“Wei Guo!”

A cylindrical sword energy shot out and collided with the laser flying back in mid-air over the sea.


Huge waves exploded directly from the sea and surged in all directions.

“let’s go.”

The BIGMOM Pirates slowly left the scene, and the most important thing now is to receive the fruits of victory.

The other side of the original Nomiro Island.

Steam Pirates.

Hale Knock, who was just about to leave, suddenly saw a laser coming from Charlotte Lingling.

Only after seeing, hearing, and exploring:


He narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly the steam between his hands compressed and condensed, turning into a three-meter-long white spear.

Swinging forward, he shot toward the warship where Sengoku was with a slight sound that broke through the air.

“Let’s go.”

The men immediately replied:


The fleet slowly left.

On the warship.

Warring States snorted coldly:

“one by one.”

“It’s all a show of force.”

Turning to Kuzan and Porusalino, he said:

“You two try to see if you can resist.”

“Feel the difference.”

“Hale Nok is a pirate who exploited natural fruits to the extreme.”

“You two are also experiencing nature.”

Kuzan became rarely serious, while Porusalino still looked indifferent.

Kuzan stepped forward, took a deep breath, and put his hands together slightly.

The cold air in his hand compressed and condensed when the steam spear was still nearly a thousand meters away from the fleet.

“Frozen time capsule!”

A bolt of cold air shot out, and where it passed, spiked ice cubes several meters thick froze in the air. A second later.

Several hundred meters away from the warship, it directly collided with the steam spear.

The cold air quickly enveloped the steam spear and turned it into an ice spear, but then the ice spear was seen growing in size in the air.


A clear voice sounded.

Kuzan’s face changed drastically:

“not good.”

The steam lance exploded directly, erupting with huge impact and heat wave.

The remaining cold air from Kuzan’s move climbed up and turned directly into an iceberg several hundred meters in size.

But then it was blown to pieces by the violent steam.

The huge ice cubes in the sky were being melted by the steam, and at the same time they were being impacted and smashed towards the warship, with violent air waves following behind.

Kizaru turned into countless light spots and instantly appeared in mid-air.

Cross your hands to form the shape of orchid fingers, and the cross-shaped golden light rotates and flashes:

“Within the mouth~”

“This is Vice Admiral Kuzan’s ice cube~”

“It’s so big~”

“Eight-foot beautiful magatama!”

Countless shining light bullets emitted from his hands and body.

In an instant, it shot out overwhelmingly, directly breaking the ice cubes in the sky into small shards similar to hailstones.

The golden light flashed and fell directly on the deck, wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead.


“It’s solved~”

Kuzan’s veins are throbbing:

“You guy…”

Zhu Yuan next to him reminded everyone:

“The shock wave of the explosion is coming.”

The tea dolphin was leaning on the railing, propping up its chin, with the same indifferent expression as Kizaru:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

Only these two were unfazed.

Looking at the huge waves and the impending shock wave, Seng Guo took a step forward.

Instantly transformed into a huge golden Buddha statue nearly 100 meters high, exuding dazzling light.

It directly occupies most of the deck.

Putting his hands together, a white translucent shock wave circle covered his hands.

Pulling outward, raising both palms outward, the shock wave circle grew geometrically, and a white translucent cover covered the two warships.

Except for Porusalino and Tea Dolphin, everyone else was stunned:

“This is?”

The voice of the Warring States Period sounded like a bell:

“Buddha’s Shock Wave!”

The semicircular transparent cover expanded crazily until it collided with the incoming air waves and huge waves.

Exploded with a bang.

Endless impact rushed out of the cover.

It ran over directly and flattened everything on the sea.

The air waves and huge waves that came from the attack all disappeared, and only the violent undercurrent under the sea surface rocked the warship.

Showing what just happened.

The golden giant Buddha slowly shrank and returned to its normal Warring States state:

“Collect the team.”


A few days later, everyone who returned to the headquarters left in twos and threes.

Kuzan came to the navy’s intelligence department and pretended not to care, asking for information about the pirates.

Something suddenly occurred to me:

“By the way, is there any news about the devil’s son from before?”

The navy’s intelligence department personnel made some inquiries and shook their heads:

“No, it is suspected that the last place where the Devil’s Son appeared was Kersk Island in the West Sea. It has disappeared for a long time.

. ”

Kuzan nodded and whispered:


“If there is any news, please notify me in time. After all, I am also a member of the Demon-Slaying Order.”

“I didn’t expect that something would slip through the net.”

“She must be caught and brought to justice.”

The soldier from the intelligence department nodded:

“Okay, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

Kuzan smiled and said:


Then he walked out slowly.

The intelligence officers who compiled the information sighed somewhat:

“You are so dedicated, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

“It’s not as lazy as it has been rumored in the past two years.”

“Who knows.”

“Maybe someone framed me.”

“No way.”

“Hey, what the heck, hurry up and sort it out.”

“My son is one month old tonight, so he’s going to my house to drink!”

“Hahaha, congratulations!”

“Then what are you waiting for! Come on, come on! Move!!!”


This is the happiness of ordinary people…

In the marshal’s office.

Sengoku and Sora are analyzing the situation in the new world.

There was a large table of wanted posters on the table, all of which were pirates currently on record.

They are all active in the New World, and the smaller half are crossed out. They were all beaten to death by Hale Noak and Charlotte Lingling.

Kong frowned slightly:

“Something is not good.”

“This cleanup has broken the bones of all the pirates in the New World.”

“Who dares to fight for the third emperor?”

Warring States frowned, glanced at the wanted notice on the table, and had to sigh:


“The ones that have basically become a climate have been almost wiped out.”

“The rest are loners.”

“Or it may not be powerful enough to threaten the two of them at all.”

Marshal Kong suddenly saw Kaido’s wanted poster:

“Where’s this guy?”

“I remember that the user with the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit was captured by Sakaski and experimented on for a period of time.”

Sengoku recalled Kaido’s information in his mind and shook his head:

“This man was once a trainee pirate on Rocks’ ship, but in recent years, he has not done much in the New World.”

“The sphere of influence has always been the same, but I don’t know where the specific base camp is.”

“On the contrary, there is information that shows that he seems to control a weapons production line and captures a small share of the New World.”

Marshal Kong took a look:


Looking at Marshal Kong who was still deep in thought, Warring States suddenly spoke:

“How is the development of the Shichibukai?”

“If there are no variables, I’m afraid the Third Emperor will not appear.”

“We can only start from other aspects.”

I thought about it for a while:

“Okay, just wait.”

“The former Crocodile has now formed a force in Alabasta.”

“The attack on the pirates who landed is effective, but it does not affect the overall situation.”

“not so useful.”

Warring States looked at the map hanging on the wall and found the location of Alabasta:

“That’s it…”


Beihai, Operation Liting.

On the third huge warship, Sakaski was looking at the map of the Grand Route on the table in his office.

The pen in his hand drew circles in the Devil’s Triangle, Fishman Island, and Dressrosa.

In these three original works, the spheres of influence of the three future Shichibukai are like a connected city on the map, and they are thinking about something.

Dong dong dong——

Sakaski said without raising his head:


The guard came in and reported:

“Report to General Sakaski, Major General Eniro sent a gang ship selling arms.”

“Asking you how to deal with it.”

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