A few days later, early in the morning

The sea near Punk Hassad is covered with hazy fog.

The sun has just risen.

A huge warship sailed into the port, and Anilu sat on the guardrail bored and yawned.

As the warship docked, Eniro said hello casually:


“Brother Carol.”

Somewhat happy, I jumped down directly and went to the port.

Sakaski said softly.

Carol also smiled and nodded, sighing:

“Growing up too fast.”

“I haven’t seen him in a few years, and he’s almost as tall as General Sakaski.”

Enelu chuckled.

At this time, Rosinandi’s voice also came from the docked warship:

“General Sakaski, Major General Carroll.”

Sakaski nodded:

“How’s the injury?”

Rocinante said:

“It’s completely healed.”

“never mind.”

After saying that, he waved his hand behind, and groups of navy soldiers escorted several pirates down.

The people who were restrained by the sea tower stone chains were unable to resist and were extremely weak.

Sakaski glanced at the group of members of the Don Quixote family:

“not bad.”

“They’re all here.”

Enelu nodded:

“Well, all those with fruit abilities are here.”

“All those without fruit will be killed.”

Sakaski stepped forward and watched the tallest Pika reach out and strangle his neck.


The neck was shattered instantly, and the weapon penetrated into his cervical spine and destroyed the nerves.

The whole person collapsed and fell unconscious.

Four soldiers carried it into a cabin filled with green nutrient solution and carried it towards Research Institute 1.

Then he moved on to the next one…







boom! ! !

Suddenly, a surging overlord color containing infinite killing intent erupted from the warship.

Doflamingo shouted in a crazy voice:

“Stop it!!!!”

The body cuffed by the sea floor stone couldn’t lift the strength, but the ferocious face looked at Sakaski like an evil ghost.

Watching his family members fall one by one, he almost lost his mind.

He wanted to rush down, but was held down by the soldiers escorting him.

Sakaski held Gladius’s neck in his hands and looked at the figure on the warship.


He threw it casually towards the nutrition cabin prepared by the soldiers.

Sakaski frowned and looked at Doflamingo:

“What a nonsense.”

“How can a place like this be allowed to display overlord sex randomly?”


However, Enel next to him suddenly burst out with a domineering look and pressed towards Doflamingo to offset it.

He looked at Enel, who had awakened his overlord color at some unknown moment.

Sakaski showed a hint of interest:

“When did you wake up?”

Enel narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Doflamingo and said:

“When I went to rescue Rocinante.”

“Rosinandi was almost killed by this guy…if it had been a few seconds later…”

“I’m afraid… luckily I was saved in the end.”

Sakaski chuckled:


Looking at the soldiers on the warship:

“Take that guy down.”

He looked at Doflamingo who was still staring at him ferociously as he was being escorted in front of him.

Sakaski smiled:

“A pirate prisoner.”

“How can you be so arrogant?”

“What’s your confidence?”

Click! x 2

The two calves instantly fold forward 90 degrees from the knees.


The sound of bones tearing flesh was heard.

The white bones at the broken knee forcefully tore the muscles and penetrated the flesh.

Still waiting for its reaction.

A big hand wearing black gloves instantly strangled Doflamingo’s neck, preventing him from shouting.

Sakaski leaned forward slightly.

Looking at Doflamingo who was being pinched in his hand, his head was red and his veins were bulging:


“Can you tell me?”

Everything happened in a flash of lightning.

Rosinandi on the warship saw this cruel scene before he even had time to react.

Luo was also stunned and looked at Sakaski with some horror.

Rosinandi reacted, pulled Luo behind him, and shouted to Sakaski:

“General Sakaski! Wait!!”

“Can’t kill him!!!”

But I was also a little frightened.

In fact, except for some people who are really close to him and the hawks, Sakaski’s style is cruel for all to see.

Not only were the pirates afraid, but many people within the navy were terrified when they saw Sakaski.


For a person of Rocinante’s character, it took years of knowing him to suppress his fear.

But if he is provoked in person…this fear comes back to his heart.

Sakaski glanced at Rocinante, who instantly became stiff…

Shaking his head, Sakaski chuckled:

“Don’t worry, I don’t intend to kill him.”

“After all, someone up there wants him alive.”


He let go and threw his limp body to the ground.

Looking at Doflamingo, whose face was ferocious and full of hatred, and he was gritting his teeth and making no sound.

Sakaski stepped on the white bones of his knees and crushed them.

Looking at Doflamingo who remained silent, Sakaski smiled:

“I just like those with strong bones.”

Then the black leather shoes moved little by little.

Except for Carol and Enelu who were already used to it, everyone around them felt weak and frightened.

I saw the bones of Doflamingo’s limbs being broken bit by bit by Sakaski.

The sound of cracking bones was continuous.

Throughout the port, everyone fell silent…

I don’t even dare to take a breath…

After a long time.


The last shoulder bone was crushed.

He looked at Doflamingo, whose eyes were turning white, as if he had lost his mind, but still gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Sakaski nodded:


With a wave of his hand, he summoned the next group of soldiers carrying the nutrition cabin.

After waving their hands several times, the soldiers reacted and were about to lift their legs.

Several people all collapsed on the ground…

Sakaski frowned and kicked it directly onto the nutrition cabin.

After suffering a sudden impact, Doflamingo seemed to have regained some consciousness.

Several limp soldiers hurriedly stuffed it in.

Doflamingo was stuffed closer, and his body instinctively choked a few mouthfuls of water, but found that it did not affect his breathing.

Even the nutrient solution inhaled into the body is quickly repairing the body.

Sakaski walked over and looked at Doflamingo who was trapped in it:

“Don’t worry, this is nutrient solution.”

“It’s used to repair the body.”

“Go back and ask them to stuff you into the most advanced nutrition cabin.”

“This little injury will heal in one day.”

“It’s just a ‘little’ loss of life.”

“Continue tomorrow.”

“I want to see how strong your bones are.”

“In the days to come, you will know what is true.”


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