Xiaoba said with a smile beside him:

“Klar, you can go back to your hometown.”

Krall lowered his head and kept stirring his index finger:


“It’s a little strange…”

Xiaoba laughed a few times:

“Hahahaha, it’s changed a lot.”

“It’s almost unrecognizable.”

“New clothes bought especially for you.”

“looks nice.”

The surrounding fish-men pirate crew members also laughed.

Tiger, on the other hand, looked calm and looked slightly at Aaron who was far away from everyone.

Xiaoba looked at the new haircut given to Krall:

“The hair is also newly cut.”

“In this case, your mother will also be very happy to see you.”

Krall was at a loss and didn’t know how to express it.

Suddenly he took out a rag from nowhere and started to kneel on the ground to wipe the floor.

Xiaoba jumped a little:

“You have to change your habit of working when you are troubled, Clar!”

“This isn’t Marigio!”

The ship’s doctor Aladdin shook his head:

“Let her be, Xiaoba.”

“Inner wounds are not easily healed.”

Xiaoba scratched his head:


Aaron, who was standing alone in the corner, suddenly said:

“It seems you understand quite a bit, brother Aladdin.”

He walked over with a ferocious smile:

“As expected, I was a slave before, so I can relate to it.”

“Actually, you really want to kill her right away.”

“This guy is just as human as the guys who raised you.”

After speaking, he squatted down with a grin and stretched his hand to the top of Krall’s head.

Tiger’s face darkened and he suddenly said:

“Stop it, Aaron.”

But Aaron seemed not to hear him, and said ferociously to Krall:

“Your parents also discriminate against fish people, right?”

Krall looked at Aaron in such a state and was so frightened that he could not speak.

Aaron stood up and shouted:

“Shark hahahaha!”

“That’s how humans are.”

“Thinking of yourself as the most perfect species in the world.”

“Children are also brought up in this self-righteous environment.”

“If no one breaks their sense of superiority.”

“This situation will never change!!!”

“You must have seen this in these three years of sailing.”

“The way humans look down on us and look down on us!”

The murlocs gathered around gritted their teeth…Aaron was right, they had seen too much in the past three years…

The evil smile at the corner of Aaron’s mouth widened a bit, that’s it…that’s it! ! !

Suddenly, Jinbei walked out:

“That’s just some people.”

“Other people aren’t like that, are they?”

The fishmen around were stunned, as if this was the case…

Aaron made a ‘cut’ sound and said calmly:

“Brother Jinbei…”

Jinbei ignored:

“I think that’s why they’re always afraid.”

With a plop, he sat next to Clar who was mopping the floor:

“I’m afraid…because we are pirates.”

“What’s there to be afraid of, Klar.”

Krall raised his head stiffly:

“Because… I don’t know anything.”

Then he lowered his head and wiped the floor…

Jinbei unconsciously remembered Princess Otohime’s mobilization on the island and murmured:

“Because I don’t understand, I’m afraid…”

Looking at Jinbei who was thoughtful, Aaron walked towards the cabin with a cold snort:

“It’s enough to have fishmen in this world.”

“Everyone’s brain is broken.”

“All low-level creatures like humans should be killed…”


A few days later.

Forchart Island, shore.

This is Krall’s hometown.

A small island located in the first half of the Grand Line is covered with plants that look like giant cacti.

Tiger took the lead to get off the boat and walk to the ground, looking at Krall who was at a loss on the stairs:

“Where is your village?”

“I’ll take you to the entrance.”

Krall laughed happily:


Run quickly to keep up.

Some kind-hearted members of the Fish-Man Pirates cried together:

“Oooh, Kral!”

“Don’t leave!!”

“Let’s travel together!”

“What a good boy!”

After getting off the boat, Krall reluctantly waved goodbye to them:

“I’ll tell the people in the village!”

“There are many good people among the fishmen!!!”

“Thank you everyone for taking care of me!!!”

Xiaoba shouted among the crew:

“You have to take care!!!”

Krall smiled happily, turned around and followed Tiger’s



Half a day ago.

On board the warship Porusalino.

Stoloberg reported to Kizaru:

“Lieutenant General Porusalino, they are almost docked and have reached their destination.”

Porusalino stopped trimming his nails:


“Are you sure~”

Stoloberg nodded and said:


Porusalino blew the powder off his nails:

“What a good opportunity~”


“Just lead the people past the ambush~”

“Arrest Fisher Tiger~”

Stoloberg said seriously:


Then he turned around and went out to make arrangements.

Porusalino looked at his newly trimmed nails:

“Hmm~ Not bad~”


Here, Tiger had just sent Krall back to the village.

His mind was still thinking about Krall’s words, and a smile flashed unconsciously at the corner of his mouth:

“I believe you too, Clar…”

“When you grow up, humans and fish people must…”


The sounds of countless guns being loaded were heard.

On the only way to the port, Stoloberg suddenly appeared with a group of soldiers and surrounded Tiger.

Fisher Tiger, who was surrounded, was in disbelief. How could it be…

Stoloberg looked at the shocked Tiger and said without much nonsense:

“I am Rear Admiral Stoloberg of the Naval Headquarters.”

“We received a report from an informant that the Sun Pirates might be coming here.”

“The condition for providing information is to let go of the little girl who is a Celestial Dragon’s belongings.”

“Captain of the Sun Pirates, Fisher Tiger.”

“You have two charges.”

“You should know better.”

“Attack and escape.”

Looking at Tiger who was unwilling to accept the betrayal, his face was ferocious.

Stoloberg raised his right hand indifferently.

Swing forward!

Bang bang bang——

Continuous gunshots and countless bullets poured towards Fisher Tiger.

His body was hit by countless bullets, and the pain brought him back to his senses.

Looking at the approaching navy soldiers.

Tiger’s infinite hatred seemed to break through the sky:

“Mlocculant Karate!”

“Tang Caowa’s right punch!!!!”

An invisible wave of air rushed out from Tiger’s body.

It surged towards the surrounding soldiers, and even the bullets shot in the air were held up by the airflow.

Swish swish——

Countless bullets shot back!

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