Sakaski’s indifferent voice sounded:

“Take it away.”

Several soldiers tremblingly carried him away.

The remaining few were also dealt with by Enel just now, and were thrown into the nutrition cabin and carried away as materials.

Sakaski then looked at Rosinandi on the ship:

“There’s more.”

Rosindi was stunned for a moment:


Sakaski raised his eyebrows:

“Then come down.”

Only then did Rosinandy come back to his senses:


“Let’s go, Luo.”

He directly picked up Luo, who had weak legs. Luo looked confused:


“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

He was carried by Rosinandi and jumped directly from the deck of the warship.

The moment he landed on the ground, he collapsed directly on the ground and couldn’t help shouting to Rosinandi:

“You are an idiot!!!”

“So high! Jump down suddenly!!!”

Rosinandi reacted:

“Ah! Sorry!”

Suddenly a large shadow covered Luo.

Luo turned around and saw the shadow of Sakaski’s tall figure covering him.

Swallowing, he unconsciously grabbed Rosinandi’s trousers.

Sakaski looked at Luo:

“This is the kid who ate the fruit worth five billion.”

Rosinandi said somewhat sarcastically:


After all, he snatched this fruit privately for Luo to eat.

Moreover, the source of the information was obtained from his adoptive father Sengoku. To a certain extent, it was considered a backstabbing of Sengoku.

Although Warring States later took responsibility for the failure of the transaction, and did not blame him.

But deep down, I still felt sorry for Warring States, and I felt a little guilty when I mentioned this matter.

Sakaski shook his head and smiled:

“Don’t worry, Sengoku won’t blame you.”

“Children will always be naughty.”

“Sengoku’s feelings for you are not as good as the fruits.”

“Don’t think too much.”

“There’s not much to see on the island.”

“In terms of medicine…”

“You can go to the Third Research Institute and have a look.”

“The scientific researchers there are studying biological anatomy of bacteria and the like.”

“There should be something in common.”

“I’ll let Enelu lead you there later.”

Rocinante nodded:

“Thank you, General Sakaski.”

“Get up, Luo.”

As he spoke, he leaned down and pulled Luo up.

Luo also stood up and imitated Rosinandi, thanking Sakaski.

Sakaski said softly, turned around and left with Carol.

Enelu smiled evilly:

“Let’s go.”

Luo, who had just stood up, was picked up again…



Rosinandi smiled helplessly:

‘shave! ’

Rushed to Research Institute Three.


Research institute three.

As soon as he entered Research Institute No. 3, Luo, who was a little dizzy, was stunned.

As far as the eye can see, there are huge jars neatly arranged, with half an iron jar below and glass above, filled with nutrient solution.

Countless creatures of all kinds sleep in it.

Luo even saw a lot of weird humans…

Looking at this place that looked like an evil organization, Luo stuttered in shock:

“This this……”

“Are you really a navy?”

“This is too…”


Enelu played Luo and his head went crazy:

“What are you thinking about?”

“Most of the creatures here are cultivated based on cells.”

“There is no life.”

“Just for analysis and recording.”

“As for those people, they are all garbage at sea.”

“Every human life on your hands is worthy of the death penalty.”

“This is the only value they can contribute to the world.”

“Death in the experiment can be considered as atonement.”


Rosinandi appeared at the entrance and looked at the stunned Luo:

“Why don’t you go in?”

He looked at Enelu with some doubts, and Enelu turned his head to the side twice to signal:

“Maybe… I can’t accept it.”

“Weren’t you like this before?”

Rocinante looked at the huge jars:

“That’s it…”

I scratched my head, indeed…

When Enelu led him here, it was hard to accept it.


When Enelu showed him the crimes committed by those who were experimented on.

He even felt that… dying while doing experiments… was too cheap for them!

“Let’s go, Luo.”

“They are all heinous pirates.”

You don’t want to see these shocking crimes. ”

“The three institutes have gathered together the best group of biological and bacterial scientists in the world.”

“Most of it is biological and bacterial research.”

“You can learn from it and learn by analogy.”

The matter of the experimental tank was instantly forgotten, and Luo’s eyes lit up:


For Luo, who has loved learning since he was a child, he can’t wait!

Rosinandi smiled:

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to find them.”

Leading Luo deep into the laboratory:

“Brother Enelu, aren’t you coming?”

Enelu waved his hand:


“I’m going to find that bastard Caesar.”

When I think of this Enelu, I feel angry.

He asked Rocinante afterwards.

After the virus was activated, it did not spread at all. Even if he escaped with the elephant sword, he was still quickly caught up.

If Xiang Jian hadn’t blocked a few shots, he could have escaped for a while.

I really can’t stand Enelu’s arrival.


Enel disappeared instantly.

He didn’t transform into thunder and lightning…after all, the scene of the last time he blew up the laboratory was still fresh in his mind.

Not long after…

In the deepest part of the laboratory, earth-shattering screams and wails rang out.


A laboratory full of high technology.

The surrounding scientific researchers stayed away.

Watching the two people in the middle.

Caesar’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and Enel sat under him:

“Damn it!”

“What’s going on!”

“Give me a reason!!!”

“Thunder bastard!”

Enelu snorted coldly and threw out the pendant:

“This thing of yours doesn’t work at all.”

“Give me the fake one, huh?”

Caesar, who was pinned down by Enelu, jumped directly:


“You can question my character!”

“But you can’t question my scientific research results!”

Reach out for the pendant and press a small button to instantly activate it.


A burst of compressed gas was released, their pupils shrank sharply, and Caesar instantly closed the button.

Caesar shouted:

“Everyone leave! Close the laboratory!!!”

Until everyone, including the two of them, ran out.

After closing the door and turning on the air purifier, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Caesar held the pendant and looked at Enel:

“Asshole! Isn’t this easy to do!!!”

Enelu’s face darkened:

“You mean I lied to you.”

Caesar hummed:

“Tell me the specifics of what happened.”

As Enelu described, Caesar’s face gradually darkened… He discovered the cause of the problem:

“Okay, no need to say more.”

“I know what the problem is.”

“It’s the temperature…”

“A common problem with most bacteria.”

“Bacteria multiply faster at higher temperatures.”

“If the temperature is right, it can sweep over an island in a short time.”

“But the inspiring scene was on an island at more than ten degrees below zero…”


He turned to look at all the experimenters under his command:

“Everyone! Stop what you’re doing.”

“Study how to make bacteria multiply at low temperatures!!!”


Late Night, Punk Hassard.

Nearly a hundred meters deep underground in the center of the island…

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