The voice over there was a little clearer:

“Oh? No.”

“forget about it.”

“By the way, let me remind you.”

“The people from the government may not have told you when they assigned you.”

“But King Shichibukai is just a dog of the government and navy.”

“Take care of your own people.”



The sound of hanging up the phone rang.

Jinbei’s eyes widened and he clenched his fists:


The breath on his body surged, and several combatants with keen senses on the ship woke up instantly.

I rushed to the deck, but no enemy was found.


The sound of pushing the door sounded.

Jinbei’s breath had already restrained at this time:

“It’s okay, let’s go back.”

Looking at Jinbei walking out holding a phone, they looked at each other:

“Brother Jinbei?”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the wasteland at the back of the mountain, Enelu was fighting with a purple-haired young man.

The aftermath of the battle was controlled within a certain range.

The two are about the same height, but Enel’s body shape is more even, while the purple-haired young man is stronger, but not bulky.


The purple-haired young man struck where Enel was.

Enelu’s figure slowly dissipated, turning into an afterimage.


Sharp thunder sounded from behind him.

Enelu’s arm was like a lightning spear, stabbing the purple-haired young man in the head.

The purple-haired young man raised his elbow and hit him without looking back.

The armed-colored elbow knocked Enelu’s arm away, grazing his ear.


Punch apart.

Just hearing a sizzling sound, Enel’s figure appeared at the edge of the field:

“I won’t fight anymore, it’s boring.”

“You can’t let go, and you’re too stable.”

“All-round development, no shortcomings.”

“How did General Zefa train?”

The purple-haired young man smiled:

“Maybe it’s because my father has stricter requirements.”

“Many people can’t stand it.”

Enel thought for a while:


“Everyone has a different perspective on their own development.”

“When I was in school, I often refuted General Zefa.”

The purple-haired young man said:

“Father just doesn’t want tragedy to happen to the students…”

“So it’s been very harsh.”

Enelu sighed slightly:

“What a tragedy…”

“By the way, how old are you this year?”

“You were just that old then, but now…”

“You must have grown up a long time ago, why haven’t you boarded the ship yet?”

The purple-haired young man smiled bitterly and said:

“It’s 23.”

“Father thinks I’m not strong enough.”

“You still have to train for a few more years.”

Enelu shook his head:

“It’s really…”

“But don’t worry, Uncle Sakaski has already gone to see General Zefa.”

“Maybe it can be done.”

“And there is a gift for you.”

The purple-haired young man’s eyes flashed with anticipation:



Navy Headquarters, Headquarters Academy, Principal’s Office.

Morris sat on the huge desk, picked up the tea, blew in the hot air, and looked at the two of them.

Zefa sat on the other side of the sofa with his arms folded and looked at Sakaski confidently:

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you, Sakaski.”

“I won’t be convinced by you.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Don’t worry, let’s take a look at this thing first.”

As he spoke, he pushed the box on the coffee table towards Zefa.

Morris also became somewhat interested and stretched his head to look at the box.

Sakaski slowly opened the box, and a Devil Fruit printed with irregular lines appeared.

Zefa picked it up and looked at it:

“It’s superhuman.”

Morris shook his head and put the tea cup to his mouth. A superman…

Watching Morris drink the tea, Sakaski chuckled and said:

“Superman type – Piao Piao Fruit.”


The sound of tea squirting sounded, and Morris looked at the fruit in shock.

Zefa also looked at the fruit in his hand with some surprise:

“You mean…?”

Sakaski nodded:

“Yes, that’s it.”

“My predecessor’s ability user was the fluttering fruit of Golden Lion Shiji.”

Morris took a breath of cold air:

“Why are you here?”

“Although you were the one who beat him to death…but this…”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“At that time, the Golden Lion died in Rogge Town, and the Devil Fruit was reborn in the East China Sea.”

“When I was in the East China Sea, I was ‘discovered’ by a small pirate group.

of. ”

Zefa’s face straightened and he said:

“No, this fruit is too valuable.”

Pushed the fruit back.

No matter how much he disagrees with his son eating the fruit.

But when faced with this kind of fruit, I still can’t help but feel excited.

After all, regardless of the value of the Devil Fruit itself, Golden Lion was able to become a legendary pirate, and the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit accounted for a lot of credit.

The fluttering fruit is not of the regular type, but of the rules type.

You can make yourself and the objects you touch float “free from gravity”.

Yes, that’s “getting rid of gravity.”

The Golden Lion once floated dozens of islands thousands of meters above the sky for several years, relying on this extremely outrageous rule.

There is no need to worry about how much physical energy is consumed, and you can even control the water to float.

If the Golden Lion were more crazy and destroyed one island after another, many people would probably die.

After all, touching an island can turn it upside down…

Sakaski shook his head and pushed back:

“It’s not for you to eat.”

“It’s up to him to decide whether to eat or not.”

“He has great talent, and you have guided him since childhood.”

“I know what you’re worried about.”

“It’s nothing more than worrying about not being able to escape when encountering a strong enemy.”

“That’s why I keep it close to me.”

“I’m thinking about letting him go when he’s almost strong enough.”

“But the eaglet also has to fly.”

“I’m already 23 this year, when do you plan to tie it up?”

“25? 30? 35?”

“We won’t let him go until he has the strength to become a general.”

Zefa was a little silent… What Sakaski said was correct, but he just didn’t want to face it all the time…

After all, he joined the navy at the age of 14 and was already fighting pirates when he was 18.

And his son is now 23, and he has never been out of his sight for fear of something unexpected happening.

The pain of parting…he didn’t want to experience it again…

Sakaski sighed:

“The starting point is good.”

“But for children, this is not a burden.”

“What you’re worried about is safety.”

“This fruit can give you no worries.”

“With the floating ability of Piaopiao Fruit, it only takes a few seconds to travel several thousand meters.”

“The only pirates who can catch up on the sea are the top ones.”

“Let him train with Eneloo for a few years in the early stage.”

“We can form an air superiority fleet by then.”

“It is most appropriate for him to lead it.”

“Zefa’s physique, the golden lion’s ability, and the navy’s control fleet that covers the sky.”

“This picture…think about it.”

Zefa was slightly lost in thought, staring at the fruit in front of him…

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