Sakaski chuckled:

“Don’t say it’s empty, I don’t plan to keep the ones from the headquarters.”

“Planning is the most uncontrollable thing.”

“We don’t even know what the government’s cards are right now.”

“You can only make the most foolproof plan.”

Vegapunk smiled and said:

“It’s really neat and tidy.”

“It makes up for the combat power.”

“If we kill them all, there will be a lot of vacancies.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“It doesn’t matter, as long as Barrett is there.”

“When the time comes, give him the multiplied fruit.”

“With his domineering power and physique, all abilities are increased a hundred times.”

“Don’t say it’s Garp.”

“I’m tough enough to beat him.”

“Let him be the mountain that suppresses the world, and no one can climb it.”

“The rest is up to you.”

“Technology is the primary productive force.”

“Arm the navy as quickly as possible and crush the entire world.”

“Completely smash this garbage system that has lasted for thousands of years.”

There is no way, this is not a world controlled by ordinary people.

This is a world of extraordinary power.

In the history of One Piece’s world, going back as far as possible, the destroyed Tree of Omniscient was over five thousand years old.

Alabasta alone is four thousand years old.

But to this day, it still exists.

A monarchy has existed for more than four thousand years without collapse.

Science and technology have not developed, and the system has not changed. What we were four thousand years ago is what we are now.

Unscientific things hinder the advancement of historical evolution.

At the top of the world are strong men who can destroy islands and break mountains into seas.

Seriously restricted development.

In this context, trying to achieve equality for all seems like a joke.

To ordinary people, those pirates who have eaten Devil Fruits or have strong physiques are just like citizens of the motherland.

And it’s unabashed.

Things like pirates and fruits must be eliminated and controlled.

As for those so-called gods, royal family, nobles, institutions, etc.

Once you get rid of that small group of people, everything else won’t be a problem.

The whole world will be cleansed under the powerful artillery fire of the future navy…


The next day.

Luo, who had just gotten up, couldn’t wait to find Rosinandi.

I want to study three more.

Rosinandi got up with difficulty, with two big dark circles under his eyes and a look of regret.

Yesterday, I stayed up until midnight with Luo and the group of researchers.

It was dawn before I had slept for five hours.

How did this little brat manage to be so energetic? ! !

Rosinandi complained ferociously in his heart.

He said listlessly:

“Luo, it’s too early.”

“Those scientific researchers haven’t gotten up yet.”

Luo said confidently:

“It’s working now!”

“I asked yesterday. There is nothing else on the island. They usually only sleep for four hours.”

Rosinandi slapped his palm directly on his face, feeling helpless…

“Okay….I’ll wash my face.”

Turn around and walk to the bathroom.

Luo nodded excitedly at the door:

“Yeah! Hurry up!”

Rosinandi turned around and bared his teeth and shouted:

“So annoying! Kid!!!”


It’s nearly noon.

Enelu, who had nothing to do, lazily showed up at Research Institute Three.

Looking at Rosinandi with two big black eyes:


“Hey, this is new makeup.”

“This is not the time to be undercover. There is no need to disguise.”


Rosindi was a little broken:

“I’m sleepy!!!”

“You didn’t just wake up! Damn it!!!”

Enel stretched his body:


“of course not.”

“I just gave your brother an electrotherapy treatment.”

“Now he’s lying in the nutrition cabin again.”

Rocinante sighed slightly.

Enelu rolled his eyes:

“There’s no need to pity him, he’s so confident.”

“I guess he knows some secret.”

“The government doesn’t dare to touch him now. He will probably be locked up until he dies of old age.”

“If we don’t charge some interest now, we will have no chance in the future.”

“Who has no problem living in jail every day?”

“Live your own life.”

“Where’s that kid?”

Rocinante looked towards a nearby laboratory.

Through the glass, you can see a kid who is not tall enough for someone else’s legs. He is busy here and there, asking questions:

“That it.”

“I don’t know where he got such energy.”

“I was pulled over at first light.”

Enel looked at it and smiled:

“Just like me before.”

“have a future.”

Rosinandi smacked his lips:

“Then how about throwing it to Punk Hassad and taking it with him.”

“After a few years of study, I will become a top doctor in the world.”

Enilu held his forehead, a little helpless:


“You can’t think of things beyond your head…”

“Let Punk Hassad go, you are hoping that he will die soon.”

“This place is nothing like the Navy Headquarters.”

“In addition to scientific researchers, they are also navy soldiers.”

“And there are a bunch of CP personnel, and most of the navy soldiers are trained by the government.”

“You stole that fruit from the government.”

“Maybe as soon as you left, that kid disappeared mysteriously.”

“Honestly let him stay at the Navy Headquarters for a few years, and then let him out when he grows up.”

“At least no one dares to blatantly rob people at the Navy Headquarters.”

“The last guy who caused a scene at the Navy Headquarters.”

“It’s still the golden lion.”

“The head has been screwed off by Uncle Sakaski.”

Rosinandi smiled coquettishly:

“That’s it…”

Enel sighed:

“It’s true…you were quite stupid when you were a child.”

“But it’s still acceptable.”

“Now that I have grown up, I find…”

“You’re not stupid…you’re completely clueless…”

“The levels of disconnect and idiocy are getting worse.”

“I think it’s necessary to ask Mr. Vegapunk to replace you with a mechanical brain.”

“At least you won’t have to worry about making mistakes.”

After saying that, he looked at Rosinandi with sadness.

Rocinante was so frightened that she quickly shook her head in refusal.


A few days later….

On the warship leaving Punk Hassad.

Looking at the transfer order in his hand, Sakaski set sail back to his headquarters.

Because the World Conference is about to be held.

The headquarters issued a summons order to recall all generals who currently have no missions and some whose missions are not heavy.

Started to escort the ships of kings from all over the world.

After all, every time there is a world conference, there will always be some crazy pirates ambushing the only way to Mariejoia.

I want to win a higher bounty to satisfy my vanity…

As Punk Hassard faded from view.

Sakaski returned to the cabin.

He took out the device and the box of audio storage that looked like screws, and sighed softly:

“15 years…”

He shook his head and shouted outside:


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