Grand Line, G8-Branch.

Jonathan stood at the gate of the base to welcome Sakaski’s return.

Looking at the piles of stone statues, he shook his head and said to Sakaski who got off the boat:

“Did you really fail?”

“That woman…”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Half the battle is won.”

“Where should you store these stone statues first?”

“After turning that guy into a weapon, these soldiers can be resurrected.”

Jonathan was a little confused:

“Transformation? Weapons?”

Sakaski moved his neck:

“That guy left me in a vegetative state.”

“Send him back to the naval scientific research class, and wait until the pacifist plan is successful.”

“Transform it into a robot, and the soldiers can be resurrected naturally.”

Jonathan took a breath of air:


“How can it still be like this?”

“What about the appointment of the Shichibukai?”

Sakaski said:

“It’s awarded to the entire country.”

“They were given three years to prepare.”

“In three years, build a line of defense at the edge of the calm zone.”

“It’s used to rob passing pirates. If you can’t do it, you’ll die.”

“It’s that simple.”

A trace of cold sweat ran down Jonathan’s head:

“You really have this way.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Okay, hurry up and arrange for people to remove these stone statues.”

“We have to leave now.”

“We don’t have professional equipment to die, so hurry up and send that guy to Punk Hassad.”

“Don’t die halfway.”

Jonathan did not dare to delay. After all, the lives of these petrified soldiers were also at stake:

“Hurry up!”


“Hurry up and finish moving!!!”

Soldiers rushed out of the base one after another and joined the moving army.

Jonathan sighed:

“There’s nothing we can do about it. I asked Jessica to prepare a table of delicious dishes.”

“I can only treat you to food next time.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“There are plenty of opportunities, don’t rush.”

The stone statues of more than a thousand people were quickly swept away by hundreds of soldiers.

Sakaski walked towards the warship, turned his back to Jonathan and waved:



A few days later.

The Grand Line, first half.

Windless zone, Nine Snake Island.

Six warships sailed into the port.

Grandma Ze led a group of young warriors to protect the country and waited.

On the warship.

A school officer walked up to the figure who was sleeping on the sun lounger:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan, here we are.”

Two seconds later, Kuzan’s figure suddenly sounded:

“Ah – we’re here.”

“Then unload the supplies.”

“Leave it to them.”

I climbed up from the sun lounger with difficulty, yawned, and walked to the guardrail.

Looking at the soldiers of the Daughter Kingdom who are constantly carrying supplies and equipment.

He regained his energy and said with some amazement:

“So many beautiful ladies.”

“The country of daughters.”

“What a great place.”

After leaning on the guardrail and admiring it for a while, I suddenly felt something:


“That is?”


The whole person jumped into the air and looked over.

Not only can you see it, but you can also sense that there are many Neptune species running towards this direction:


“With so many Neptunes, if they all attack us, it will be very troublesome.”


Stretching his arms forward, the cold air compressed in his palms rotated rapidly, aiming at the far distance:

“Ice Age”

The two strands of cold air rushed into the distance, freezing two infinitely extending icicles in the air, all the way to the very distant sea.

An iceberg suddenly appeared on the sea and continued to expand and expand.

It didn’t stop until it was nearly the size of Nine Snake Island, and the Sea Kings chose to avoid it after hitting this huge iceberg.

Green Pheasant’s whole body was covered with frost:


Breathing out a breath of cold air, he stood at the guardrail and looked down at Grandma Ye:

“I said….this lady.”

“Are attacks by Neptunes so frequent?”

We had already encountered several waves on the way here, so Aoki Pheasant was a little curious.

The mother-in-law was still shocked that a vice admiral had such strength. After hearing the question, she was stunned for a moment and quickly replied:

“No, Lord Marine.”

“It just started early this morning. I have been living on Nine Snakes Island for these years.”

“This is also the first time I have encountered such a continuous situation of Neptunes.”

Kuzan nodded and looked towards the direction of the attack:

“That’s it…”


The day before, the night.

The Grand Line, first half.

The country of music, Alegia, is located on the edge of the windless zone.

A grand banquet is being held.

Musicians gathered from all over the world are exchanging their own scores.

Laughter filled the entire palace hall.

Uta seemed to have come to a dream world, with beautiful singing and music everywhere.

He sang unconsciously.

And what no one has discovered are…the ruins deep within the island.

The moment Uta’s song sounded… countless streams of light lit up in the ruins.

A shabby roll of music rushed out of the ruins under the influence of an unknown force.

Following the pipes of the castle… I didn’t know when I appeared on the sofa in the banquet hall.

The moment the tattered music sheet appeared, Uta looked there as if he had something in his heart.

Walked over and picked up the sheet music:

“Tot Musica?”

Uta was a little confused about the meaning of this song title.

But after a quick glance, I felt it was a good piece of music, so I started singing along with the score…

The moment he spoke, an explosion of red light swept across the entire island.

King Gordon seemed to have thought of something and looked horrified.

Shanks, on the other hand, resisted the burst of red light and tried hard to see clearly the scene inside:



Countless people were thrown out, and a moment later the entire palace was engulfed in flames.

The surrounding seawater was surging uneasily, and countless fish began to flee the area.

A giant demon wearing what looks like a clown mask.

The ‘Devil of Song’ from the ancient legend of the land of music appears.

Everything on his body is made up of musical instruments, which are ordinary but extremely powerful.

Thunder, lightning and fire instantly ignited the entire island.

As if it was a divine punishment, the energy pillar accompanied by lightning swept across the entire island instantly from the mouth of the Demon King of Song.

Just a few seconds.

The stunned red-haired pirates were all in a panic.

The entire country, except King Gordon who stayed with the red-haired pirates.

All the residents died at the hands of the Demon King of Song, and all the buildings were turned into ruins.

King Gordon shouted at the devil of song with all his strength:


“Stop it!!”

“Don’t let it control you!!!”

But it had no effect, and even the Demon King of Song’s attention was attracted.

Benk Punch and Bendick Snake rushed out from behind Gordon:

“Get out of the way!”

Clang! Clang!

The Demon King of Song’s chest was filled with sparks, which had no effect, but it was blocked for a moment…

Shanks suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the two of them ducked away.

An astonishing overlord color swept across, and the Griffin in Shanks’ hand was wrapped in overlord color and swung towards the Demon King of Song.


boom! ! ! !

The huge sword energy passed through the body, and the body of the Demon King of Song exploded, twisting uncontrollably.

Just when it was about to dissipate, a ferocious demonic figure suddenly howled out from there and then disappeared suddenly.

Uta’s figure appears and falls…


Gordon sat staring at the fire, and Shanks came over:

“Feel sorry…..”

Gordon shook his head:

“Telling the Navy it was my fault.”

“I am the king…”

On the distant sea, several warships were approaching rapidly.

Shanks denied:

“No, it’s our fault.”

"I want to put Uta here,"

“Tell Uta for me that her songs are the best…”

“We went to be hunted by the Navy.”

“Help me train Uta to be the best singer.”

“Don’t tell her the truth…”

“In short… there is no sin in singing.”

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