in the following days.

Doflamingo arranged Luo’s every day to the fullest.

Let Rao G teach physical skills.

Let Diamanti teach you swordsmanship.

Let Gladius teach gunnery.

Luo, who was scarred at the end of the day, had to be trained in tactical knowledge under the personal supervision of Doflamingo.

Fighting, fighting, naval battles, and overall planning, these trainings include all aspects of the future.

Doflamingo, who came step by step, taught Luo unreservedly according to the resources far beyond his own childhood.

Many cadres couldn’t understand why they should pay so much attention to this kid.

Only Corazon understands a little bit of Doflamingo’s thoughts:

“I completely regard Luo as my childhood self…”

“Given that expectation…”

Corazon’s thoughts about Luo are becoming more and more complicated.

Law is not like Doflamingo, who has ignored life since he was a child.

It can be seen from his various behaviors that he has a kindness in his heart.

It is what it is today because of sudden changes.

He was unable to save Doflamingo, but there was still hope for this kid…


The Great Line, the deserted island on the edge of the windless zone.

The red-haired pirates’ ship was parked on the shore, and there was a coffin-like boat next to it.

Everyone gathered at the beach, with a dead body of a Neptune species lying next to it, and pieces of oily meat roasting on a huge bonfire.

Lucky Lu stared at the piece of meat and drooled:

“Tell me, boss or Mihawk, who wins and who loses this time.”

Jesus smiled and said:

“It must be the boss’s idiot.”

Benke Punch smiled and said:

“That’s right, hahahaha.”

The little monkey on his head, the fierce warrior Tatsuya, burst into laughter.

It caused everyone on the beach to laugh.

Ben Beckman shook his head:

“You guys…”


On the barren mountain.

One red and one black two hurriedly collided and intertwined.

The air waves set off caused strong winds, and the swords collided, causing sparks to fly.


The ‘Griffin’ in Shanks’ hand and the ‘Black Blade Night’ in Mihawk’s hand were against each other.

Looking at the grinning Shanks in front of him, Mihawk couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth. A good opponent is so rare…

The black knife in his hand was slashed with more force.

A green sword energy slashed out, pressing Shanks down and slashing into the ground under the slope of the mountain.


A mushroom cloud tens of meters high rose, and dust obscured his vision, but it did not affect him at all.

The sight, hearing, and color cannot be sensed, but the sword intention cannot be deceived.

Mihawk jumped down, moved the black knife behind him, and slashed towards the center of the dust.

A line of training tore through the dust mist, but there was no sign of Shanks.

At some point Shanks appeared on the ground to the side.

Looking at Mihawk who had just struck a blow, he grinned:

“Try this trick again!”

Taking a step back with his left leg, his left hand holding the knife moved behind him, aiming at Mihawk.

The red airflow on Griffin swirled and swung forward.

A sword energy exuding a dangerous aura was accumulated and shot out suddenly.


Mihawk’s eyes narrowed slightly:

“He’s become stronger again.”

He held the black sword in both hands and raised it high, aiming at the red crescent-shaped slash and slashing hard.

A green sword energy collided with it, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The raging air flow swept hundreds of meters around the ground, and Mihawk was carried by the air flow to stand hundreds of meters away.

He carefully recalled Shanks’ slash just now in his mind.

The more he fights Shanks, the more exquisite he becomes.

It should be said that he is worthy of being the Pirate King Roger…

But he didn’t think much about it, now he wanted to fight more happily.

He raised the black sword in his right hand and pointed it at Shanks.

The violent airflow between the two of them split into two instantly.

Mihawk’s figure drew a series of afterimages on the ground and rushed towards Shanks.

Clang! ! !

The two men collided with each other with knives, and there was a stalemate for a moment.

Shanks was crushed by Mihawk’s charging force and the explosion of sword energy, and flew backwards.

After taking several steps back, Shanks’ feet exploded, his body exploded, and he escaped from the suppression of the sword energy.

Then, with his right foot as the center, he held the knife in his left hand and made a sudden spin.

A swirling sword energy broke through the pressing sword energy, and then turned into several crescent moon slashes, rushing towards Mihawk.

Mihawk stood there and raised the black knife, moving his wrist slightly.

The sword energy that filled the sky was driven away by Mihawk calmly, yet extremely gracefully.


A stream of red air instantly rushed in front of Mihawk.


This time it was Shanks’ turn to press Mihawk and fly backwards, and the two of them crashed into the rear

The mountains stirred up dust all over the sky.

A sting.

The dust mist was torn apart in an instant, revealing the figures of the two men, who stepped on them at the same time.

The black and red air currents accompanied by Mars collided and surrounded the mountains, rushing toward the peaks.


Mushroom clouds exploded on mountaintops and the islands shook.

Starting from halfway up, the mountain peak is divided into several sections, sliding left and right.

High in the sky.

Two white air blasts appeared and ran towards one place.

Shanks and Mihawk held swords with both hands, sword aura surging around their bodies.

Red and green lights appeared in his eyes, aiming at the opponent’s figure, and the muscles in his arms swelled and chopped away.



The blades collided, causing the lightning to sizzle.

Suddenly, Shanks’ pupils shrank sharply.

I saw Mihawk on the opposite side. The muscles in his arms suddenly swelled again, and the sword energy all over his body became more fierce, and he pressed down violently.

The sharp arrow-shaped sword energy pressed Shanks and smashed into the forest below.

A large crater of tens of meters was created, and trees were broken into pieces.

After all, Mihawk is four years older than Shanks. This slight advantage is also a key factor in a close battle.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the two are simply competing in swordsmanship.

Shanks, who was smashed into the ground, stood up straight, looked at Mihawk in the sky with his mouth wide open, and stepped down.

A stream of red air swirled towards Mihawk above.

Shanks grasped the handle of the knife with his left hand and pressed his right hand on his left wrist.

The red air flow wrapped around Griffin’s blade was mixed with traces of thunder and lightning.

Mihawk was also full of fighting spirit, holding the black knife with both hands, and the green air flow wrapped around the blade.

He stepped on the air several times and rushed downwards.

The red air waves collided with the green air currents.


Two sharp sword energies collided, followed by a sound that sounded like tinnitus.


Even the red-haired pirates far away on the coast couldn’t help but cover their ears.

Then I saw a huge spherical white air mass erupting in the sky above the center of the island.

Layers of sword energy carried violent air waves, swinging in a circular shape in all directions.

The aftermath lasted for several minutes, when Shanks and Mihawk walked out of the forest side by side and came to the coast.

The six peaks that were shaken by the aftermath of the wave slid down halfway…

Shanks looked embarrassed and grinned:

“Yeah, I have a plan!”

“There’s a party!!!”

A smile appeared on Mihawk’s lips.

The surrounding red-haired pirate crew members also shouted excitedly:


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