Sakaski raised his head and asked:

“Is there any special situation?”

At this time, the Plowing Operation in the North Sea has come to an end. It has basically been swept through once, and it is now heading towards the upside down mountain and heading to other sea areas.

For those underground organization ships that do not fly the pirate flag, they will usually be detained first, the files will be retrieved from the headquarters, and they will be killed or released according to the record.

Because underground organizations are not like pirates, human trafficking, arms trading and other activities are prohibited in this sea.

But the government has never taken care of these, it just issued decrees with symbolic meaning.

But if Sakaski encounters him, he will never survive.

The soldier stood at attention and said:

“There was a large amount of dangerous munitions on board.”

“But these are destined for government-affiliated countries.”

“It is an official purchase from the franchised country, but the team is led by several pirates on wanted orders.”

“So Major General Eniro would like to ask you how to deal with this situation.”

Sakaski said casually:

“Kill all the pirates and leave a few people from the participating countries to sail back.”

The soldier saluted and said:


He turned around and retreated, heading towards the guardrail.


Gangster transport ship.

As a cadre of the Don Quixote family, Torrebol broke out in a cold sweat.

“Damn…how could it be Sakaski.”

Cursing in my heart, I greeted many generations of Anilu’s ancestors…

Of course he knew about Operation Plow Court, the massacre of pirates that shocked the sea some time ago.

Originally, the family had been operating very low-key, but the price given for this batch of arms was too high.

In addition, it was an official purchase from the participating countries, so I thought I would miss it if I was careful, or that I would be able to frighten the navy even if I encountered it.

After all, both the government and the navy are official institutions and there will be no conflict.

But I didn’t expect it to hit Enelu’s hand.

Except for the three warships Sakaski, Barrett, and Eniro, they would definitely be fooled when they encountered other warships.

But what a loss it was for Enelu. He told him that he had no right to make the decision, so he sent a group of soldiers to escort them eastward for half a day.

Due to the deterrence of the Plow Court operation, no one dared to move, but the bad premonition in Torebol’s heart became more and more serious.

In the middle of the journey, he secretly called Doflamingo on the phone to report the situation.

Doflamingo was also worried and quickly contacted the king of the participating countries to find him a way to get through the government.

He also flew towards Torebol quickly.


Here, Torebol was still anxiously waiting for news, and the escorting soldiers told them that they had arrived.

Seeing the messenger going to the warship to notify, Torrepol asked the soldiers escorting the surroundings whose warship this was.

Because they had already arrived, the soldiers did not hide it anymore and directly told them that this was General Sakaski’s warship.

Torebol’s feet immediately fell down and he was stunned.

Money is no longer important, life is important.

My thoughts were changing, and I saw here that the messenger who had just entered a room on the warship opened the door and walked out, walking to the guardrail:

“People from the participating countries came out.”

The people on the boat below were at a loss and looked left and right.

The soldier at the guardrail frowned:

“Get out of the queue!!!”

The people below were excited, and all the people from the participating countries quickly got out of the queue and stood up.

The messenger nodded:

“Except for those from the participating countries, all other pirates will be executed.”


The soldiers’ guns at the guardrail were all loaded and pointed at the Don Quixote family.

Torebol gritted his teeth and couldn’t wait any longer:

“Sticky chains!!!”

Like a sloppy uncle, thick and slippery mucus was secreted from his body, forming chains of mucus like a bead grid and rushing towards the surrounding people from the participating countries.

He lifted them up directly, swayed them left and right in front of the ship, and shouted to his men:

“Set the boat quickly!!!”


Inside the warship’s office.

Sakaski received a call from Marshal Kong.

Jianwense suddenly sensed what was happening outside and raised his eyebrows:

“It’s too late, Marshal.”

“Those pirates are dead.”

“But people from participating countries are fine.”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the Marshal’s office, there are two telephone bugs on the table.

One belongs to the king of the franchise country, and the other belongs to Sakaski.

After hearing what Sakaski said, Marshal Kong said to the king of the franchise country:

“It’s too late, King Alexi.”

“But the people in your country are fine.”

A middle-aged man’s voice came from the phone:

“I heard it, so…

Suddenly, a young and deep voice came from the king’s phone:

“Impossible, Torebol’s life card is still intact.”

“They must have detained it.”


North Sea, on a warship.

Looking at the messengers rushing in, Sakaski waved his hand, stood up and walked out.

Looking at the transport ship that has traveled several hundred meters.


The whole person rose into the sky.

The distance of several hundred meters only lasts a moment.


The whole person fell on the deck, and the sound of the deck breaking was heard.

Torebol didn’t even have time to react. In an instant, Sakaski stepped on his head and fell into the broken deck on his back.

Looking down at the slime at his feet, Sakaski frowned.

In Torebol’s frightened and desperate eyes.


I just felt like my head was pressed hard, and the whole world lost all color and fell into darkness…

Everyone who was lifted up by the slime fell down, gasping in shock.

Sakaski raised the phone bug in his left hand and said:

“Did someone just say something intact?”

“I didn’t hear that clearly.”

“What means.”

He raised his right hand and gently tapped his fingers towards the fleeing pirates.

Bang bang bang bang——

The sound of headshots kept ringing.


North Sea, above the sky.

Doflamingo, dressed in a red suit, was using the Thread Fruit to fly towards Torrebol.

He just finished talking to the phone bug in his hand, and Torrebol’s life card was intact.

The life card in his hand burned up in an instant, and Doflamingo’s expression turned gloomy.


Zhong hung up the phone and stopped in mid-air with an expressionless expression.



In the North Sea, in the palace of the Kogadako Kingdom, King Alexi looked at the phone bug representing Doflamingo on the table and suddenly hung up.

A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, a mere pirate dared to hang up on me, what the hell…

He took a deep breath and apologized to Marshal Kong for the phone bug, and then sent people out to sea to meet the transport ship.

Although Sakaski said it was okay, in order to ensure nothing went wrong, he still had to send someone to pick him up.

This is an important weapon against rebels.

Thinking of those damn rebels, Alexi snorted.

He got up and went to the harem to study state affairs.


Beihai, Operation Liting.

On ships transporting arms from allied countries.

After all the pirates were eliminated, the only remaining members of the alliance were the people who looked at Sakaski in fear.

Ignoring them, he walked next to Torebol, who had just been trampled to death.

Without the fruit’s ability package, Torrebol transformed from a bloated, sloppy slime uncle into a skinny and wretched man.

With a random kick, he kicked the body that was deep in the deck into the sea and fed it to the sharks. He said softly:


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