A new world, a towering secret realm.

Several islands are floating in the air, and the secret realms thousands of meters above are level.

These were the former territories of the Golden Lion.

Later, after Roger died and Golden Lion was imprisoned, when the new world was divided up, Charlotte Lingling and Sakaski exchanged islands to fill the gap in the territory, a total of eight islands.

There are also two islands with naval branches.

However, the navy has its back on the red continent.

The support was too fast and only two islands were taken away. The support arrived and the Golden Lion withdrew.

Seeing these ten islands floating in the air, the golden lion narrowed his eyes slightly:

“about there.”

At this time, the secret realm has been created in large quantities, and there is no trace of human beings. The dense beasts are crowded together and fighting here.

The ecology of the entire island has been ruined, and the raw materials for subsequent manufacturing can no longer be found. Even the scientific research team, including Dr. Indigo, has been dealt with by him.

He doesn’t have much time, and he no longer has the idea of ​​unifying the world.

What he wants is to bring a war of extreme fear to the world, and that is enough…

The golden lion raised his right hand, and the entire secret realm ground began to split from a hundred meters underground, splitting into ten large pieces and emerging.

Countless giant beasts are constantly falling into the sea thousands of meters below on the crowded ground.

The golden lion ignored that and continued to wave his hand. The ten fragments brought the giant beast and hit the ten islands.

The giant beast that smashed on the island rushed out, accompanied by hunger, and stared at the people on the island.

The strong men on the island have already been eliminated by the Golden Lion.

The remaining weak pirates, navy, and people are all hunting targets for these hungry giant beasts.

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of the golden lion’s mouth:

“Eat, eat.”

“When you are full, let this land fall into disaster.”

But before that there is one thing to do…


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The setting sun is like blood, so red that it makes people panic.

Buzz – um – buzz –

“Alert alert!”

“The target is the Golden Lion!!!”

“The warships at the port are all controlled by the Golden Lion!”

“Treat the wounded!”

“Evacuate the port!!”

High above the headquarters, a ship with a golden lion pirate flag printed on its sails floated there.

Several warships floated awkwardly below, and countless soldiers fell from them into the sea.

Marshal Kong rushed out of the headquarters fortress and fought at the top of the fortress again. Morris and Zefa also came from the academy.

All that was left were some lieutenant generals watching closely above and guarding.

The people gathered together frowned, and Marshal Kong spoke in a deep voice:

“Damn Golden Lion, he really knows how to choose the right time.”

Staring at the golden lion ship hundreds of meters above the ground, only a small dot could be seen.

Unfortunately, the few people in the headquarters who could go up instantly at this time are not there yet, and the rest are all strong men in physical skills, guarding the headquarters.

At this distance, when everyone got up, the golden lion ran away.

Marshal Kong’s fists were filled with an armament as rich as air currents, and he aimed his fists upward.

Like two sharp black arrows, they shot into the sky.

Zefa looked at the warship floating not far above the port:

“Let’s find a way to get these warships down first.”

“Let’s take action together.”

Morris narrowed his eyes slightly:

“What a troublesome ability.”

After finishing his words, the whole person disappeared in an instant, and then one after another Lieutenant General rushed towards the port.

Thousands of meters above the sky, the Golden Lion sensed the grinning faces of the people rushing towards the port:

“This is just the beginning.”

The overlord color spread throughout the entire headquarters along with the sound, and the whole person floated in the air.

The legs composed of two famous swords swung downwards, shooting out two arrow-like golden sword energy, which collided with Marshal Kong’s attack.


The collision produced huge air waves and white mist, which spread in mid-air.

Then the golden lion waved his right hand downward.

The twisted warships in the sky swooped down and smashed into the headquarters fortress.

Then he turned around and controlled his ship, flying towards the four seas.

Higher up in the sky, dozens of island fragments floated there, following the Golden Lion’s ship as it flew to the four seas.

Since the golden lion let them hunt on the island some time ago, these giant beasts that ate up all the residents have not eaten for many days…

Naval Headquarters, Port.

Boom boom boom boom——

The warship that swooped down was pressed down by many lieutenants against the bow of the smashed ship, and landed on the ground.

But it was inevitable that some houses were smashed and a small part of the port was destroyed.

There were also many soldiers on some warships who were knocked down and were not sure whether they were alive or dead.

“Treat the wounded!”


Zefa walked to the port holding a huge warship.


As the warship entered the water, a wave of water surged into the port.


Morris also held up a warship and threw it into the sea:

“Isn’t it good to just become a legend?”

“Damn pirates.”

Zefa looked solemn:

“This guy Golden Lion just attacked the BIGMOM pirate group’s territory some time ago.”

“Coming to the Navy Headquarters again now, I’m afraid it’s not just about establishing prestige.”

“After several years of preparation, I’m finally ready to take revenge on the world.”

Morris also frowned:

“No matter what, prepare for the battle with all your strength.”

“Go to the Marshal’s office first.”


In the marshal’s office.

Marshal Kong sat at the head, and below him Zefa, Morris, and several veteran lieutenant generals gathered together.

On Marshal Sora’s desk, there were phone bugs belonging to Sakaski, Sengoku, and He.

As for why there is no Garp…his brain is not suitable for analysis. He can just assign tasks when necessary.

After Marshal Kong’s adjutant reported the losses of the attack, Marshal Kong spoke:

“If you have any ideas, please tell us.”

Morris shook his head:

“I can’t figure it out, since the golden lion wants revenge.”

“Why are both sides offended?”

“BIGMOM is also looking for him all over the world.”

“I want to kill him.”

Lieutenant General He’s steady voice came from the phone on the left:

“Did he leave any words?”

Marshal Kong crossed his arms:

“Just saying, this is just the beginning.”

The voice of Warring States came from the phone bug in the middle:

“This guy wants revenge.”

“But this goal is difficult to determine.”

Marshal Kong knocked on the table:

“That’s the issue that’s the point.”

“There’s no telling who his next target will be.”

Sakaski’s voice suddenly came from the red phone bug on the right:

“Where is the direction he left.”

Marshal Kong was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully:

“It’s the direction of Sihai.”

Lieutenant General He’s voice came:

“I see.”

The voice of the Warring States Period sounded:

“Well…it’s also that guy’s character.”

Sakaski’s voice also sounded:

“I’ll go to the East China Sea.”

“Let people temporarily evacuate the residents of Rogge Town first, just in case.”


South China Sea, Operation Liting Fleet.

Sakaski on the warship hung up the phone bug.

He gave orders to Barrett and Enelu, then condensed a huge magma golden eagle and jumped on it.

The wings and tail of the magma golden eagle erupted with endless heat and magma, rising into the sky.

Fiery red light pierced the sky.

Like a meteor, it flew towards the entrance of the Inverted Mountain in the East China Sea.

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