Sakaski on the other side of the phone laughed lightly:

“Okay, it’ll be fine.”

“Get a good rest, there won’t be such leisurely tasks in the future.”

Carol also smiled and said:


“Good night, General Sakaski.”

Sakaski’s voice came:

“Good night.”


The voice of the bug hung up.

Carol put down the phone and looked at the gleam of fire on the mountain in the distance:

“Already…grown up.”

Different from the wandering in the original work, Robin was taken to his side by Carol soon after he wandered around.

It’s been a few years…

The children have grown up…and it’s time to leave.


Beihai, where the Don Quixote family resides.

On a ruins behind Spedameros Island.

Luo hugged his knees with his hands and looked at the sea, expressionless as to what he was thinking.

Many days have passed, but that nasty ‘bastard’! ! ! !

When he thought of Corazon, Luo couldn’t help but get angry. He had been abused by Corazon too many times these days.

But he did not give up, but strengthened his thoughts.

He wants to join the Don Quixote family, and he wants to gain strength in the shortest possible time! ! ! !

Destroy everything! ! ! !

Gulu gulu——

The heroic spirit he had just felt disappeared in an instant, and the scream of his stomach brought him back to reality.

The most important thing is to survive first. Look at the sun. It’s almost done. I get up a little weakly.

Walking towards the Don Quixote family, at least… he is still in charge of the food.

After walking a few steps, I heard Buffalo’s sharp shout:

“dinner time!!!”

Luo’s face lit up with joy and his pace quickened a bit.

But as soon as I entered the station, I saw the ‘bastard’ smoking a cigarette.

He paused and hid.

Only after seeing Corazon walking away did he dare to come out.

When passing by the corridor, I saw the cigarette butts thrown by Corazon.

Luo clenched his fists and stepped forward angrily:

“That bastard lunatic!”

I stepped on a few cigarette butts! ! ! !

At this time young Senior came over:

“So you are here. Dover has something to ask you.”

Luo turned around and was a little angry:

“Just right! I also have something to ask him!!”


Suddenly, he was lifted up and turned around to look:

“What are you going to do, you bastard…”


Luo felt a heavy blow to his butt, which flew him dozens of meters away and hit a garbage pile in the distance.

Seonil felt a little emotional:

“Your dislike of children has not improved at all, Mr. Cora.”

Corazon waved his hand and left.

I really couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, this kid… is too persistent.

Rocinante, who has been promoted to the second generation of ‘Corazon’, has been working undercover for the Don Quixote family these years.

Bullying drove away many adults and children who wanted to join.

But it seems to have no effect on this crazy kid…

the other side.

Luo, who had been smashed into the rubble, stood up. His arms and chest were all scratched, and a lot of blood flowed out:

“Kill you…Kill you…I’m going to kill you!!!!”


Vertical sun.

Luo was holding a small knife that he found somewhere.

Walking towards the ruins on the shore, he knew that Corazon must be reading a newspaper at this time…


Luo, who quietly walked behind the ruins, looked at Corazon who was sitting on a boulder reading a newspaper and couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Approach quietly, look down from a high position, and jump! ! !

The knife in his hand was raised high, and the expression on his face became more and more ferocious…

When he was about to stab Corazon, he couldn’t control it anymore:


Rosinandi, who was holding a cigarette and reading the newspaper, had a look of pain and shock on his face.

I’m so careless…this kid actually…

He fell to the ground with a thud, motionless.

At this time, a scream suddenly came from the distance:


Luo turned around in horror, no matter what… he was discovered.

Buffalo looked shocked:

“You kid actually violated the rules of the Blood Family!”

“You can’t escape the punishment of piercing!”

“I’m going to report it to the young master!!!”

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Luo’s mind was in confusion, but he still tried his best to catch up:

“Asshole! Wait a minute!!!”

The fatter Buffalo obviously couldn’t outrun Luo.

In just two minutes, he was caught up by Luo. Seeing Luo approaching with a bloody knife, Buffalo kept retreating.

“You…you…what do you want to do!”

Hold on tight

He took the knife and said word by word:

“I want you to keep it a secret for me.”

“I can buy you an ice cream.”

After saying that, he stared at Baffaro closely. If this trick doesn’t work, then he can only…

Buffalo was stunned for a moment, then his expression became arrogant:


Luo tightened his grip on the long knife and prepared to take action.

“I want two, the three-story kind!!!”

Luo’s face was covered with black lines, and his veins couldn’t help but bulge, and he gritted his teeth and said:



After buying ice cream for Buffalo and returning to the shore, Corazon’s body was gone.

Luo’s heart tightened, no matter what, he had to run away…

Not daring to delay, he ran towards the port, but he was caught by two cadres before he could get far.

“Asshole! Let me go!!”

“Let go!!!”




With a muffled sound, Luo was thrown into the family hall by two cadres.

“Caught back, young master.”

“This kid doesn’t know why he wants to run away.”

“It was already running to the shore when we caught it.”

Luo made a “cut” sound and got up.

But when he saw the person next to Doflamingo, his pupils shrank, and he was thinking crazily about how to escape.

“This guy… is not dead, damn it.”

“That knife clearly penetrated his body.”

“Now he still looks as if nothing has happened.”

“What should I do… It wouldn’t be worth it if I just lost my life like this.”

“Obviously, Buffalo has been bribed with ice cream.”

“Then this guy filed the lawsuit himself.”

“Damn it! Damn it!”

“How to do how to do…..”

At this time, Doflamingo, who was sitting on the sofa, said:

“Luo, I didn’t call you here for anything else.”

“Just wanted to tell you that you passed the test.”

“The family is ready to accept you.”

“You are officially a member of the Donquixote Pirates.”

Luo was stunned for a moment. That guy…didn’t snitch.

Buffalo, who was licking ice cream and watching the show by the window, was also shocked and dropped the ice cream on the ground.

Doflamingo said with a smile:

“It was an excruciatingly painful experience.”

“It gives you eyes of hatred that are different from ordinary people.”

“I think you are very qualified, Luo.”

Luo lowered his head:

“It’s no use looking at it. It only has a lifespan of three years anyway.”

Doflamingo laughed:

“Uh huh huh huh.”

“Then it depends on your luck.”

Luo was a little confused:


Doflamingo spoke:

“We specialize in black market transactions.”

“It’s common to resell devil fruits.”

“The power of fruits sometimes exceeds human wisdom.”

“There may be a devil fruit in it that can cure your disease.”

“If you’re that lucky, you might be able to find a Devil Fruit that can save your life within three years.”

“I will treat you as my right and left hand to train you in 10 years’ time.”

“Are you ready?”

Luo took a deep breath:


Doflamingo said:

“Take him to change clothes.”

“Enjoy this last day of leisure.”

A cadre led Luo out. Before Luo left, he looked back at Corazon, feeling confused.

But Corazon was still there with his head down and smoking… The cadres retreated one after another.

Doflamingo suddenly looked at Corazon and smiled:

“Uh huh huh huh.”

“It looks very similar.”

“The first time I met this kid.”

“It’s as if you saw me that night, appearing in front of you.”

“It’s really…”

Corazon looked up, smiled, and nodded.

But my heart couldn’t help but feel depressed… I’m in trouble.

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