”

“What kind of liberation is it that it starts over and over again?”

“Even if they overthrow most of the countries in the world.”

“As long as the government still has that huge power in its hands.”

“You can completely kill them slowly, or…”

“Clean the world directly.”

Robin shuddered as he thought of the scene Lorca said in his mind:

“Clean the world…”

Lorca said:

“It’s scary, but those guys can really do it.”

“Then the core question comes.”

“History cannot solve it, and revolution cannot solve it.”

“So what can topple this behemoth?”

“How to overturn it?”

“Only two words.”


Robin murmured:


Lorca said:

“Yes, it’s technology.”

“It’s like you couldn’t imagine the power of the strong before.”

“There are governments you can imagine and governments you can’t imagine.”

“To put it simply, can we build a ship that allows people to fly in the sky?”

“I can’t think of it, but the government really does.”

“What if this flying ship could carry a boatload of cannonballs?”

“If there are hundreds of such ships, most countries will not be able to stop them.”

“That’s the problem with technology.”

“Because of the sea, the communication between islands in this world is too poor.”

“Ninety percent of the countries in the world are still in the agricultural era.”

“But some countries have huge steel buildings, advanced medical equipment, and the integration of biology and machinery.”

“These are constantly being updated.”

“That’s the gap.”

“So if the whole world becomes a machine age.”

“If everyone is equipped with that kind of spaceship and machinery, is it possible to shake the government.”

Robin said firmly:

“must be able to.”

Lorca smiled and said:

“That’s right.”

“For example, the Kodaga Kingdom makes a living by quarrying rocks.”

“Tens of thousands of laborers work in quarrying.”

“If a large machine were invented, it could easily break the stone.”

“The efficiency and speed are dozens of times higher than before.”

“Did it free up a lot of labor and help the country develop rapidly?”

“And after neighboring countries saw the power of technology, they also developed technology.”

“Publish one word after another, and slowly the whole world will become restless.”

“The economic base determines the superstructure.”

“This is the law of development in the world.”

“When supply and demand cannot be met, various conflicts will erupt.”

“And the simplest and fastest way is to take it by force.”

“There will be a war.”

“A war sweeping the world determines the future direction.”

“In this war that is engulfing the world, even a government with huge power cannot remain unscathed.”

Robin was a little excited:

“Then go tell them quickly!”

“That’s it…that’s it!!!”

Lorca shrugged helplessly:

“You think the world government is a fool.”

“In fact, the government has seen through all this a long time ago, and the kings of those joining countries.”

“To a certain extent, they are all complicit.”

“No one wants to overthrow their own rule, even if it makes the world a better place.”

“They will also be on guard to nip it in the bud.”

“So… I can only think about it.”

Robin said unwillingly


“There’s really no other way…”

Lorca pondered for a few seconds:

“It’s not like nothing, just like this dragon.”

“Ideological liberation is considered liberation. Even if it subverts several countries, it can still be considered a success in a sense, right?”

Robin suddenly said:

“What if we combine development technology with his ideas!”

Lorka frowned slightly and shook his head after a moment:

“No, if it’s combined with technology.”

“I’m afraid this dragon won’t survive more than three days and will have to be put to death by the government.”

“Ideological emancipation is just a temporary solution, not the root cause.”

“But the technological revolution has directly touched the government’s bottom line.”


“If this dragon is powerful in the future, it will even overthrow many countries.”

“When the technology develops, there should be a glimmer of possibility.”

“Because the world is so big, when a large area is dyed with color, the surrounding areas will also change color.”

“A big snowball can roll very quickly.”

Robin nodded heavily and wrote it down.

Seeing her serious expression, Lorka smiled and said:

“Okay, don’t think so much.”

“We’ll talk about the rest later.”

“Besides, I haven’t lived enough yet, facing the government…”

“What a joke.”

“I’m very afraid of death.”

Lorca’s exaggerated expression made Robin furious.

Looking at Robin’s angry expression, Lorca took out a book:

“for you.”

“This book was written by me”

“Never show it to others.”

“This will make you lose your head.”

“I originally wanted to bury it in the ground later.”

“But it depends on what you have in mind, if you take action one day in the future.”

“If you get caught, don’t say you know me.”

“I’m just a traveler who wants to explore the truth about the world.”

“I don’t want to be the victim of a knife.”

Robin took the book and looked at the four big characters on the cover.

Lorca said here:

“Only a revolution that combines industrial technology and ideas can reshape the world.”

“So I named it…”

“Industrial Revolution.”

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