The Grand Line, Lie Ain Island.

Outside the slave shop, Gilder Tezzolo sat cross-legged on the ground.

He said to the iron cage with an excited face:


“I’ll save enough money soon!”

“Look! Look!”

“Another month! No!!!”

“Half a month!!”

“In just half a month, we can be together!”

As he spoke, he secretly revealed a little of the money in his arms and showed it to the gentle woman with blond hair.

Stella smiled softly and said:


“That’s great.”

Tezzolo nodded heavily:


“When the time comes we…”

Stella just looked at him tenderly and nodded constantly.

In fact, she was also very happy, but she didn’t dare to hope until the last moment…

The kind of hope that was destroyed again… She had experienced too much in her short life…

Unconsciously, we chatted for a long time.

The owner of the slave shop came out and said helplessly:

“Okay, okay, don’t wait here and delay my business.”

“It’s been three years, no less than a day or two.”

Tezzolo stood up embarrassedly and smiled at the boss, apologizing.

The boss waved his hand and asked him to leave on his own.

Stella and the boss looked at the disappearing figure of Tezzolo and took a puff of cigarette:

“Congratulations, this silly boy has almost saved enough money.”

Stella looked gently at the place where Tezzolo disappeared:

“I also want to thank you, boss, for not selling me out.”

The slave shop owner shook his head:

“Actually, I have seen a lot of suffering in the world.”

“But this is the first time I’ve seen you two so interesting.”

“I also want to see what that silly boy can do.”

“did not expect…..”


The sound of footsteps of leather shoes appeared, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Looking at the man in a black suit walking up to and standing in front of him, the slave shop owner tentatively spoke:

“Hello, do you want to buy a slave?”

The first words of this man in a black suit made the slave shop owner feel cold and unable to think:

“I am the guard of Saint Francis Ding. You don’t need to know my name.”

“I just want to inform you that Saint Francis Ding has taken a liking to this slave.”

“You know what to do.”


The owner of the slave shop trembled all over:

“Yes Yes Yes!”

“Since it is Lord Francis Ding who has taken a liking to her, it is her honor!”

“I will give her the key now…”

The man in black suit interrupted him:

“No need.”

“Saint Franciscan is worth a slave’s money.”

“Whatever it is, that’s how much it is.”

“And that kid just now comes here every day.”

The slave shop owner nodded quickly:

“Yes Yes Yes!”

“That kid comes here every afternoon at four o’clock.”

The man in black suit nodded:

“Very well, tomorrow at four o’clock in the afternoon.”

“Saint Franzine is here to pick up the goods, and prepare them for me when the time comes.”

The slave shop owner nodded crazily:


The man in the black suit turned and left after a long time.

The slave shop owner collapsed on the ground, covered in cold sweat.

There is no way, even though he is running this, his fear of Tianlong people is no different from others.

If you accidentally offend these big shots, you will die easily…

Struggling to get up, he looked at Stella:

“Damn it, get ready and go enjoy the happiness with the Celestial Dragons tomorrow.”

After saying that, he turned around and left angrily.

There are no good people who can do this job. He didn’t like Tezolo at all because he was so little money away, so he just waived it if he wanted to.

He just watched the fun with Stella and Tezzolo, showed his mercy and compassion, and enjoyed the feeling of being superior.

But when it was because of these two people that he got into trouble with the Celestial Dragons, and was ordered by the Celestial Dragons’ guards like a dog in front of slaves, it would be strange to be so angry.

Stella in the cage hugged her knees and kept shaking:

“It’s like this again, there was a little hope, but it was shattered in the blink of an eye…”

“I really shouldn’t live in this world…why…”

“Do this to me…”

His head was buried deeply into his knees, and tears kept pouring out.

Inside the largest building in town.

Everything has been renovated to welcome the Celestial Dragons.

Inside the building, in the splendid hall, Saint Francis was eating snacks slowly.

I recall in my mind the scene I accidentally saw during the day, that dazzling smile…


The man in a black suit who came back quickly walked to his side, leaned over and said:

“Dear Saint Francis, what you ordered has been completed.”

Saint Francis nodded casually:

“That kid goes there every day.”

The man in black suit nodded:

“Yes, he shows up at the slave shop at four o’clock every afternoon.”

Saint Francis suddenly laughed, and became more and more perverted.

“Okay, okay.”

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

“It would be so interesting to see what the expression would be like if that pariah’s hopes were severely destroyed.”

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!”

He smiled evilly with a ferocious and twisted face.

The long-term supremacy has caused some people to gradually become perverted…


the next day.

When he came to the slave shop full of joy and couldn’t wait to see his lover, Tezzolo was stunned.

At this time, Stella was extremely haggard, and she no longer had the smile of the past.

Tezzolo quickly ran to the railing, grabbed the railing and tried to stick his head in:

“Stella! Are you okay?”

“What’s wrong!!!”


Hearing Tezzolo’s call, Stella finally came to her senses.

Looking at Tezzolo, he showed a desperate smile, and before he could open his mouth, a sickening laughter sounded.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!”

A Celestial Dragon suddenly came out of the shop with two guards, and the owner of the slave shop followed behind him with a bow and a nod.

Without waiting for instructions from the Celestial Dragon, he opened the cell door on his own initiative, dragged Stella out by the chain around her neck, and handed it to Saint Francis.

Seeing Stella being treated like this, Tezzolo rushed forward angrily and tried to snatch the chain.

The guard beside Saint Francis appeared directly in front of him and gave him two slaps.

Snapped! Snapped!

He fell to the ground and knocked Tezzolo until his face was covered in blood.

Saint Francis smiled with a twisted look on his face and looked at Tezzolo:

“What a good slave.”

“I will take good care of her.”

“After all, it’s wonderful that money can buy anything in this world.”

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!”

Seeing the angry Tezzolo struggling crazily on the ground, he satisfied his abnormal psychology and smiled with satisfaction.

He tugged on the chain in his hand and walked back.

Stella, who was pushed back by the chain around her neck, had tears constantly falling from the corners of her eyes.

He showed his familiar and gentle smile to Tezzolo for the last time:

“Thank you.”

“I’m very happy to have your heart.”

“I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.”


Seeing Stella being dragged away gradually, Tezzolo went crazy…

A few days later, Holy Land Marie Gioia.

A dark torture chamber.


“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

There was a sound of meat being scalded, and Tezoro, who deliberately committed a serious crime and was captured as a slave to the Celestial Dragons, was marked with the hooves of the Celestial Dragon.

Seeing Tezoro rolling his eyes and struggling in pain, the Celestial Dragon holding a soldering iron laughed pervertedly:



The soldering iron was pressed again.

Tezzolo, who was struggling in pain, still had the last glimmer of hope deep in his heart.

“As long as I become the slave of the Celestial Dragon, I can see Stella…”


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The five old stars gathered in the huge white palace as usual.

Wulaoxing, who was holding a cane, looked at these people and said:

“What do you think of that dragon?”

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