The questioning voice of the knife-wielding Five Old Stars sounded:

“We need a reasonable explanation for the matter in the Kingdom of Germa, Sakaski.”

“After all, it is a member country of the government. If word spreads, what will be the government’s credibility?”

Sakaski replied:

“The technology Germa masters is too dangerous.”

“As long as we have the resources, we can create an elite soldier in his twenties within five years.”

“It’s better for us to keep this dangerous technology for him.”

“Besides, Mr. Vegapunk’s research has hit a bottleneck, right?”

“Vinsmoke Gaji once worked with Mr. Vegapunk, but his research path was the opposite.”

“I asked Enel to send the information to Mr. Begapunk to see if there is any enlightenment.”

The Five Old Stars opposite the phone bug were silent for a moment.

To be honest, they were also attracted by Vinsmoke Gaji’s skills.

The technology of unlimited violent troops, in terms of resources, no one has more governments in the entire sea.

But it’s not easy to start. The world government openly seizes the technology of the participating countries, even if the Vinsmoke family’s reputation in the North Sea is not good.

It was even boycotted by the entire Beihai countries, but there is a saying that the rabbit dies and the fox is sad.

No matter what, the government cannot take action.

But if it was the admiral’s private action… then…

The sword-wielding Five Old Star slowly spoke:

“That’s it.”

“It won’t happen again.”

“But you have to figure out how to deal with the aftermath.”

“It must not be spread.”

Sakaski said ‘hmm’:



The other side hung up the phone bug.

Enelu looked surprised:

“That’s it.”

Sakaski chuckled and said:

“of course not.”

“Don’t we still have to deal with the aftermath?”

Turning to look at Barrett:

“Barrett, you go again.”

“Break his legs.”

“Let him remember it for a long time.”

“Bring hatred upon me.”

Barrett laughed:

“no problem.”

“I will handle it.”

Then he stepped down and the figure disappeared instantly.

Not long after, a warship slowly sailed out of the port.

At the port, Enel, who was watching Barrett sail, frowned and suddenly said:

“Uncle, give Vinsmoke Gaji’s skills to Mr. Vegapunk.”

“If the ‘pacifist’ plan is successfully developed.”

“Wouldn’t it be even harder to deal with?”

“Then the future…”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Don’t worry, the research and development will not be successful.”

“It will take twenty years at the earliest.”

Enelu tilted his head with a question mark on his face.

Sakaski chuckled:

“How do you know that Vegapunk…is not one of our own?”

Enilu suddenly had a disgusting expression on his face, how the hell is this okay…? !

“What the hell…how come I don’t know at all.”

Sakaski said quietly:

“There’s a lot you don’t know.”

“Five Old Stars…heh.”

“They know shit about technology,”

“We can develop it successfully whenever we want it to.”

Enelu’s face is full of black lines, you don’t understand…


A computer that was as fast as a flash crashed onto Enelu’s head.

Sakaski’s voice sounded:

“I think you’re thinking of something bad.”

Enelu immediately said seriously:

“No, absolutely not!”

“Uncle is the best in the world!”

Sakaski chuckled:

“It’s not that I won’t tell you.”

“It’s no use knowing too much.”

“There’s no need for you at all. You can just grow up and be done with it.”

Enelu said unconvinced:

“Huh? You’re looking down on people, uncle.”

“Although I am not as dark as you, I am also very smart.”

Sakaski looked at Enero:

“Then let me test you.”

“What is the significance of this operation?”

Enelu quickly replied:

“Combating the pirate craze started by Roger the Pirate King.”

“Stop the rising momentum in the shortest possible time.”

“Stabilize the situation in the world.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“This is just the first layer of disguise.”

“You were right about your last sentence.”

“It’s about stabilizing the world situation.”

“The era of great pirates started by Roger cannot be extinguished.”

“Desire will grow as time goes by.”

“This Operation Plow Court, as long as we can ensure that there will be no outbreak of pirate frenzy during the three years of suppression.”

“You know why

Well? ”

Enelu shook his head in confusion.

Sakaski said:

“Because only in the shortest time can we suppress people’s inner desire to go to sea.”

“This way the danger level of the revolutionary army will not be exposed, and it will also create an opportunity for them to develop and grow.”

“If this Operation Plowing Garden were not carried out, the number of young pirates going to sea every year would double.”

“It won’t take more than a few years for governments to see productivity declines around the world.”

“As long as we investigate, we will know the reason, although there is no good solution.”

“But under this kind of oppression, the concept of the revolutionary army is very dangerous.”

“The government will destroy them as soon as possible.”

In the original work, Long had been groping for more than ten years and had achieved some success before he started to revolutionize everywhere.

But it’s different now. A little red book has been thrown at him. He will not be able to develop if he doesn’t suppress the momentum of going overseas.

If the government investigates the cause in a few years, the revolutionary army with such dangerous ideas will be gone as soon as possible.

But the momentum of going overseas was suppressed by Sakaski, which was different.

Worldwide productivity will fall a little, but not much.

The government will not take it seriously. After a few years, time will make people forget their fear.

A large number of people are going overseas, and it will take several years until the government notices the decline in productivity.

When these two times are superimposed, the revolutionary army has spread everywhere, and it is definitely impossible to wipe them out.

When the time is right, send Robin there, and the experience package of the Industrial Revolution will be added…

Sakaski continued:

“So, this matter must be suppressed.”

“The government cannot yet see the danger from the revolutionary army because productivity has not declined.”

“People in many places are having a hard time, but they are still able to survive.”

“And when a few years later a large number of young people leave and productivity drops, the gold in the sky does not drop.”

“People will not be able to survive under this kind of oppression.”

“If you can’t survive, what should you do?”


“When they start a revolution that can spread around the world.”

“Those people in the Holy Land will definitely be unable to sit still.”

“Find an opportunity then…”


Enelu still looked confused. Well, he is really not suitable for playing these games…

“But…uncle, if the revolutionary army can’t lose its tail, what should we do?”

“It’s impossible to kill everyone.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“It’s enough to kill the leader.”

“Didn’t I ask you to record the dragon’s electromagnetic field? Just behead it.”

“Although their policies are fine, they have made a lot of cuts.”

“Revolution seems beautiful…but not everything in the world will be solved by revolution.”

“This is not a world controlled by ordinary people…”

“The most important aspect that is ignored is the power of the strong.”

It may be smooth sailing in the early stage. After all, most countries around the world are in the agricultural era, and there are some strong ones, but the revolutionary army will definitely be able to cope with it.

But when it comes to the Grand Line and the New World, it will definitely be a severe beating.

Those pirates won’t tolerate you… No matter how many people come, there won’t be enough to kill.

For example, if the revolutionary army has 100,000 people, 200,000 people… it won’t take Hale Nock to take advantage of the danger and kill them.

All of them have become mature people…what kind of leather can they get?

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