Lorca knew clearly in his heart that he might have seen General Sakaski…

But what he didn’t know was that Sakaski had just casually tried to destroy a country in front of Robin.

Then thinking about him destroying O’Hara is probably such an understatement.

This is the reason why Robin is so afraid… to decide the life of a kingdom so casually.

Robin calmed down for a while, regained some strength, let go of Lorca’s arm, and stood up.

Looking at Robin who was holding on, Lorca said:

“Take a day off today.”

“Your state…”

Robin shook his head quickly:


“Leave now!”

“I’m fine!”

As he spoke, he walked towards the port a little stiffly.

Lorka shook his head, he is really… such a big man, why are you scaring a child?


North Sea, merchant ship that has set sail.

Robin stood at the guardrail, looking at the blue sea, feeling relieved a lot, and hid…

Lorca came over and said with a smile:

“It’s better.”

Robin nodded:


“much better.”

Lorca chuckled:

“That’s all. Let’s feel the scenery of the North Sea.”

Stretching out his lazy waist:



Robin also followed Lorca’s example and stretched his waist, completely relaxing.

Enjoying the scenery on the sea:

“So many ships.”

“Compared to the West Sea, the ships you see when traveling here can be seen everywhere.”

A bearded captain came from behind:

“Of course.”

“After all, it was just cleaned up.”

“Everyone can travel with peace of mind, there are basically no pirates to see.”

“Thank you all, Lord Navy.”

Robin Leng said:


Lorca smiled at the bearded uncle and said:

“Uncle Captain, tell me about the changes in the North Sea during this period.”

The bearded captain was full of pride:

“Then you asked the right person.”

“When the navy masters carried out the operation to clean up the pirates.”

“I was the first one to seize the opportunity and follow their warship.”

“A large amount of cargo was transported.”

“On that one trip, my son’s new house was found.”

“Taking advantage of this momentum, I haven’t had a break for half a year.”

“Just to save some money, there aren’t many opportunities like this.”

“In the past, there were only ships of some large companies that were protected by force. Now small ships can sail on the sea without restraint.”

“This is all thanks to the Navy Admiral.”

Lorca asked curiously:


“But I heard that the navy admiral.”

“The reviews are not very good.”

“He is so murderous and bloodthirsty. His picture was published in the newspapers every day some time ago.”

“They are all bloody heads.”

The bearded captain was a little confused:

“It’s all bullshit.”

“Where can I find such a good naval officer?”

“Those heads are all damned pirates. I thought they were too few to kill.”

“Looking at what you said, you should have some strength.”

“You don’t know how ordinary people like us live our lives, so it’s different from what we think.”

“We just want to be safe and sound.”

“Who dared to sail on this sea before?”

“I don’t want to die.”

“When encountering pirates, at worst, all the goods will be lost, and at worst, they will die without any body parts.”

“The pirate’s knife stabbed the person and the person was gone. Even if the body was burned, the body could not be found.”


Suddenly her voice was trembling and choked, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

This seemingly strong pillar of the family was so fragile at this moment. He covered his face with one hand to hide his collapsed face.

The trembling body stopped and slowed down after a while.

With red eyes he said:

“Sorry for making you laugh.”

Lorca shook his head and handed out a tissue:

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize.”

“I’m remembering something sad.”

The bearded captain took the tissue and wiped the corners of his eyes:


“As I was talking, I suddenly thought of my father and my brother.”

“I haven’t thought about them for a long time. I almost forgot what they looked like.”

“I just suddenly thought of it, and I couldn’t control it.”

Lorca nodded:

“Because of pirates…”

The bearded captain still choked with sobs and said:


“I was only seven years old that year. My father, my two brothers, and I went on a boat trip to visit relatives.”

“I met a pirate in the middle of the night.”

“My father took me

He stuffed it into a barrel and threw it into the sea, and narrowly escaped death. ”

“But he and his two brothers did not escape.”

“Everyone in the boat was killed by the pirates. After robbing everything, they even set a fire.”

“I hid in that small barrel and watched the fire from a distance.”

“Burn everything to ashes and leave nothing behind.”

“Only the wild laughter of the pirates echoed on the sea.”

“I drifted at sea for two days before I met a kind merchant ship and took me back.”

“Shortly after returning home, my mother sadly passed away.”

“Later, I finally grew up, got married, and had some savings. I wanted to repay the kindness of the captain who saved me.”

“But all I found was a shabby little town.”

“That kind-hearted captain lost his life because of the pirate massacre a few years ago.”

“That town was also deserted.”

“you say.”

“How can I not hate it?”

“I wish I could kill all the pirates in the world. I also hate myself for not having the ability or talent to even take revenge.”

“It would be great if my father, brother and others could read those newspapers.”

“Let them also see what happened to the pirates.”

“I hope that before I die, I can see the navy admiral kill all the pirates in the world.”

“I will go down and tell them the good news then.”

“They will definitely be happy too.”

Lorca smiled affirmatively:

“This day will definitely come.”

“I want to see that day too.”

The bearded uncle also said with certainty:

“Most definitely.”

“I believe them.”

Lorca said softly:

“I believe too.”

Resting his elbows on the guardrail, dragging his chin with his palms, he looked at the sea and thought about something.

After a long time…

After regaining consciousness, Lorca looked around. The bearded captain had disappeared, and Robin next to him was still looking at the sea blankly.

Lorca said softly:


Robin looked at the sea and said with some confusion:

“Is the navy good?”

But…those innocent scholars and residents of O’Hara…were all killed by that…

Lorca thought for a moment and said:


“In this world, there is no right or wrong, good or bad, there are just different positions.”

“Good and bad, right and wrong are just add-ons to positions.”

Robin nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly heard Lorca say darkly:

“Maybe, from a certain standpoint, I am also a bad person…”


Robin rolled his eyes, childish!


Beihai, Kingdom of Germa.

A laboratory in a huge castle.

Like a production line, the cultivation tanks filled with green nutrient solution are running one after another, and they are all clones that have been modified and replicated through blood factors.

On the deepest large-screen device, Enel is copying the data to redundant machines.

The bones of Gaji next to him were once again bent and twisted… As for why…

He also didn’t expect that that little thunder and lightning kid actually knew this and was engaged in scientific research… I****

While copying the information and looking through the implementation log, Enel suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

“Hey, hey, you guy.”

“It’s too crazy.”

“Experiment on your pregnant wife.”

“The data alone is over seventy pages.”

“Brother Barrett.”

“Let’s beat him to death!!!”

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