The nun also looked a little unbearable:

“Little Lamy, she’s actually… okay.”

The nun also has a particularly fond memory of that well-behaved little girl.

I prayed for her softly in my heart, squatted down and said to Luo:

“Then you must catch the next refuge ship, Luo.”

“I’ll come back to pick you up.”

At this time, among the children behind the nun.

A friend who grew up playing with Luo shouted:

“Hey! Luo! Come with us!”

“Lami will definitely be saved later!!!”

“My parents have passed away! We must survive even more!!!”


Luo lowered his head, bit his lip, and remained motionless.

He couldn’t bear to leave his sister and leave her alone here.

The nun thought for a moment and said softly to Luo:

“Listen, Luo.”

“There is no real despair in this world.”

“The light of redemption filled with compassion will surely fall upon you.”

Luo was stunned, then nodded heavily:



Frevans, outside the largest hospital in the territory.

The iron gate was locked, and an endless stream of people stood outside, crying for doctors to help.

But at this time, the hospital was already paralyzed.

Most of the personnel have fled, leaving only a few doctors who hold out hope for research.

Inside the office.

Luo’s father shouted angrily at the phone:

“There are too few doctors here, and there are not enough blood and medicines.”

“Why doesn’t the Kingdom send more manpower?”

“There must be a way to remove platinum lead disease from the body!”

“And this disease is not contagious at all!”

“Why is the government hiding this information!”


The phone bug closed his eyes, indicating that the person over there had hung up.

“Damn it!!!”



In the ward.

Luo stood next to the crib, watching over his sister Lamy quietly.

Suddenly Lamy’s eyebrows moved slightly and his eyes slowly opened.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Luo and wanted to cry:

“Brother…my body hurts…”

The voice was almost gone, but he didn’t even have the strength to cry:

“And my body is getting whiter and whiter…”

“Am I going to die…”

When Luo heard his sister’s words, he trembled suddenly and was about to cry, but he held back and comforted him:

“It’s fine.”

“Please be patient a little longer, dad is the best famous doctor in the country.”

“He will definitely cure you.”

Bang bang——

The constant sound of gunfire entered the ward from outside, attracting some of Lamy’s attention.

“What are you doing outside? Why is it so noisy…”

Luo comforted:

“There’s a celebration going on.”

“Isn’t Frevans always so lively?”

“Get well soon and let’s go to the celebration together.”

A smile appeared on Lamy’s lips:



A few days later… Ninety-nine percent of the entire population of Frevans had been killed.

Soldiers from several surrounding countries are sweeping the country over and over again, trying to find the living and kill them.

Inside the hospital.

As if after the war, gun marks, corpses, and broken buildings filled the place.

Some soldiers wearing gas masks were searching from floor to floor.

In a ward in the corner.

Luo stuffed his sister Lamy into a cabinet:

“Lami, please be patient.”

Lamy nodded weakly:


Then Luo closed the cabinet, hid his sister, and ran into his parents’ office while avoiding the searching soldiers.

But as soon as he entered the door, he saw a scene that made Luo collapse.

Everything in the room was smashed, and two corpses lay in the middle of the room, which were Luo’s parents.

There were several bullet holes in the body, the white doctor’s robe was stained red with blood, and the blood on the ground flowed all over the room.

Luo pounced on the bodies hugging each other tightly:

“Mom!!! Dad!!!”


The soldiers searching in the building also heard the cry of collapse.

“There are people in the building!”

“This way!!!”

“Quick!!! Kill!!!”

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Luo had no time to continue grieving, gritted his teeth, smashed the glass and jumped out.

The soldiers following behind kept shooting with guns.

Luo relied on the advantage of growing up here and being familiar with the terrain.

After twisting and turning, he hid under a bridge pier and escaped the pursuers.


late at night.

After hiding for a long time and finally hearing no footsteps, Luo dared to walk out.


But the town at this time felt so strange to him.

There is fire everywhere…..

Even though dark clouds obscured the moonlight in the sky, Freifans was as bright as day at this moment, and everything in sight was filled with blazing fires…like hell.

When Luo was walking towards the hospital like a zombie, he suddenly tripped over something.

Looking down… he collapsed and shouted:


Looking around, he saw the corpses of his friends lying on the ground, almost losing his voice.

He recalled in his mind what the nun said to him a few days ago:

“Luo, there is no real despair in this.”

“The light of redemption filled with compassion will surely fall upon you.”

Luo fell to his knees and beat the ground crazily:

“Why ahhhhh!!!”

After venting for a long time… my heart was filled with despair and I left in silence.

There is nothing he can do…


When Luo finally returned to the hospital.

Watching the tallest and largest hospital in Freifans burn in flames.

It completely broke his heart.


“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

Luo, who was kneeling on the ground, rolled his eyes and shouted in despair:


But no one responded, only the blazing fire lighting up his desperate face.

Suddenly lost consciousness and passed out.

In just one day, the whole world collapsed.

No one can accept it, let alone a child as young as ten years old…

the next day.

After climbing over the barbed wire fence, Luo took one last look at the ruins of Freifans…

“I want… to destroy this dirty world…”

In the eyes of the world, the “white town” Frevans was completely destroyed.

Only ashes remained.


The entrance to the new world, Fishman Island.

Several super giant sea kings were staring at the Fish-Man Island in the distance.

Suddenly, these super-giant sea kings roared with excitement, and their voices echoed on the bottom of the sea.

hold head high–

hold head high–

“Our King is born!!!”

There was a ripple at the bottom of the sea…


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

A fishman with thick curly hair, a wide mouth, and a large blast wound on his neck slowly climbed up from the pile of corpses.

With a tug of the hand, the scrapped slave collar was ripped off directly:


The red fishman took one last look at the holy land that looked like a fairyland on earth.

But he knew this was hell, a hell on earth.

Grasping the cliffs of the Red Earth Continent, I climbed down bit by bit with unforgettable hatred…

“wait for me….”

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