Barrett laughed ferociously and looked at Gaji.

He made fists with both hands and moved his wrists. He was so frightened that Gaji quickly begged for mercy:


“You can’t kill me!”

“Otherwise the government won’t let you go!”

“I am the king of the franchised country!!!”

He was crying and shouting, shaking uncontrollably, he didn’t want to die… he couldn’t die either!

His dream of reviving Germa has not yet succeeded, and he cries and begs for mercy regardless of his face, just for a glimmer of life.

Barrett made a ‘cut’ sound:

“It’s so boring.”

“Shut up.”

Gaji suddenly stopped speaking and trembled.

Barrett stopped seeing Vinsmoke Judge.

What he likes most is the kind of guy with a backbone, crushing his bones bit by bit and seeing how hard he can get.

But I have no interest in this guy who makes endless compromises in order to survive.

Enelu did not continue to speak exaggeratedly, and was already immersed in Gaji’s experimental records.

I looked through Gaji’s experimental diary in shock, and it was shocking…

This guy is indeed from an illegal organization, just like the germ-playing guys at Punk Hassad Research Institute Three.

It’s completely inhumane.

After a long time…

When the words ‘Copy Complete’ appeared on the device, Enelu came to his senses and stopped browsing.

He stood up, unplugged the device, and carried it:

“It’s done, Brother Barrett.”

He frowned slightly and looked at Gaji. If he killed him…it would be difficult.

Barrett nodded, walked to Gaji, and kicked him:

“All the information is in that device.”

“There is no hiding it.”

Jiazhi is a stimulating spirit:

“No, absolutely not.”

“It’s all there!!!”

Barrett said:

“Are you sure?”

Gaji said quickly:

“Sure sure!”

Barrett said with a ferocious smile:

“very good.”

“Enilu, leave the one in your hand to him.”

“Take the original with you.”

Enel was stunned:


“oh oh!”


Gaji’s pupils shrank sharply, damn it…

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly looked at Barrett’s grinning mouth and stopped.

He suppressed all the words in his stomach.

Seeing the angry Gaji who was about to speak, Barrett took out the wanted poster and threw it at Gaji.

“Congratulations on your acquittal.”

“But we have to take these suspicious information back and check them carefully.”

“It’s done, Enel.”

Enel holds the original equipment for storing data:

“It’s done.”

“Let’s go, Brother Barrett.”

Barrett hummed softly, then stepped through the ceiling and disappeared.

Enelu held the equipment, his lower body turned into lightning, and he also rushed into the sky.

As the two of them disappeared, Gaji’s tense heart suddenly relaxed. The physical pain coupled with the mental relaxation caused him to pass out.

I don’t know how long it took before someone gradually woke up and found Gaji with his limbs broken.

Rushed to rescue…


In the North Sea, there is an island in front of the Upside Down Mountain, where the fleet rests.

Sakaski looked at Enelu who looked excited:

“Give you a few days off and send it to Mr. Vegapunk.”

Enelu nodded:


Then he asked:

“Uncle, is everything okay?”

“That guy is not a good person either.”

“But he is the king of the franchised country after all.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“It’s hard to say if there are other participating countries.”

“Except the Kingdom of Germa.”

“A kingdom led by a naive scientist who has no ambitions but no political means.”

“They don’t publicize this kind of thing loudly.”

“Because this is a shame for their family who once ‘unified the North Sea’.”

“And in a world ruled by a world government, I dream of unifying the North Sea.”

“Do you think the world government will agree?”

Enelu shook his head, too…

Sakaski said:

“Have you seen their soldiers?”

“How about compared to the average Marine.”

Barrett said:

“They are all emotionless killing machines, and each one is an elite soldier in the Sihai branch.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right.”

“But Germa, who has this kind of soldiers and this kind of technology, cannot unify the North Sea.”

“Most countries around the world are in the agricultural era.”

“This kind of country that focuses on developing technology and weapons can easily attack countries in the agricultural era like a dimensionality reduction attack.

to destroy them. ”

“But it was only when the Four Kings were at their peak that they fell silent again.”

“The main reason is that the North Sea Kingdom joins forces to resist, but it cannot escape the secret interference of the World Government.”

“It depends on when he can wake up.”

Sakaski’s words were not empty talk. In the original work, Gaji didn’t react until twenty years later.

In the past twenty years, I have been working as a mercenary for the world, fighting everywhere, which is equivalent to working for the world government in vain, and the government does not need to get the money.

This is why later on, they would rather not have the power of the countries joining the World Government, but also break away from the government and marry the BIGMOM family.

Because he found that even with this kind of technology and this kind of military strength, he did not have absolute strength and could not break the situation. He was always manipulated by the government.

After twenty years of struggle, in addition to gaining a lot of money, there is no land at all, and the dream of unifying Beihai is far away.

For the sake of his dream, he took the risk to marry into the BIGMOM family.

This kind of pathological persistence… can even be called naive…

Because he has absolutely no matching political means and emotional intelligence.

He overestimated his position and underestimated Charlotte Lingling’s ambition.

Charlotte Lingling completely treated Vinsmoke Gaji like a pig.

Just to deceive him, the country and technology were all in one pot.

When the government joined the country, they were just treated as wage earners, and by marrying BIGMOM… their lives were almost lost, and their entire family fortune was not given away.

If the villain hadn’t died from talking too much and Perospero had spoken less, all the five members of the family, except Sanji, would have died.

This kind of mysterious operation…

This pushed the post-war Germa Kingdom into an extremely embarrassing situation…both sides hated it.

At this time, the phone bug’s voice suddenly rang.


Sakaski chuckled:

“Accountability has come.”

Answered the phone call and said leisurely:

“I’m Sakaski, please speak.”

The voice of the five old stars holding swords sounded from over there…

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