The entrance to the new world, Fishman Island.

When the red fishman, Fisher Tiger.

When I finally stepped into this land, I stood there for a long time unable to recover.

“Finally…I’m back.”

After standing still for a while, he adjusted his mood so that no one could see anything unusual, and walked towards the palace on Fish-Man Island.

Not long after…a shout on Fishman Street quickly spread throughout the island.

“Master Tiger is back!!!!”

At the center of the street.

Aaron and Jinbei, who were arguing, turned their heads in surprise and looked in the direction of the fish tide:

“Brother Tiger!!!”


North Sea, Spydamerus.

The islands are dotted with ports, and every day many ships import garbage from all over the North Sea for incineration.

Because of its harsh environment and the nature of the island itself as a garbage disposal plant.

This is the residence of the Don Quixote family, which is currently booming in Beihai.

On this day, as a pale-skinned boy walked in, the tranquility was broken…

The residence of the Don Quixote family.

“There is an intruder!”


“Come back quickly!”

“Don’t touch that brat!”

“That pale skin! It’s an infectious disease!!!”

“That kid has a bomb on him!”

“Get away quickly!!”

Luo, with a gloomy face and a bomb strapped all over his body, walked step by step towards the depths of the Don Quixote family.

Because of the rumored terrible infectious disease and the bomb… no one dared to stop it.

In the dim hall, Doflamingo lay on a sofa and took a nap.

When the noise that got closer and closer entered the hall, Doflamingo was finally woken up, and his mood became bad.

Doflamingo opened his eyes and saw Luo standing not far away, and his subordinates in the distance:

“What’s wrong with this little brat?”

“Who let him in!!!”

The vaguely angry words made all the subordinates tremble:

“Young Master! He is so pale! No one dares to approach him!”

“It’s the remnants of the white town! That terrible infectious disease!!!”

Doflamingo’s veins were exposed, and he grabbed the books on the small tea table next to him and smashed them:


“I also believe the government’s nonsense.”

“Get out of here!”

Then he turned around and looked at Luo expressionlessly:

“Kid, tell me why you’re here.”

Doflamingo became a little interested in this kid who dared to break in.

Because Luo’s expression, Luo’s madness, looked exactly like his original self.

Luo watched Doflamingo speak calmly:

“Let me join you as a pirate.”

“I want to destroy everything I see.”

“Whether it’s towns, houses, or humans, I will destroy them all.”

“I grew up in the ‘white town’ Frevans.”

“I don’t have much time left to live.”

“I’m going to destroy everything!!!”

Although he was narrating calmly, the look of madness on his face became more and more intense. At the end of the sentence, the violent look on his face was fully revealed.

Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, as if he had returned to that night fifteen years ago.

That fiery night…

“Remember it for me! Remember it for me!”

“I will never die!!!”

“I will survive no matter what!”

“Then take you!”

“Kill them all!!! Leave no one alive!!!”

It was also from that time that he…

Doflamingo suddenly grinned and looked at Luo, who seemed to be a miniature of himself:

“Interesting, interesting.”

“You’re exactly what I like, kid.”

“But the family has family rules and cannot be broken.”

“You need to pass the test first before you are qualified to become one of us.”

Luo was a little confused:


The test of the Don Quixote family is… only those who can survive the hands of the child-hating ‘Corazon’ can join the family.

And all those who couldn’t survive were driven away. So far, more than a hundred people have left in despair.


Fishman Island, inside the palace.

Because Fisher Tiger, the most famous adventurer on Fish-Man Island, has something to discuss.

So in this huge palace, only King Neptune and Princess Otohime were left, as well as Fisher Tiger who was half kneeling on the ground below.

Fisher Tiger, who was half kneeling on the ground, was telling Neptune and Princess Otohime something.

Neptune frowned slightly:

“Free the slaves?”

“Are you serious?”


Tiger lowered his head, making his expression unclear:

“of course it’s true

. ”

“I already… can’t bear it anymore.”

“Slaves are living in hell.”

“They are still being treated inhumanely.”

Neptune has a headache:


Fisher Tiger suddenly stood up:

“I have decided.”

“Because this matter will cause trouble for the king and princess.”

“So I’ll let you know in advance.”

“There is no room for maneuver on this matter.”

Neptune stares at Fisher Tiger:

“What on earth did you see on this trip…Tiger.”

Next to her, Princess Otohime, who was also staring closely at Tiger, could sense her inner feelings and unconsciously activated them.

Fisher Tiger clenched his fists and looked up at Neptune:

“I see…human beings.”

Princess Otohime’s eyes turned red instantly, and tears flowed out uncontrollably… She felt the huge sadness that could not be concealed…

“This is…what a pain!!!!”


Donghai, Rogge Town.

Sakaski has been stationed here for several days since the battle.

Mainly because the Plowing Operation in the South China Sea has ended, and Eniro and Barrett are leading the fleet to the last piece of the East China Sea.

Another one is Sakaski who also wants to search the island to see if there is any whereabouts of the Piaopiao Fruit.

But days passed, and apparently nothing was found.

I guess I don’t know where in the world I was reborn.

With Sakaski in charge, the entire Rogge Town is much peaceful. No pirates dare to come here for supplies, and the reconstruction of the island is also proceeding quickly.

The most important thing is the island in the distance that is several times larger than Rogge Town.

Many people have been eyeing it, and all the forces in the East China Sea want to get a piece of the pie, but news on the sea is slow.

When they arrived here, they saw the warships on the island… and turned around and left.


Sitting on a boulder and watching the soldiers building the port, Sakaski answered the phone:

“What’s wrong, Enelu?”

Enelu’s crisp voice sounded:

“Uncle, we can reach the East China Sea tomorrow afternoon.”

“Where can I pick you up? It’s the new base.”

Sakaski looked at this base with nothing, not even a port was built:

“Let’s go to Rogge Town.”

Enel’s voice came:


“By the way, uncle, you know the Sobel Kingdom.”

Sakaski raised his eyebrows:

“I know what’s wrong.”

Enelu’s voice suddenly became lower and lower:

“When I passed by Sobel Kingdom, I sensed the dragon’s electromagnetic field.”

“It’s right at the royal palace of Sobel Kingdom.”

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