Gordon looked at the determined Shanks:

“I see…..”

“The inheritance of all the music-loving residents of Alegia will be handed over to Uta.”

“I will definitely train Uta to become the best singer in the world.”

He raised his right hand as if to swear an oath, and looked at the leaving red-haired pirates and shouted.

Everyone who had already boarded the boat took one last look at the island.

There was reluctance in everyone’s eyes, Shanks looked at the island in silence.

He turned around and faced several approaching warships.

The long knife in his hand has a trace of red aura:

“Ya Le Damou!”


The next day.

Countless news birds flew in all directions, and the tragedy of annihilation caused by the red-haired pirates shocked the world.


East China Sea, Shuangyue Village.

Shigetsuki Koushiro drank tea with a gentle expression and looked at the two people making couplets in the courtyard.


With a crisp sound, a little boy with a green algae head was knocked to the ground by a little girl who was taller than him, ending the battle.

The little boy with the green algae head was a little unwilling:


Shigetsuki Koushiro smiled, took a sip of tea, and put down the tea cup.

Picking up the latest issue of the newspaper, flipping through it, he suddenly frowned:


“The entire population has been wiped out… This is truly incredible.”


Sea restaurant Barati, in the back kitchen of this restaurant composed of pirates.

Except for Sanji, the fourth son of Gaji who appeared here at some unknown time, everyone was shocked by today’s newspaper.

The fat chef Paddy, who was cutting meat, said while cooking:

“The country was actually destroyed.”

“What a lunatic.”

The thin chef next to him, who was cutting out the afterimage quickly with his knife, said casually:

“What a hopeless villain.”

“But he is a pirate after all.”

Zhepu, the chef and owner, walked in.

He picked up the newspaper on the chopping board and flipped through the page about the Alegia tragedy:

“That guy… used to be a crew member of the Pirate King.”

“It’s not surprising to do such a thing.”

“It’s really…”


The great sea route, just out of the windless zone.

A news bird came and landed on the warship. The captain on the Kuzan bought a newspaper and read it a few times.

I was suddenly stunned, almost speechless in shock…


“How cruel…”

The words “annihilate the country” are bolded in the title.

Behind the scenes, people in the entire country died violently.

He quickly ran to Kuzan’s sun lounger:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan!”

“What a big event!!!”

The loud shout woke up Kuzan without getting close.

Crawling through a gap in the blindfold:


“What’s wrong?”

The school official ran over in a panic and handed over a newspaper.

Kuzan took the newspaper and looked at the headline, took off his blindfold and sat up.

After a while, he said:


“It’s really terrible…to destroy the country.”

“Is this the reason for the Neptune class riot…?”

Looking at this news, I am shocked.

Kuzan also instantly thought of the reason why the Neptunes went berserk. He was stimulated by the domineering red-haired Shanks…


New World, Cake Island.

Charlotte Lingling’s figure has been seriously out of shape.

But it doesn’t affect her eating.

While he was eating like crazy in the hall, no one dared to disturb him.

No one dares to come forward until he is satisfied.

Seeing Perospero come in with a newspaper, Charlotte Lingling was a little curious:

“What’s the matter, Perospero?”

Perospero said respectfully:

“Yes, Mom.”

“About the remnant of the Roger Pirates, Red-haired Shanks.”

Charlotte Lingling showed a hint of interest:


He took the newspaper and started reading:


“Has that kid on Roger’s boat grown to this point?”

I saw the wanted notice in the newspaper clearly written:

“Red-haired Shanks.”



Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sengoku was sitting in the office, and Garp was sitting on the sofa below, not knowing what to think.

Looking at the report on the table, Warring States said in a deep voice:

“Elegia is destroyed.”

“The battle was fierce.”

Garp was not as off-line as before, and said in a deep voice:

“It seems like the redhead did it.”

Warring States glanced at him:

“It’s the Demon King of Song.”

Garp closed his eyes:

“The Demon King of Song… He’s gone too far.”

Warring States looked at the wanted notice on the table:


“Finally exposed his true nature.”

“Some of the recent inexplicable actions are very eye-catching.”

“Roger will cry… the redhead.”


On the warship that had just arrived at the Shampoo Islands.

Carol handed over a newspaper with a solemn expression:

“General Sakaski.”

Sakaski took the newspaper with some confusion and read it again.

His expression gradually became colder:

“You really have the same virtues as that trash Roger.”

“Destroy the country…..”

He couldn’t help but think of Roger who wantonly massacred thousands of troops on Kesia Island a few years ago.

Carol sighed:

“According to the internal investigation data, it is basically certain that it was the Demon King of Song who did it.”

Sakaski sneered:

“What is that? Have you heard of it?”

Carol thought for a moment:

“It seems… it’s a legend spread during the first half of the Grand Line.”


The newspaper in Sakaski’s hand turned into a fireball:

“Placing the responsibility on a vague legend?”

“Who is responsible for this investigation?”

Carol said:

“It’s the Warring States general.”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“That old thing…”


The Grand Line, on the warship Porusalino.

In a lieutenant general’s office, there was a sudden exclamation:



“He is worthy of being called the red-haired Shanks~”

Stoloberg looked helpless below:

“His nickname has nothing to do with his destruction of the country.”

“Lieutenant General Porusalino.”

Only then did Porusalino react:

“That’s right~”

He casually placed the newspaper in his hand on the table:

“By the way, what did you just report~”

Stoloberg’s brows jumped:

“It’s the Sun Pirates.”

“For some reason, it suddenly turned around and headed towards the first half of the Grand Route.”

Porusalino is a little strange:


“Then just keep an eye on them~”

Stoloberg was a little helpless:

“Lieutenant General Porusalino, we have been chasing him for three years.”

“The bosses are already very dissatisfied…”

Porusalino scratched his cheek:

“That’s it~”

“Looks like the happy vacation is about to end~”

“Then arrest them at their destination~”

He stood up and moved around for a while, then sighed:

“After all, those fishmen are as strong as monsters~”

“It’s very difficult~”

“It’s quite reasonable to pursue it for three years~”


Grand Line, Sun Pirates.

The fish-man navigator looked at the permanent pointer in his hand and sighed:

“Finally got it.”

“A permanent pointer to Krall’s hometown.”

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