Barrett laughed ferociously:

“Pirates are not unusual.”

“It looks like Nanhai can have some fun.”

Enelu chuckled:

“That’s right, I met such a stupid pirate when I first came here.”


Ten huge warships riding the wind and waves finally set foot on the South China Sea after a while.


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Wulaoxing, who received the king’s request for help, couldn’t help but be surprised. Did a group of ordinary pirates attack the palace?

The five old stars with a strong W-shaped beard are faintly angry:

“When did the standards of the franchise countries deteriorate to such an extent?”

“A bunch of trash.”

The five old stars holding the sword closed their eyes and took a deep breath:

“Let’s send the CP organization to solve it first.”

“The participating countries of the World Government were destroyed by pirates.”

“That’s a big joke.”

“Wait until this matter is over before we deal with them.”

“It’s really necessary to re-screen.”

“It’s really…”


The Grand Line, first half.

Tahama Kingdom, port.

At this time, the port was blazing with flames. A huge pirate ship was docked here, and there were several small boats next to it.

With the help of the great pirate era bonus opened by Roger, the captain of the pirate group returned to his hometown to recruit troops and plunder everywhere.

It has developed into a pirate group of about a thousand people. Although there are no strong men, they are all composed of ordinary people.

But the advantage is that there are more people, and there are also large firearms such as artillery and mortars.

For the Tahama Kingdom, which is also a farming kingdom, it is already on the verge of annihilation.

Countless kingdom soldiers fought with this group of pirates.

Spears, swords, bloodstains and corpses covered the entire harbor.

The grinning little pirate leader commanded his men and shouted at the same time:

“Little ones! Don’t worry!”

“Kill as much as you like!”

“Kill all the resisters!!!”

“This country will soon be ours!”


A kingdom guard who heard these words shouted:

“Don’t back down!”

“Drive these pirates out of our country!”


But…it doesn’t help.

After half a day of offensive and defensive battle.

Although the kingdom’s guards resisted desperately, they were still defeated by the cruel and vicious pirates until… they retreated to the gate of the palace.

The pirates slowly surrounded the royal palace and castle.

At this time, the pirate captain, who was more than half a head taller than the other pirates, walked out.

With a gesture of his hand, several mortars were aimed at the national flag on the top of the castle.

Boom boom boom——

The country’s flag was destroyed and the top of the castle completely disappeared.

Then it targeted the resisting soldiers, and countless soldiers were blown away, their lives and deaths unknown.

The pirate captain looked at the silent battlefield and smiled with satisfaction.

He shouted to the remaining kingdom guards:


“That’s it, bastards!”

“Those who want to live must surrender!”

“Anyone who resists will be blown up with mortars!!!”

“Go tell your king!”

“Let him issue the imperial edict!”

“Otherwise you will all die!!!”

Looking at the ferocious pirates, I don’t know who to start with… There was a crash, the weapon fell to the ground, and then continued to sound.

The guard captain was furious when he saw the soldiers who kept surrendering, but he had nothing to do.

As a last resort, go to the palace hall to report.

The surrendered soldiers were imprisoned in a large warehouse by the pirates, no more, no less… five hundred in total.


A new world, a towering secret realm.

A figure with blond hair and a golden cloak stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the giant beasts.

At this time, the aura on the golden lion’s body was no longer as sharp as before.

Mental and physical trauma are the most debilitating.

The golden lion exudes an aura of twilight…

There is a ‘Muku’ hanging on his waist, and his legs are also made of two famous swords.

But combined with that expressionless face, it looked even more terrifying and unfathomable than before.

Puff puff–

As a strange sound of footsteps sounded, Dr. Indigo, who looked like a clown, walked over:

“What’s the matter, boss?”

The plain voice of the golden lion sounded:

“How is the progress of the research? Is it ready for mass production?”

Dr. Indigo said:

“The experiment has been successful.”

“But the potion can be further optimized.”

“The current success rate is only about 40 percent.”

“Everything that failed turned into a violent beast, completely out of control.”

“We still need to optimize


The golden lion suddenly interrupted:


“Give me mass production now.”

“Regardless of success or failure, as long as you are alive.”

“There are still the last half a year left in five years.”

“In these six months, give me all of it to create a giant beast.”

“I can’t wait any longer.”

Dr. Indigo was stunned, and then said:


Retreat slowly.

The golden lion stood quietly on the edge of the cliff.

He is no longer the lion king who once wanted to conquer the world.

The deterioration of his body and functions made him feel the torment of declining strength all the time.

For a hero like Golden Lion, it was simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

Now he just wants to do something big that shocks the world in the last moments of his life.

Let the world feel what cruelty is, and let those star-chasers at sea see what a real pirate is.

As if he was relieved, a calm voice sounded from the edge of the cliff:



The Grand Line, the first half, the Kingdom of Tahama.

Compared with the gorgeous appearance, the interior of the palace and castle is simple.

The king’s throne was actually made of stone, and there were no decorations in the empty hall.

The white-haired king held his forehead, thinking a little tangledly.

The thinner minister below said:

“Your Majesty, for the sake of the people, you must resolutely reject the pirates’ despicable demands.”

The fat minister next to him said:


“The strength of the kingdom’s army plus the escort itself.”

“There’s no need to be afraid of those pirates.”

The king raised his head as if he had made up his mind:

“But fight with your life.”

“What about the soldiers who became hostages?”

“They are also my people. I can’t just watch them die.”

“Even if the throne is taken away, there is still a chance to get it back.”

“But human life will not.”

Some fat ministers were a bit unconvinced:

“But even if we agree to their request.”

“I don’t think they will release the hostages honestly!”

Da da da–

At this time, there was a sound of rapid running, and then the guards yelled:

“His Majesty!!!”

“The messenger from the World Government has just arrived!!!”

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