The first half of the Grand Line, just after nightfall.

The warship heading towards the New World was followed by a luxurious merchant ship.

The few people who have not been separated yet are all on the warship.

Barrett was on the deck of the warship, carrying a huge load and training with the soldiers.

In the cabin, Sakaski and Carroll sorted out the developments over the years.


Sakaski picked up the phone casually:

“I’m Sakaski, please.”

Enel’s gloomy voice came from over there, and the phone bug’s expression also became gloomy:

“Uncle Sakaski, I wanted to kill a pirate, but the phone bug that guy just took out…”

“That’s the Five Old Stars over there…”


North Sea, Roebke Island.

Enelu sat on a pile of wooden boxes with a gloomy face, his violent aura was unpredictable, and he held a phone bug in his hand.

The other hand pressed on Rosinandi’s wound to prevent it from bleeding.

Not far away lay various members of the Don Quixote family, all covered in charred black and losing their fighting ability.

Doflamingo had a broken arm and was lying not far away, breathing heavily.

Duan held a hung up phone bug in his hand and looked at Enelu with a ferocious smile. He had the handle on those guys… The moment the phone bug was connected, he had already survived.

Not far away, a group of navy soldiers quickly ran to Elnilu’s side and bandaged Rosinandi.

A pale child was next to Rocinante, crying and looking at them timidly.

General Hezhong had just gotten off the boat and rushed here quickly. He had just received a call from Wulaoxing.

Doflamingo was almost killed by Enel on the island.

The Five Old Stars gave specific orders to capture them alive. If they can be caught, they should be captured alive. If they cannot be caught, they should be released, but they must not be killed.

Although I don’t know why Wulaoxing gave such an order.

But… if Enel was accidentally killed, that would probably be very troublesome.

From the phone bug in Enelu’s hand, Sakaski’s voice came:

“You say you’re going to live.”

Enelu said a gloomy ‘hmm’.

Sakaski on the phone said indifferently:

“Since it only needs to be alive.”

“There are many crueler ways than killing him.”

“Prepare ten medics.”

“Crush that guy’s bones inch by inch.”

“Don’t let him die.”

“You have a companion or something, let’s kill him in front of him.”

“Keep those with Devil Fruit abilities and send them to the Research Department to be used as materials.”

“Meet me later and tell me the specific situation.”

“I’ll send him to Wulaoxing later.”

Doflamingo’s smile gradually disappeared as he was stepped on the ground, and that ferocious smile appeared on Enel’s face.

Enelu’s voice containing cruelty and murderous intent sounded:


The navy soldiers were summoned to bring a seastone handcuff and locked it directly on Doflamingo’s hand.

A hand grabbed his neck and dragged him until his knees and elbows were smashed in front of Vergo, who was wearing a navy uniform and collapsed on the ground.

Twisting Doflamingo’s head over:

“Let me take a closer look…”

He stepped over.



Starting from the calf, the bones were being crushed little by little.

After a while, his legs were like mud.

Looking at Vergo who was sweating coldly but still maintaining a calm expression and saying nothing.

Enelu smiled ferociously:

“Okay, okay, your bones are so hard, don’t say a word.”

“You have a very good sense. It’s really hard to spot an undercover agent like this, if all your subordinates are like this.”

“That would be fun…”

He grabbed Doflamingo’s head with one hand, squatted down, and smashed it directly into Vergo’s head.


The sound of someone’s skull cracking sounded…


The Grand Line, on the warship.

Carol was a little curious:

“Enilu, what are you doing?”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Going to save my little brother.”

“The adopted son of the Warring States Period, Rosinandi.”

Carol smiled and said:

“No wonder, I didn’t see him when I came back in the afternoon.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Don’t worry about them, it’s harmless.”

“Eighty percent of the branch heads in the Sihai branch have been replaced by our people.”

“What’s left is steady development. Raising and training troops, waiting for the decisive battle.”

“By the way, how far has the revolutionary army developed in the West Sea and Beihai?”

On the map on Carroll’s desk, several islands in the West Sea and North Sea were circled.


“The ideas of the revolutionary army have spread everywhere, and they are spreading relatively quickly on these islands.”

“Although there are more people who accept it, there are still very few people who take action.”

“It’s still not to the point where we can no longer survive. No one will raise their head to resist the country and the government.”

Sakaski nodded:

“This is normal, although the momentum of the Great Pirates Era has been temporarily suppressed by Operation Plow Court.”

“But with Kaido becoming emperor, many young people want to go to sea and make a name for themselves.”

“The remaining power of Operation Liting can only be sustained for two years, until Marshal Kong leaves.”

“In that world, more and more young people will go to sea every year.”

“All the pressure is put on the people who stayed behind, oppression, exodus, oppression, exodus, a vicious cycle.”

“Soon the revolutionary army ideology will become their life-saving straw, and then it will snowball.”

“There will be revolutions everywhere.”

“A war affecting the whole world is inevitable.”

Carol sighed:

“How tragic that would be.”

“By the way…how did you know that Marshal Kong was about to leave?”

Sakaski smiled:

“The Commander-in-Chief of the three armed forces survived the organ replacement surgery while he was in the Navy’s scientific research class.”

“I go to Punk Hassad for a regular medical check-up every year.”

“As the body’s function declines, it will be necessary to retire for another two years at most.”

Carol nodded:

“That’s it…”

“What to do next?”

“I want to run for marshal.”

Saraski said quietly:

“Forget it, let’s let Warring States bear the thunder first.”

“Just repay him for O’Hara’s trick on me.”

“After all, if I take office, I will destroy the pirates first or the revolutionary army first.”

“There’s simply no way to fix it all at once.”

“Only when the time is right, including those guys standing in the sky, they will all be caught in one fell swoop.”


Several secret documents on the desktop turned into crumbs and were swept into the trash can…


A few days later.

Grand Line, Lilga Island.

At the port where the ship was sailing, there were several pirates lying with their eyes open.

The surrounding vendors were already familiar with all this, and guards from two islands came running from a distance to collect the corpses.

Mihawk put away the knife indifferently and walked towards his boat.

Not far from his boat, an air cannon hit him from a warship approaching from a distance.

Just as he was about to hit his eyes, the black knife Ye on Mihawk’s back suddenly appeared in his hand and picked it up gently.

A small slash appeared, lifting the air cannon into the sky.


A circular explosion circle spread out.

The violent air currents were raging over the port. Except for Mihawk’s boat, which was shaking slightly, all the other ships were swaying as if they were about to sink.

Barrett stood on the guardrail at the front of the warship and laughed ferociously:


“Very clever swordsmanship.”

“With such a large-scale explosion, my coffin didn’t shake much, but the surrounding ships were shaken.”

Mihawk’s eyes narrowed slightly:


Barrett jumped down, hit the ground, and stood not far from Mihawk.

Several sounds broke through the air.

Behind him, several expressionless commando soldiers lined up on both sides. Barrett said with a sinister smile:

“Don’t let any of the pirates in the port go.”

“Everyone must die!!!”

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