West Sea, Kersk Island, late at night.

Lorca looked at Robin sleeping on the table and sighed inwardly.

He gently carried Robin to the bed and covered him with the quilt.

He walked to the table and put away the “Industrial Revolution”.

He turned around and walked out of the room, dodged a few times, and disappeared without a trace.

On the silent hillside.

Lorca sat on a boulder and looked at the lights of the town below.

A few seconds later after dialing Sakaski’s phone number.

“How’s it going, Carol?”

Listening to Sakaski’s voice coming from the phone bug, Carol was silent for a few seconds:

“Steady progress.”

Sakaski’s voice came from the phone bug with a serious expression:

“Why, are you worried about something?”

Carol thought of Robin and sighed:

“She’s only eight years old.”

Sakaski’s voice came:

“You are soft-hearted.”

Carol said:


Sakaski was silent for a few seconds, and then his voice came:

“It’s understandable that people will have feelings after being together for a long time.”

“But the word emotion should not appear on us.”

“Because there are feelings, it causes more harm.”

“Her life experience is very pitiful and her experience is very tragic.”

“But the action cannot stop. What we are planning is not one family, one country.”

“Nothing is sacrificeable, not even you, including me.”

Carol was silent for a long time:

“I see.”

Sakaski’s voice came:

“The darkness before dawn is the hardest.”

“If we can do it, don’t leave it to others.”

“It is enough for one generation to bear these sins.”

“rest early.”

Carol adjusted her mentality:


“Good night, General Sakaski.”


The sound of hanging up the phone was heard, and Carol closed the phone gently.

Sweep out of your mind the pitiful sympathy that should not exist.

Yes…there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed, and there is no turning back.


North Sea, on the third warship.

In Sakaski’s office.

Sitting at his desk, Sakaski hung up the phone:



He stood up and walked out, looking at the ships following the fleet with lights all over the sky.

Sleepless night…


Beihai, Kingdom of Germa.

It is the only kingdom in the world that does not have a fixed territory. It is usually operated separately by dozens of ships and merged together to form a kingdom.

The national soldiers are all clone warriors copied by Vinsmoke Gaji through blood factor technology. They have no fear of life and death and no emotions.

Inside the royal palace, the flag of Germa 66 was hung on the huge ship in the center.

Two-year-old Reiju stood in the shadow outside the hall door, lowered her head, clenched her fists and listened to the quarrel in the room.

Inside the bright palace.

Wearing loose clothes, it is obvious that the princess, Vinsmoke Sora, is about to give birth.

Looking at her husband in disbelief:

“Are you serious?”

Vinsmoke Gage glanced at his wife indifferently:


Sola looked at her husband in shock:

“Why would you do such a terrible thing?”

Jiazhi answered the question and said:

“The surgery is ready.”

The angry Sora stepped forward and grabbed Vinsmoke Gaji by the collar:

“You must not do this to our children!”

“If you lose your heart, you are no longer human!!!”

Gaji said nonchalantly:

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a monster.”

“As long as we can win the war, that’s fine.”

Sora let go of Vinsmoke Gaji’s collar, took a few steps back in shock, and looked at this strange man.

Gaji said without emotion:

“To revive the Vinsmoke family that once dominated the North Sea.”

“These sacrifices are necessary to achieve this dream.”

“My child should be given the most powerful power!”

“Take her away!”

Several doctors in white coats behind him stepped forward and grabbed the princess’s arm, leading her to follow Gaji to the laboratory extending out of the palace.

“No! Let me go!!”

“That’s our child!!!”

“don’t want…!”

The sound became smaller and smaller…until it disappeared into the closed laboratory.

The young Reiju watched this scene with fear, and the operation was forced to be carried out…

A few days later.

In the laboratory, Sora looked at the antidote in his hand.

She found this from Gaji’s laboratory, but she didn’t know what would happen if she drank it.


The hand holding the medicine bottle trembled again and again.

Finally making up his mind, he closed his eyes.

Even if she dies, she doesn’t want her child to be a monster without emotions…in that case, it can no longer be called a human being.

Open the bottle and drink the medicine in one gulp.

A sharp pain hit his whole body, instantly causing the already fragile Sora to lose consciousness and fall to the ground, covered in blood.


The sound of medicine bottles hanging on the ground attracted the staff and their king, Gaji.

Gaji rushed over and saw the medicine bottle on the ground and shouted angrily:

“What are you doing! Sora!!!”

Grab the pill bottle on the floor, damn…

It is a powerful medicine that can affect the modified bloodline factors…

“Take me away quickly for inspection!”



Ten thousand meters under the sea, Fishman Island.

Several super-large sea kings with a body length of more than five thousand meters gathered together.

He looked gently at the small fish-man island and communicated with the unique voice of the sea king.

“It’s about to be born.”

“Five more years.”

“Our king is finally born.”

“Maybe someone will be born in that distant sea.”

“The day the two kings met again…”

“Whales will cheer for it too.”

“This time…it will definitely succeed.”

“That’s right.”

“Most definitely…..”


North Sea, White Towns, Freifans.

The kindergarten in the town had just ended, and Luo ran to the hospital impatiently.


Panting, I ran to the hospital, straightened my hat that was a little crooked, and walked quickly into the hospital.

Luo, whose parents are doctors, seemed to be a regular visitor, greeting the doctors and nurses as he walked towards the room where his mother was.

I couldn’t wait to push the door open, and my mother on the bed smiled and said:

“You must be here again, Luo.”

“Be careful, running too fast is dangerous.”

Luo nodded heavily:


Then he ran to the crib next to his mother and looked at the young baby inside.

His mouth opened unconsciously, and he smiled.

He stretched out his hand and poked his sister’s little face. She felt soft, turned around and asked:

“Mom, my sister has a name.”

Mother closed the book in her hand and replied gently:


“Trafalgar Lamy.”

Luo turned to look at his sleeping sister:


He reached out and poked!

The baby’s brows frowned slightly, and his eyes slowly opened a small slit.

Looking at the terrifying creature with bared teeth above, I cried in fear.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Looking at his crying sister, Luo was at a loss and his head immediately shut down:

“My sister is crying! What should I do! Mom!!!”



“Be good! Don’t cry!!!”

The mother on the side covered her mouth and smiled, watching the panicked Luo coaxing his sister.

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