East China Sea, Operation Liting Fleet.


A bolt of lightning struck Sakaski’s warship.

Enelu’s figure condenses:

“It’s so boring, uncle. There aren’t many pirates in the East China Sea.”

“I just came in that day and met a few.”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“Then go study weapons.”

“Barrett doesn’t like the missiles you built.”

Enelu was a little helpless:

“Things are not in order.”

“Those are the most powerful things you can build.”

“Anything stronger will require equipment.”

“When we get back to the headquarters, let’s do some renovations.”

“Speaking of which…compared to the other three seas, this place is too backward.”

Sakaski smiled:

“So it will be more peaceful and peaceful.”

“That old guy Garp, come back for a visit if you have nothing to do. Of course there will be fewer pirates than in other sea areas.”

“More importantly, the government must maintain the agricultural era throughout the East China Sea.”

“That’s the only way people won’t explore the sea.”

“If it’s the style of Beihai or Xihai, force and gangs are prevalent.”

“There will be an endless stream of people exploring the sea.”

“The huge bridge they built to hide their construction in the East China Sea could easily be exposed.”

“Although I don’t know what the purpose of the huge bridge built against the red continent is there.”

“But the fact that this project has been going on for 700 years already shows the importance of this bridge.”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly. Sometimes the government’s background is really hard to tell.

The manpower and material resources invested over seven hundred years are simply unimaginable.

As for saying that this huge bridge is intended to connect the islands of the world, that is nonsense.

Don’t talk about seven hundred years, it won’t be completed even in seven thousand years.

Either you want to connect somewhere or transport something….

Enelu also felt slightly depressed:

“Seven hundred years…”

“This kind of manpower and material resources…”

“It would be great if you gave it to me.”

“In a few years, my super ‘Proverbs’ will be built.”

He smacked his lips and couldn’t help but said.

Sakaski became interested:

“Super motto?”

“Mr. Vegapunk has helped you optimize it.”

Enel smiled proudly:

“Yes, after research by Teacher Begapunk and I.”


“Proverb…is a first-generation machine.”

Sakaski touched his chin:

“First-generation machine?”

“It seems like this…”

“I remember the diary on Sky Island.”

“The owner of the diary wrote that he seemed to have designed it when he was young, and then spent most of his time in Qinghai.”

“Because of Joyboy’s defeat, he fled back to Sky Island, hurriedly wrote the last entry in his diary, and then died on his desk.”

“Then the models and design drawings we got at that time must have been left there when he was young.”

Enel was stunned:


“Is there still such a thing?”

Sakaski chuckled:

“You were illiterate at that time.”

“I gave you the diary, but you couldn’t understand it.”

Enelu’s face collapsed:


“Forget it, it was optimized by me and Teacher Bega Punk anyway.”

“It certainly can’t be worse than his.”

His face straightened:

“After studying the drawings of Proverbs with Teacher Bega Punk, I found that the man who designed it had reserved quite a lot of space for him.”

“In addition to the mechanical conductors and thundercloud generators scattered all over the bottom of the ship, those open spaces have been calculated. If the batteries are filled…”

“The person who controls the Proverbs can fire at least two thunderbolts through the control panel on the ship.”

“As for Wan Lei’s move, it can be launched several times.”

“And this is just under the control of ordinary people without the Thunder Fruit. That guy’s ambition and skills are not ordinary.”

“Even if this kind of first-generation aircraft is equipped with the navy in large quantities, no one in the world can stop us.”

“If one Lei Ying doesn’t work, then a hundred.”

“There are not even ashes left.”

“The only trouble is that it costs too much gold.”

“It’s impossible to make a few. Teacher Bega Punk and I have been optimizing the drawings of Proverbs.”

“Strive to arm as many troops as possible.”

“As for the super maxim…it’s too difficult, that consumes…”

“This year’s naval military expenditures are all thrown in, and only one-third of it will be built…”

“If ‘later’…”

Sakaski raised his eyebrows and walked towards the cabin without hesitation:

“It’s impossible, don’t think about it.”

“I won’t be able to make it in the future.

Come on, throw away the drawings. ”

One-third of the annual military expenditure is made.

This level of prodigality…


The sound of the cabin door closing sounded…

Enel was a little confused and shouted to the cabin:

“How about installments later?”

“Create one-tenth a year!”

“How about it!!!”


New World, Kerri Island.

The dark clouds in the sky split into two parts at the center of the island.

The restless trembling of the sea and the islands.

In the center of the island, two fierce figures seven or eight meters tall stood opposite each other, staring closely at each other.

Charlotte Lingling looked gloomy:

“Kaido, you’ve gone too far.”

She held Napoleon’s hand unconsciously and tightened. She never expected that she would be stabbed in the back by Kaido.

Before he could react in time, several of his island forces were wiped out.

Kaido said with a cruel smile:

“This is a pirate’s game. You are too naive, Lingling.”

“I need territory and power.”

“This sea is about to welcome the third emperor.”

Charlotte Lingling looked at him indifferently, but anyone who knew her well knew that she was on the verge of rage…

“So that was the idea.”

“But you shouldn’t. The only thing you shouldn’t do is…”

“Betray me, Kaido!”

“Wei Guo!!!”

A giant sword energy shock wave rushed towards Kaido.

Kaido’s mace, ‘Hasai Jie’, moved behind him, wrapped around Haki, and said with a ferocious smile:

“I treat everyone equally.”

“That old boy Hale Knock can’t escape.”

“Thunder! Ming! Ba! Gua!!!”

There were traces of thunder and lightning flashing on Ba Zhai, and he hit the sword energy with a heavy hammer.

The fierce and violent giant sword energy instantly turned around and slashed towards Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling had a ferocious smile on her face. She flicked her left arm at the sword energy and smashed it into pieces.

Holding the knife in both hands, he attacked Kaido and killed him.

Kaido also roared angrily, and rushed forward with Hachisaiji in both hands.


boom—-! ! ! ! ! !

Violent lightning burst into the sky from the center of the island.

The island faintly collapsed, and the sea beat restlessly…


Early in the morning.

The island where the battle was fought has disappeared, and the two people on the two boats are heading in opposite directions.

The two finally negotiated a peace.

Charlotte Lingling recognized Kaido as the emperor, and Kaido will cooperate a lot with the Charlotte family in the future to compensate for the island taken this time. It seems that Kaido has made a profit.

But… Charlotte Lingling’s face was also full of smiles when she left:

“It’s all done.”

The children around laughed cruelly:

“It’s done, Mom.”

“Not a single one left.”

Before Charlotte Lingling could praise her, Kaido’s phone bug called.

After answering the phone, Kaido’s gloomy voice came:

“Well done….”

“Continue cooperation, but don’t appear in front of me again… Lingling.”

“Otherwise I will kill you…”

Charlotte Lingling smiled ferociously at the phone bug:

“Pirates are not as simple as you think.”

“I’ll teach you a lesson.”

“Don’t forget, on Rocks’ ship, I took you to play a pirate game.”



The voice of the bug hanging up the phone sounded over there…

Before the battle with Kaido, Charlotte Lingling…sent countless children to eliminate Kaido from the territory guarded by Jhin and Quinn.

Kill them all…

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