Barrett finished his words, and the commando soldier behind him disappeared instantly.

He kept appearing next to the fleeing pirates, with blood splashing under the finger gun in his hand.

The vendors also fled in all directions for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

The only two people standing calmly in the entire port were facing each other.

Mihawk pressed his hat and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

“The long-lost strong man.”

“Navy, tell me your name.”

Barrett’s cruel whisper sounded:

“Remember, the person who killed you is named…”

“Douglas Barrett.”

Mihawk looked directly at Barrett:

“Joracol Mihawk.”

Uh-huh! x2

boom–! ! ! !

The blue fist collided with the black knife, and the air wave stirred up swept the ground.

Both of them had excited looks in their eyes.

“It’s ghostly.”

Mihawk was excited to see such a powerful ghost energy for the first time.

“It’s scratched.”

Barrett, on the other hand, felt the skin on his fist being scratched and felt excited.


The two separated.

Mihawk landed on the ground and moved behind him with the knife in both hands.

The dark aura instantly wrapped around the blade, and he swung it forward in a parallel motion.

The extreme sense of crisis stimulated his nerves. Barrett stamped his foot, and a huge boulder tens of meters in size exploded from the land in front of him.

He reached out and pressed forward, and the dark armed color instantly covered the boulder.

The Crescent Moon Slash that penetrated this part of the boulder was wasted halfway through.

The part that didn’t cut into the boulder cut through the sky, and the entire port and even the cliff in the distance suddenly split into two halves.

Barrett grabbed the boulder with one hand and jumped up!

Like a bowler, his powerful muscles directly dropped the boulder, which was dozens of meters in size and covered in armed colors, and hit Mihawk.

Mihawk held the knife with one hand against the black boulder and chopped it down with one stroke.

A green blade slashed into the boulder, and then several smaller green blades erupted, directly cutting the boulder into pieces.

It slashed towards Barrett with undiminished power.

Barrett turned his head slightly, dodged directly, stepped down, and accelerated towards the ground.


Barrett’s fist made a big hole in the ground. Mihawk jumped back to avoid it and slashed directly at Barrett’s neck.

Barrett, who was on the ground with one hand, twisted his body and kicked Mihawk on the side of the blade with a roundabout.

A dazzling bolt flashed past.

The mountain peaks in the distance are slowly falling down.

A few leaps and the two separated again.

Mihawk held the knife in both hands and slashed several times. The green slashes seemed to block all Barrett’s escape routes.

Barrett smiled ferociously, and the violent three-color domineering energy instantly merged into the ghost energy:

“King Luo Qian Tuo King Asura.”

The devil-like blue body suddenly grew in size, huge fangs sprouted from its mouth, and its shoulder bones and arms more than tripled in size, making it look like a giant ape.

Looking at the incoming slashes, he raised his thick palm and crushed it directly!

Seeing this scene, Mihawk’s pupils shrank, and then the dark aura on the black knife flowed rapidly, and he raised it high and moved it behind him.

The black knife in his hand seemed as heavy as a mountain. Mihawk used all his strength to swing forward and slash out in a circle.


A slight knife roar sounded.

In Barrett’s eyes, the huge slash was so high that there was no end in sight.

But he knew that this was due to the influence of Mihawk’s sword intent, and the actual slash was not that big.

Barrett’s grin continued unabated, and he aimed at the center of the ‘infinitely high’ slash in his eyes.

Put your hands together and raise them up, and insert them straight in!

A huge roar came, and the domineering energy at the tip of Barrett’s palm continued to compete with the sword energy, and his whole body was pressed and flew backwards.

When he was about to fly to the sea, the domineering energy on the palms of Barrett’s hands surged, breaking through the huge slash.

Then he turned his hands over and grasped one side firmly with his five fingers, with a ferocious expression on his face:

“Drink ah ah ah ah!!!”

boom–! ! ! ! !

The seemingly endless slash was torn apart by Barrett, split in two and slashed diagonally backward.

The sea carved two deep ravines, which could not be healed for a long time.

The blue figure rushed towards Mihawk like a sharp arrow.

Mihawk used a knife to hold Barrett’s fist, and he was pushed backwards and flew out:

“What a terrifying physique and domineering spirit.”

Barrett said cruelly:

“The swordsman who was able to hurt me last time.”

“It’s still the guy called ‘Pluto’.”

“But it’s a pity that I finally screwed his head off.”

Mihawk was expressionless:

“Then give it a try.”


They flew no more than a hundred meters apart, and the two of them hit the ground directly.

Barrett’s right arm was spinning and entangled.

Hit the ground with a punch.

It was as if there was an earth dragon walking on the ground, and waves of earth rising tens of meters high rushed towards Mihawk.

The black knife in Mihawk’s hand swiped forward from left to right, as if an invisible barrier appeared.

The blocked earth wave exploded instantly, and the entire port was swept by the dust brought by the huge explosion, and no one could be seen.

Barrett took a deep breath, his chest felt like a full balloon:


It roared like the thunder of an evil ghost and rushed out.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye shook the dust in the sky, and then rushed towards Mihawk crazily, and the port cleared instantly.

The dust in the sky was torn apart, and Mihawk rushed towards Barrett like a burst of black light. He was in front of Barrett in an instant.

Aim at Barrett’s roaring head and chop it off directly.

Although Barrett had no time to close his mouth, it did not affect other actions and he directly raised his right hand.

The sharp slash cut into Barrett’s palm, and after two seconds of stalemate, Barrett’s ghost mode was cut through, but it was crushed directly by Barrett.

He turned his palm into a fist and hit Mihawk directly.


It collided with the blade of the black knife.

However, the powerful strange force still hit Mihawk with a groan and flew backwards.

Barrett looked at the bleeding palm and became more and more excited:

“Enough, come again.”

As soon as he stepped on it, the ground cracked in a radius of dozens of meters, and he rushed towards Mihawk like an evil ghost.

Mihawk stabbed Barrett in various vital parts with a knife.

Even with such a tough ghost mode, the eyes are not as skin-like.

Barrett looked at the sharp sword energy thrust towards his eyes and had to dodge.

In an instant, several afterimages appeared on the knife and head.

Barrett’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he couldn’t avoid it. His thick arms and palms seemed to teleport.

In an instant, he clasped his hands and slapped the black knife blade, held it directly, grabbed it with his left hand, and pulled it back.

Mihawk’s pupils shrank sharply, but he couldn’t let go of his arms.

The turbulent breath poured directly into the black knife.


Barrett’s right fist instantly smashed all the ribs on Mihawk’s chest.

At the same time, the black knife that had been indoctrinated suddenly burst out with an extremely sharp sword light.

Fortunately, Barrett let go in time, otherwise the palm holding the black knife would have been cut off directly.

He shook off the blood on his palm, the wound was slowly healing, and he clenched his fist.

Barrett looked at Mihawk who coughed a few mouthfuls of blood not far away:

“The victory has been decided.”

The breath on his arms flowed, and the air around his body rushed out, as if the shadow of an evil ghost appeared behind him, rushing towards Mihawk.

Mihawk frowned and raised the knife to meet him. The broken ribs on his chest seemed not to affect his movement, and he continued to chop away with the black knife.

The port is slowly shattering, and the battlefield between the two is gradually moving deeper into the island.

Until evening…

A third of the entire island has disappeared.

There are broken earth and bottomless ravines everywhere.

Barrett’s body was covered with numerous stab wounds, and the dried blood coagulated on his azure skin looked extremely horrifying.

Mihawk’s left arm was broken, and only his right hand was holding the knife. He was half-kneeling on the ground, his chest was completely sunken, and he couldn’t help coughing up blood.

The broken bone fragments had penetrated deep into the internal organs, and even an indestructible will could not resist the body’s instinctive reaction.

He took a deep breath and stood up, his body still shaking slightly, and he raised the knife and pointed it at Barrett.

Barrett also put away his ferocious smile, with a solemn look on his face. A fatal blow can often explode with astonishing power.

It was the old guy last time, and I guess this one is also…

The two of them ran quickly.


An ordinary miss.

After they each took a few steps, Mihawk sighed softly:

“What a pity…”

I stroked the black sword with a little reluctance. I haven’t finished fighting with all the swordsmen in the world…


A fist-sized hole burst open in the heart, penetrating through the body…

Mihawk, die…

Barrett sighed with a ferocious smile:

“Knew it…..”


A huge wound deep into the bones appeared on his chest. He immediately exited the ghost mode and fell to the ground unconscious…

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