The king stood up suddenly, his face full of surprise:


“he is….”

Before he finished speaking, an indifferent young man wearing a black suit came out.

Young Rob Lucci walked into the empty hall.

The king looked at this teenage boy with some astonishment… Is this… reinforcements sent by the World Government?

The two ministers looked grim. Damn it…the world government is teasing us. It sent a child.

But no matter what a few people thought, Rob Lucci still walked indifferently and stood still:

“Where is the prey.”

The fat minister was stunned:


“You mean those pirates.”

“They occupied the port on the west side of the kingdom and used it as a base.”

Rob Lucci said indifferently:

“I see.”

Then he turned around and left, heading outside the palace.

Then the king suddenly spoke:

“Please wait a moment.”

“No matter what, please put the safety of the hostages first.”


Rob Lucci turned his head and glanced at the king:

“You are giving advice to the world government.”

As he spoke, a slight sense of oppression emanated from his body.

Several people in the hall were stunned, with slight sweat on their heads… This feeling of oppression…

When he came back to his senses, Rob Lucci had disappeared.

The king’s body went limp and he sat slumped on the throne, sweating all over his head in disbelief:

“World Government…..”


Port, pirate base camp.

The pirate captain was sitting in the front seat holding a wine glass:

“Well done, guys!”

“Let’s indulge tonight!!!”


The men were either holding wine glasses or holding the snatched woman in their arms.

Celebrate and vent unbridled.

“The kingdom is nothing special!”

“That’s right!!”

“Now the whole kingdom belongs to us!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Long live the boss!!!”

“What! You should be called the new king!!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

“Wine, wine, wine!”

The people celebrating were completely unaware that a young man wearing a black suit suddenly appeared on the boat.

Rob Lucci walked behind a group of people drinking:

“Who is the leader of your group?”

Several pirates looked behind them in shock and immediately ran away:

“You guy, where did you come from!”

At this time, the nearby pirate ship also saw Rob Lucci and said casually:

“Where did you come from, kid.”

Rob Lucci’s indifferent voice sounded:

“In the name of the World Government, I arrest you.”

The pirate captain seemed to have heard some joke:


“Arrest me? Just you??”

“It seems that there are really no people left in the World Government.”

“He actually sent a kid here to arrest me.”


“Don’t make people laugh!”

“Go away, we don’t have time to play house with the kids.”

With a casual wave, the two pirates held up their knives and flew to chop away.

Rob Lucci said softly:



Two breaking sounds were heard, and the pirates on the ship looked in shock at the sword that broke after hitting Rob Lucci.

The pirate captain’s heart sank slightly, but he was also confident because he had a hostage:

“I see.”

“It’s been a while. It seems that they are from the World Government.”

“But if you dare to act rashly again, I cannot guarantee the safety of the hostages.”


Six or seven pirates raised their guns and aimed at Rob Lucci.

Looking at the motionless Rob Lucci, the pirate captain thought he had succeeded, and smiled arrogantly:

“Lock up this brat too.”

“As a hostage threatening the world government.”

“This way we have nothing to fear.”


The subordinates also laughed ferociously:



Several pirates escorted Rob Lucci towards the warehouse where the soldiers were kept.

Pushed Rob Lucci in and closed the door.

Their laughter can be faintly heard:

“With the World Government hostages.”

“In this way, the world government will also obey our words.”

“That’s great.”


Inside the warehouse.

As the pirate’s voice gradually faded away.

Rob Lucci looked at these astonished soldiers and said:

“I want to confirm something.”

The soldier closest to him said blankly:


Rob Lucci said indifferently:

“All the hostages are here.”

The nearest soldier spoke:

“Yes what’s the matter.”

The corners of Rob Lucci’s lips curled up slightly:




An afterimage flashed past, and Rob Lucci rushed in front of a soldier in an instant, stabbing his finger gun directly into the soldier’s heart.

Swish swish——

The blue crescent-shaped air blade rushed out from Rob Luqi’s feet and cut several soldiers in half.

Flowers made of blood kept exploding in this warehouse.

Just like killing chickens and slaughtering sheep, this group of ordinary soldiers were continuously slaughtered while screaming.

Five hundred soldiers of the National Guard were slaughtered in a matter of seconds.

The pirates partying outside have not yet responded.

Rob Lucci shook off the blood on his fingers and kicked the corpses one by one to the center of the warehouse, where they piled into a hill.


When the pirates finally found out, it was already irreversible.

The pirate captain led his men and mortars to surround the warehouse door:

“You guy!!!”

“You actually gave me my most important hostages!!!”

Rob Lucci said indifferently:

“That’s because they committed a crime.”

“So I solved them in the name of justice.”

The pirates said in disbelief:


Rob Lucci said indifferently:

“As a soldier of the kingdom, it is a crime to be weak.”

“Succumbing to evil forces has plunged the kingdom into crisis and is on the verge of destruction.”

“Soldiers like this have no right to live.”

The pirate captain is a little scared, for this reason…

“You…can be considered an official of the World Government.”

Rob Lucci said calmly:

“Justice will not yield to evil.”

The pirate captain suddenly woke up, this kind of person cannot be allowed to stay…


“Kill him!!!”

Boom boom boom boom——

Five mortars sounded.

The top of the pile of corpses instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Just when the pirates thought it was solved, they breathed a sigh of relief.

In the flames, a figure slowly stood up.

Rob Lucci used an iron block on his back to catch the five-way cannonball.

Then he disappeared instantly and appeared in front of the astonished pirate captain, holding his face with one hand:

“Point gun!”

The blood burst, and the pirate captain’s body was like a hornet’s nest, with countless small holes appearing, and he died immediately.

He dropped it casually and watched the pirates running away in fear:



Grand Line, Isle of Justice.

At the headquarters of CP9, Spangdine looked at the young man who shocked the kingdom and the government and smiled with satisfaction:

“Not bad, Lucci.”

“I’ll help you suppress this matter.”

“Justice cannot be compromised.”

“From now on, feel free to do whatever you do. If anything happens, I will take care of you.”

Rob Lucci nodded slightly:

“Thank you, sir.”

Spandaine smiled:

“Okay, let’s go rest.”

“Just relax.”

Rob Lucci said:


Walk out slowly…

At the window, Spangdine looked at Rob Lucci walking away and showed a contemptuous smile.

The man with long white hair was a little curious:

“Sir, if you indulge him so much, you’re not afraid of losing control.”

Spandaine snorted coldly:

“No matter what, it’s just a weapon that has been brainwashed since childhood.”

“Can’t make any big waves.”

As he thought of something, he sighed:

“Every family has its descendants who don’t live up to expectations.”

“Mainly because of that bastard in my family.”

“It’s been sorted out up here, and I’ll wait until it becomes available in the next two years.”

“I will be transferred to the top level of the government.”

“You all have to follow me then.”

“CP9 I plan to let my son take over.”

“You have to leave some followers for him.”

“Now throw CP5 to him for exercise, this useless thing.”


The man with long white hair shrugged and said nothing. Outsiders are not allowed to speak about this kind of thing…


A few months later…

Something terrible happened on the sea.

On the territory of New World BIGMOM, several islands were uprooted and soared into the sky without a trace.

Cake Island.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling went crazy with anger, destroying everything around her wantonly:

“Damn Shiki!!”

“What does he want to do!!!”

“Find it for me!!!”

“I’m going to kill him!”

Many children shuddered:


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