Then he pulled down the famous sword ‘Muku’ held by the golden lion, and had no time to pull the two swords on his feet.

He kicked the golden lion’s body away and rushed downwards quickly, carrying the head and the dead wood.

At this time, the island land was several times larger than the entire Rogge Town.

After losing the golden lion’s fruit ability, it was about to hit the sea not far from Rogge Town.

If you don’t defend yourself…the consequences will be disastrous.

The fiery red figure arrived before the huge land, landed at the port here, and threw the head and dead wood aside.

Sakaski placed his hands on the port ground and pointed forward:

“Lava creates land!”

From the ground where his hands were pressed, magma gushes out crazily and spreads toward the sea, and then becomes coated with a dark armament color.

From a distance, it looks like a large dark plate is stretched out from the port of Rogge Town to catch the huge island falling from the sky.

Looking at the island and the magma disk that were about to collide, Sakaski solemnly increased the output of his weapons.


boom–! ! ! ! !

There was a loud noise that was like destroying the world, and the sound waves seemed to be visible, spreading out layer by layer.


Then there was another crisp sound.

The giant disk of magma with a large amount of armed color attached to it, withstood most of the impact force at the moment of impact, and then shattered.

The part that lost its connection with Sakaski slowly turned into magma and was pressed into the seabed by the huge island.

The moment the huge island entered the sea, Sakaski took a deep breath and once again mobilized his ability to explode.

On this side of the entire island, a lava wall tens of meters high was erected, with armed colors attached to resist the incoming huge waves.

The huge waves that hit hit the magma wall one after another.

Sweat was pouring from Sakaski’s head.

After a while…

When the incoming huge waves could no longer cause much damage to the island, Sakaski removed his power and breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over.

In an instant, he drained most of his physical strength to create a magma disk the size of several islands, all with armed colors, and then erected a magma wall tens of meters high and half an island long. It was really tiring.

It might be better if Kuzan comes, because directly freezing the sea into ice will definitely not consume as much as Sakaski.

But magma has no choice. It can’t turn water into magma. It can only extract physical strength and turn it into magma, attaching armor to resist it.

Even so, at the moment of impact, the magma disk with the armed color was instantly smashed… which shows its power.

However, looking at the distance, it was submerged in the sea water.

There are still several pieces of land the size of Rogge Town exposed on the sea, which is not completely without harvest.

At least some land has been retained. This island, which is several times the size of Rogge Town, will be managed well in the future, which can make up for some of the losses in the New World.

Thinking of this, Sakaski’s face darkened again.

The two islands where the navy was stationed abducted by the golden lion had many people on them when they were taken away.

But just after the battle, I discovered that there were only a group of irrational giant beasts on those islands, and there was no other person except the golden lion.

Obviously…all have been…

Sakaski walked up to the golden lion’s head and crushed it with his foot:

“Damn rubbish…”

Pick up the dead wood and insert it directly into the middle of the golden lion’s head.

Picking up his head, he walked toward town.

Half a day later.

A photo was circulated through government operations to newspapers around the world.

The next day’s newspapers set the sea ablaze.

In the newspaper, a huge headline was written on the front page.

“The end of the old era! The era of the navy must come!!!”

Below is a photo that takes up an entire page of the newspaper.

The admiral Sakaski, known throughout the world for his cruelty, holds a long sword.

There is a head strung on the sword. The head has its eyes closed and its long hair is fluffy and touches the ground.

It was the Golden Lion, the great pirate who was once as famous as Roger and Whitebeard.

The pirate who broke the myth of Impel Castle’s iron wall in one fell swoop, the pirate who tried to bring disaster to the world with his own power.

However, he was killed by the new admiral, Sakaski, with absolute power, and his clothes were not even messy.

The long sword in Sakaski’s hand was also recognized as the golden lion’s sword ‘Muku’.

The world is in an uproar…


New world, ghost island.

Kaido, who was sitting cross-legged in the hall, picked up the wine gourd and took a big sip.


He casually smashed the wine gourd next to him and looked at the newspaper in his hand:


“Just fooling some fools.”

“Kill a dying man

Just an old man. ”

“I’m almost being praised to the heavens.”

Jhin stood next to him and said:

“Even so, Sakaski’s strength, I’m afraid…”

It’s even scarier than it was a few years ago… Jhin sighed inwardly.

Kaido laughed ferociously:

“Our strength is not what it used to be.”

“Everything is ready.”

Jhin nodded:

“Get ready, everyone has been sent out.”

“I’m just waiting for your order.”

Kaido said with a ferocious smile:

“Then let’s get started.”

“The era of the navy will come?”

“It’s ridiculous.”

“Let the world welcome the new emperor.”



North Sea, “White Town” Freifans.

The fairy tale-like, white and flawless scenery of the past has long gone.

Thick smoke covered the sky, and the dilapidated towns revealed a sense of despair that was depressing.

Several neighboring countries teamed up to lay out iron fences around Freifans to prevent people from escaping from Freifans.

Densely packed soldiers wearing protective clothing and gas masks, holding guns in hand, guarded the border in fear.

As long as anyone from Frevans is found near the barbed wire, they will be shot.

And all of this was caused by an “infectious disease” that swept through the entire Freifans in a short period of time…

Of course, this is only the truth known to the public…but it is also an impeccable reason.

No one wants to die from that horrific infectious disease.

But the people of the blockaded Freifans also want to live.

Finally…when the people could no longer hold back, they took up weapons and wanted to fight out.

It also gave several neighboring countries a suitable excuse, and countless soldiers wearing protective clothing and gas masks rushed in.

The purpose is to kill all the residents of Frevans.

Frevans Center.

A young nun gathered a large number of children, with tears in her eyes and some excitement.

He saw Luo standing guard outside the hospital and ran over:

“Luo, you should also go with everyone.”

“A kind-hearted soldier said he could let the children live.”

Luo, who was wearing a student uniform and a spotted hat, lowered his head and clenched his fists:

“Sister, my sister is dying…”

“I can’t leave…”

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